Hoarder versus minimalist quiz

The hoarder versus minimalist quiz

I confess I have a somewhat ambivalent relationship to serious decluttering. I have done it in the past to feel lighter, thrown something I should’ve kept and replaced it. Minimalists say we should choose one sentimental item that captures who we are and throw out the rest. However, the choice comes really comes down to personal preference and space available.

A lot of my favourite homes are full of the landmarks of life, they’re the ones I feel comfortable in and am able to really relax in, but that’s me. I love stories and I love houses that tell stories about the people who live there. However, several of my nearest and dearest only really relax in spick and span, minimalist spaces.

Most of us sit on a sliding scale somewhere between a showroom home and one worthy of being on a hoarder reality television show.

What sort of space are you happiest in?

1. What are the spaces you feel most comfortable in?

2. Think about the home/homes you grew up in. How did you feel about them? Do you still feel the same?

3. Have you thrown out something and regretted it later?

4. Do you genuinely enjoy cleaning? Does it give you a kick? Or is it something you do for the result? Or do you resent it?

5. What is it about your home that makes you smile?

6. What is your dream home?

7. Do you feel happy with the amount of stuff you have?

8. Are you able to care for most of the things you own or are there neglected things that you simply don’t have time for?

The answers to these questions should give you a clue to how you would like to deal with your home and give you a sense of the ideal space for you. With all that in mind, let’s tackle the items around the front door, in the hallway and living room.