
How they came to me

When I was a very little girl, I would stand squarely on our back veranda, which faced east and look out at the glorious clouds in the morning, afternoon, and anytime that I was on my way to the backyard to play. I would look up into the sky, and take in the enormous variety of clouds when they appeared. Being Melbourne, in Australia, which suffers from quite heavy rainfall, they appeared often. Even as a wee tot my mother would put me in the garden just by the coloured sweet peas along the fence planted lovingly by my father, who was an avid gardener. I loved it out there in a sixties bouncing baby basinet, I bounced away as I wobbled, my growing little legs getting stronger; until eventually I could walk, enjoying both the clouds and the mature coloured sweet peas, by then almost to the top of the fence providing a kaleidoscope of colour.

I remember looking up into the endless sky, and feeling that those clouds were places I could actually go to, and developed an urge to work out how to get there before I could speak.

Not really knowing that I’d just come from ‘there’ to get here, it became my earliest fantasy and my earliest ambition, before walking or talking those clouds had me fascinated! With their ever-changing moods and vacillating myriad of changes, my mind was hypnotised with their beauty and mystery.

I was certain, standing on that back veranda later as a four year old, when I could walk and run that the clouds were a place where you could walk and then keep walking, and even pick the most interesting ones to climb! This fantasy happily continued until I was around five years of age, and once able to speak took the conversation up with my mother. You see, I thought everyone could go there. My very practical, no nonsense mother straightened me out quickly to the fact of weather and wind and water and clouds and I never thought about them quite the same way again, until I found my Angels.

How I began to experience them

The first experience that memory serves was while we were driving in a car in the sixties, and somehow we swung around a corner. I would have been around six at the time, and I put my hand on what I thought instinctively was a handhold, which turned out to be the door handle of the car. If my Aunt, who was in the backseat with me, had not grabbed me when she did, I would have simply fallen out of the speeding car at an intersection with heavy traffic.

I remember seeing the bitumen of the road speeding in my view and being totally disoriented as to up or down momentarily. I know that there was a quiet invisible hand of help that time in saving me just before my Aunt grabbed me, from most certain injury or worse.

Prayers and prayer feedback came into play.

Once I became a little more familiar with their energy, I noticed my faith in them grow as a young woman, and quietly found myself doing, (perhaps as instructed) small rituals when I would hear of someone who was ill or going through some tribulation. One of these was to light a little tee-light candle for the person with their name written on a piece of paper at the top, the date, and the type of help needed. I would ‘loan’ them some of my Angels for a period to help them along and get through their difficulty.

To my astonishment this always worked. My faith grew rapidly in the small but very real service that any of us can do with something as simple as a candle and a prayer directing the energy of the Angels toward hardship. Anyone’s!

This worked equally well on strangers as well as people I knew, and often I would receive feedback from friends on how well the people mentioned in these little prayers were either recovering or changed in circumstances fairly rapidly.

I kept going and still use this practise all the time, so part of this book is to share not only my experiences, but especially to give you the opportunity to use this book for sincere contact with your own. By working with your own Angels and the ones in this book, it is the intention of the author to bring to your life the faith you need to climb any of your own personal mountains (or clouds), in assisting others who may be having a little trouble looking up.

Quietude in soul

Before you begin your connection with your own Angels, find a quiet place in your home. It is preferable that you eventually only use this space for your quiet time to connect with yourself, God, Goddess, all that is. Whatever you believe in. No matter what way you experience it, this space is where you will go every day, or whenever you feel the need to ‘connect’ with Source.

Ritual of Candle Lighting

Have candles and something ready to light them with, ready. You can decorate this place with fresh flowers or a scented oil burner. I find rose oil a particular favourite of my Angels probably because it assists in opening the heart chakra to loves’ presence. The scent of roses is also connected with Mary Magdalenes’ energy.

You may wish to use Lavender, as this is a great space cleanser as well as providing you with a calming mood before you begin.

It is intended by using the book that your own Angels will become familiar to you, and be of comfort to you when you or someone you know or care for, are in need of light.

There are no rules to working with your Angels, except for clarity of mind and a sincere heart. Your intention will always answer your guidance, so it is a very practical idea to be as centred about your intention as possible, and use visualisation to help you.


This is as simple as taking a few relaxing breaths to clear your mind, and emptying it of all thoughts, then visualising the intended person or the things you are blessing with your Angels’ energy and then clearly sending that message from the heart. Imagine the person or thing done i.e. the healing already occurred and see the person smiling and without fear.

