Getting Started

Before you start writing code, it’s good to initialize a project directory on your file system. While there are a variety of build tools and editors for Clojure, all of them expect the root of the project directory to contain a definition of the project, to have a directory containing all of the source code, a directory containing all of the test code, and so on.

We won’t need all of those—for our purposes we just need a src directory that will hold a single file of source that matches its namespace:

 $ mkdir -p src/hangman

With that sorted out, create the default source file (src/hangman/core.clj) in your Clojure editor of choice. Add the namespace declaration:

 (ns hangman.core)

You should also ensure that you have a REPL running in the context of this project. The exact procedure for that will vary depending your editor, so we won’t provide instructions for that here. If you want a REPL at the command line, you can start one by running clj.

Now, you’re ready to start working on the application.