


Many friends and family members have encouraged me throughout my writing career, and I’m especially grateful for those who have supported me through the writing of my first novel. My critique partner, mystery writer Debbie Rasure, was an invaluable source of support, encouragement, and wisdom. My friend (and fellow tea lover) Joy Breedlove quickly volunteered to be a beta reader, and I so appreciate her constructive criticism and helpful comments.

At Red Adept Publishing, my editor, Neila Forssberg, was an absolute delight to work with and taught me so many things that not only made this book better but that will also, I suspect, improve the following ones. My Red Adept mentor, author Karissa Laurel, has been another voice of encouragement, although hers sounded, early on, like this: “Finish your book already!”

My biggest and best cheerleader is forever my husband, writer Alex McRae, who made some great suggestions to improve this book. I don’t suppose most writers have a spouse who is a writer as well, but I’m so fortunate that the man I love is also a man who writes.

This book is dedicated to my firstborn niece, Madison Horton, and Emma Madison’s last name honors her. Madison, please remember that when your mother occasionally tells you that you should have been my child, she means it as a compliment. I’m sure she does. Also: We are not bossy. We have leadership skills.

Finally, a little blog about teatime that I started in 2007 has grown into something much, much more, and today my Tea With Friends readers remain a great source of support and encouragement. I hope they all will prepare a delicious cup of tea as they read the story of Emma and her friends, some of whom were inspired by some of them.