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The alphas were impressive and overwhelming. Reese had grown up around betas mostly, also some omegas, and it certainly was a different experience.
The three alphas who’ve called him to serve them were just... beautiful. Tall, broad-shouldered, intimidating, with wild hairdos and the symbols of their clans branded on their necks, as much as one could see from their unbuttoned jackets.
And especially one of them... the one who came and grabbed him and dragged him to their table... Wow. Reese could still feel the imprint of those steely fingers around his forearm, could smell the spicy alpha musk, could see those intense dark eyes under the fall of hair...
Reese had been slick with arousal as he’d stood at their table, as he’d run away to fetch everything they required.
As the beautiful alpha had demanded Reese be his Boi, his butler.
“Alpha... I’m honored.” Reese bowed deeper.
Honored and scared half to death, but he was amazingly lucky, really. He’d stressed since he’d arrived at Howl Academy about how to fund his stay here—his scholarship only covered the Academy fees—and now he was offered a way.
If the alpha wasn’t cruel. If he didn’t try to force himself on Reese. He’d heard horrifying stories.
And it still wasn’t enough to kill his arousal.
“Good. It’s a deal, then,” the alpha said, a note of deep satisfaction in his voice. “I’m Tiberius of Clan Crescent. Now come.”
Reese went to kneel at his feet and the alpha’s big hand landed on Reese’s hair in a brief acknowledgment, the weight comforting.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” the pale-haired alpha sitting beside Tiberius said. “Didn’t you just say you didn’t want a Boi?”
Reese blinked. The alpha hadn’t wanted a paid manservant? Then why had he demanded Reese’s service?
“I changed my mind, got a problem with that?” Tiberius drawled. His voice was so deep and rough, it tickled Reese’s skin, raised the fine hairs on his arms. Made him want to crawl closer, lay his head in his alpha’s lap.
His alpha’s? God, what was wrong with him?
Shivering, he waited for the alpha to give him something to do. That spicy scent all around him had him clenching and needing inside, his hole hot and wet. How weird. He’d only been in heat a couple of times, and it felt different. It didn’t feel like he was in heat, rather that he was... in lust.
How embarrassing.
He only hoped nobody would notice.
Serving an alpha wasn’t easy. Tiberius of clan Crescent was demanding—a spoilt wolf who liked his Scotch and smokes at any time of the day or night. Reese needed to focus on his studies, but how could he when Tiberius kept calling him in the middle of the night, demanding Reese join him in the salon or his room, bringing along everything Tiberius decided he needed, from sweets to pillows and lamps?
The alpha obviously couldn’t even wipe his own ass on his own.
That’s one fine ass, though...
And Reese was fucked in the head. Letting his body’s needs override the annoyed little voice in his head. He did need the credits, though, so maybe that was for the best. What he needed to do was keep his head down and do whatever was asked of him. If he made enough to live on and managed to pass his exams, he was set. His uncle had spent all he’s made at the tournament to help Reese, but that money had quickly run out. Now it was up to Reese to get his diploma and make his way in life.
He was grateful to the handsome alpha for taking him in his service. Moaning and complaining about the hours was stupid.
So don’t be stupid, Reese, he admonished himself as he ran to grab bottles of gin for the gin and tonics Tiberius and his buddies wanted tonight. Show that you’re grateful. Thank the ancestors’ spirits for giving you this opportunity.
Besides, Tiberius really wasn’t hard on the eyes...
Shaking his head at himself, patting the money Tiberius had given him in his pocket, Reese hurried to the Academy gate, showed the guard standing there Tiberius’ alpha privileges card, also on loan, and made it out of the Academy grounds. He took the familiar path to the nearest liquor store, and entered, nodding at the store owner.
Age didn’t matter when you were an alpha. So many advantages, so many privileges, and Tiberius used his status to get booze and cigars.
Suppressing a sigh, Reese showed the card and money, and asked for all he’d been tasked with buying.
Remember, he told himself. Gratefulness. No bitching and moaning.
Got it.
The seller nodded at Reese, familiar with him already, barely glancing at Tiberius’ card before loading the bottles and boxes in a bag and handing it over. Money exchanged hands, and Reese made his way back to the Academy.
