James Fletcher
House of Chen Shipping
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
To the Devils That Dwell in My Mind,
I cannot help it. I cannot stay away. I try to resist the urge, but I cannot. I go to her place. I watch her dance. I watch her sing. Watching her perform, her face radiant with joy, it tears me apart.
I cannot stand it. Although I do my duty to the House of Chen, my mind always goes back to her.
I saw Ravi on the docks today, selling peanuts. I bought some and they were good. He appears to be doing quite well.
Pig and Whistle was lettered on the side of the cart. I can imagine who did that and where it was done. There is a large pot in the center of the pushcart, with a scoop. Larger amounts are sold in crudely sewn bags made out of feed sacks. Smaller amounts are put in cones made up of cut-up newspapers.
I shamelessly pumped Ravi for information. “Yes, Memsahib has many friends—most friendly with mens—sing and dance most pretty. She friendly with everyone.”
I’ll just bet she is . . .
J. Fletcher