About the Author

Sharon Heath writes fiction and non-fiction exploring the interplay of science and spirit, politics and pop culture. A certified Jungian Analyst in private practice and faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, she served as guest editor of the special issue of Psychological Perspectives, “The Child Within/The Child Without.” Her chapter “The Church of Her Body” appears in the anthology Marked by Fire: Stories of the Jungian Way, and her chapter “A Jungian Alice in Social Media Land: Some Reflections on Solastalgia, Kinship Libido, and Tribes Formed on Facebook” is included in Depth Psychology and the Digital Age. She has blogged for The Huffington Post and TerraSpheres and has given talks in the United States and Canada on topics ranging from the place of soul in social media to gossip, envy, secrecy, and belonging. She maintains her own blog at www.sharonheath.com.