He was tired. His back hurt and his legs and arms felt heavy from today’s physical exercises, his brain tired from the classes. Tiberius had roused him from deep sleep to do his bidding and he weaved a little on his feet. He needed coffee. And something sweet. A pity he had to save every penny of what Tiberius gave him to pay for his room and his meals.
And thank god for that extra income.
Hurrying through the empty Academy corridors, he reached the alphas’ wing and showing the magical card to yet another guard, he entered and took the fancy elevator to Tiberius’ floor.
Black spots swam in his eyes as he exited into the carpeted hallway. Leaning for a moment against the wall, he took some deep breaths until his sight cleared.
Then he walked to number five and knocked on the door.
Waiting for the alpha’s beauty and power to punch him in the gut, like every time.
“Come sit with me,” Tiberius said, grabbing the bag from Reese’s hand and hauling him into the room. “We have an argument we need resolved.”
“An argument?”
“A question.”
Reese had no choice but to hurry after Tiberius, his hand engulfed in the alpha’s bigger one. He stumbled a little as they entered the sitting area, seeing the amount of bottles already on the low table, and Marcus and Nero sprawled on the sofas, bare-chested, big muscles gleaming.
Thinking about it, Tiberius was bare-chested, too, and oh god, his smell...
There went the punch to Reese’s gut, getting his dick hard and his hole slick. Sometimes he doubted he spent any time not aroused anymore.
The so-called “room” was actually a suite, a small apartment with a living room and kitchenette, as well as a bedroom and bathroom. Heavy drapes hid French doors that opened onto a small balcony overlooking the lake.
The drapes were open tonight, letting in the cool breeze, but it was still warm. Reese’s light tunic stuck to his skin, wet with sweat, and as Tiberius plunked him down on the huge sofa, he felt his throat closing as all three heated alpha gazes fell on him.
God, but all three of them were so handsome.
None like Tiberius, though. As the powerful alpha sat down beside him, Reese felt heat radiating through him.
Attraction. Arousal. Desire. Need. Craving.
Sweat dripped from Reese’s temples, soaked the back of his head, the space between his lean thighs. His cock leaked, same as his hole.
And Tiberius was looking at him with that fire in his dark eyes that Reese couldn’t interpret. Was he angry with Reese? Or was he thinking of something else?
“So here is the argument...” Tiberius said.
Right. The argument! That was what the alpha was thinking, not Reese.
God, damn, Reese, you’re an idiot. Why would an alpha like this one want a pathetic poor omega like you? These guys could have any beta or omega they wanted—guys from the best, richest clans with a dowry of estates and companies. Not like you.
Clan Saber was proud and known for its courage, not its money. Fortunes changed with the wind. Reese’s uncle would probably be horrified to know that Reese was now a Boi for an alpha. But pride can’t feed you, sadly. Neither can past acts of courage. Nobody remembers tournament winners, or even heroes.
Memory is fickle.
Hunger is the devil.
“So what do you think?” Tiberius was saying, and Reese blinked.
Oh shit. He’d missed what Tiberius had said, and all three alphas were looking at him, obviously waiting for a reply.
What to do?
Um... “No,” Reese said.
Three pairs of eyes blinked owlishly at him.
“Really?” Nero muttered. “Huh. Who would’ve thought.”
“Not me,” Marcus said, pouring himself amber liquid from a bottle. Whiskey from the smell of it. “You sure, Reese?”
“Um. Yeah.” Reese was starting to feel real uneasy about this conversation. “Why?”
“Oh, no reason.”
Tiberius was still staring at Reese. It was starting to freak him out. What had he said no to? Why was it so bad?
“Well...” Tiberius finally said, unscrewing one bottle and raising it in a toast. “Good for you.”
God damn it. Reese watched the alpha take a long swig directly from the bottle, his unease mounting. What the hell had happened?
“I should go,” Reese said. “Leave you to it.”
“Don’t go yet,” Tiberius said and reached for him, tangling his fingers in Reese’s hair. “Just... fuck.” He leaned toward Reese, eyes closing. “God damn, you smell good.”
Heat seeped into Reese’s face. Did Tiberius mean it? “But...”
“Go,” Tiberius said, drawing his hand away and shaking his head. “Shit, go. I don’t need you anymore tonight. Scram, shrimp.”
Reese scrambled off the sofa and was out of the room as quickly as his feet could carry him, his heart pounding.
What had that been all about?