/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Cook Everything Vegetarian 2e Format: EPUB3, KF8 Last modified: 24 July 2017 Modified by: Rebecca Springer, rebecca.springer@hmhco.com /* Fonts */ @font-face { font-family:"Bulmer"; src : url("../font/BulmerMTStd-Display.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"Bulmer"; font-style:italic; src : url("../font/BulmerMTStd-ItalicDisplay.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"FreightSans"; font-weight:300; src : url("../font/FreightSansProLight-Regular.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"FreightSans"; font-style:italic; font-weight:300; src : url("../font/FreightSansProLight-Italic.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"FreightSans"; font-style:normal; src : url("../font/FreightSansProBook-Regular.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"FreightSans"; font-style:italic; src : url("../font/FreightSansProBook-Italic.otf"); } @font-face { font-family:"FreightSans"; font-style:italic; font-weight:500; src : url("../font/FreightSansProMedium-Italic.otf"); 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line-height:1.313; margin-bottom:.5em; } .Recipe-yield, .Recipe-time { /* p */ font-size:0.8em; font-weight:500; line-height:1.333; } .yield-head { /* span */ font-size:0.833em; font-weight:600; text-transform:uppercase; } .Recipe-icons { /* p */ font-size:0.625em; font-weight:500; line-height:1.133; margin-bottom:.75em; } .headnote { /* p */ font-family:"FreightText", serif; font-size:0.771em; line-height:1.5; } .Recipe-ingredients { /* li */ font-size:0.729em; font-weight:600; line-height:1.371; margin-left:1em; text-indent:-1em; } .ing-list { list-style-type:none; max-width:26em; padding-left:1em; } .sub-ing-list { list-style-type:disc; margin-top:0; } .sub-ing-list .Recipe-ingredients { /* li */ font-size:.9em; margin-left:1em; text-indent:-.25em; } .Recipe-procedure { font-family:"FreightText", serif; font-size:0.771em; line-height:1.5; } .Recipe-variation { /* p */ font-family:"FreightText", serif; font-size:0.771em; line-height:1.5; margin-top:1em; } .var-leadin { /* span */ font-family:"FreightSans", sans-serif; 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