My most important experience of their Healing Powers.

The certainty of their existence in most branches of history is unprecedented, and it is my belief now, absolutely that they exist among us, around us, with us at all times with unfailing love, if only we could become more still and aware of their guidance and presence.

Recently, I went through a potentially fatal illness, and in my hospital ward one night my Angels appeared, singing an old favourite forties song of mine, swaying with my spirit, urging me to recover and restoring my soul. That one visit strengthened me in a time of great need and some of the most difficult physical challenges I had ever faced.

The next day from the window of that same ward, a giant rainbow appeared in the sky, my verification that my angels and my clouds were still with me and urging me to have faith to move forward and past my illness by showing me the greatest healer of all – hope. Moreover - it worked. I did recover slowly, and gradually my spirit was restored and so my physical health to some form of quality of life. I know now and attribute this help to being open enough to sense my Angels rushing to my assistance with overwhelming Love to urge me on to recovery. They were indeed messengers.

When I first came through the worst of my therapy in hospital, my psychic vision had increased remarkably. I could also hear with greater clarity than ever, perhaps because I had not ever been this quiet in my entire life, which meant I was listening.

My vision around people was very clearly whatever colours were going on in their auric field, and let me tell you – some energies I witnessed were not what was what they presented physically.

These sharp definitions in auric fields and my sensitivities to them at the time were remarkably helpful in defining who may be the most productive visitors to have around at the time. When you are ill or in an extraordinarily weak physical state, I believe God gives you that extra sight to ensure you can recognise which energies you may want near you at the time. As many people feel energy (some more-so than others), it makes sense that when you are in a weakened state you need to be a little more cautious about what types of energies you may be able or unable to tolerate. You also absorb certain energies, and in a weakened physical state, your rate of absorption goes up. So definitely ensure that the energies are giving rather than borrowing your energies, which most people do subconsciously. Having done some metaphysics work, prior to my illness; over a period of 15 years really helped me help my Angels to make contact now most important to my own need for healing.

This work is indeed what I owe to them and the least I can do in gratitude of them having faith to restore me. It is with the greatest hope that by sharing these beautiful Angels with you or someone you love, that this hope is passed along in the same way all spirit experiences restoration.

May your own Angels bring you whatever you need at all times and introduce you to the loving Angels in your life, waiting only for your invitation to recognise their presence.

Good is God with an extra ‘o’.

My belief is that all symbology, inclusive of the words you are reading now, are philosophically merely a chain of ideas forged over time and influence. From many languages, symbols and histories, which we absorb into our lives in accordance with our original tribal teachers, our parents, we then expand with our own experiences and cultures throughout the course of our lives.

Indeed, inside each of our cerebral cortex’s are 100 trillion neural connectors at work at all times, especially so in the mystery of healing. With this great gift, we all have Angels. This appears to be just another sense to me, or anyone who has any Angelic experiences.

They are there, whether acknowledged or not, to guide, safeguard and help us discover the reason we are here.

So have a heart and an open mind as you enjoy these Angels, as they wish to transmit only Love to all, and to reconnect you with your own great Angels who have been watching over you all this time.

To me the word good is just God with an extra ‘o’. When you take a moment to think of your associations with this word, you will notice a small but subtle shift in the way you feel. This is more than merely the power of positive thinking, it is a DNA strand that remembers the word and all its’ associations throughout time. Indeed the word’s origin is that of Godliness:

Godliness the condition or quality of being Godly

In my mind, we may as well have put an infinity sign between the g and the d, as it would accurately describe the symbology of moving ahead in the most prominently positive emotional landscape. Even Goodbye contains God perhaps seen as a later interpretation of ‘God be with you’, a very old saying still used today.

Most certainly we would all love God to be with us all the time. The fact is that he/she/all that is in the Universe is ‘with’ us all the time. We are the testimony of all our fathers’ fathers and mothers’ mothers’ right back to the beginning of humanity on this planet, and even further back to star seed.

Therefore, whatever star seed you are made of, it makes sense that this travels ‘with’ you from lifetime to lifetime to lifetime, no matter what form your matter takes. It is my belief this part of us travels with our eternal soul.

The rest is up to us all to distinguish by our choices, and summoning the very best of our soul or spirit to ensure we live our lives to the fullest, with the wonderful vehicle called the body as an assistant vessel to attain our full spiritual growth.

So, with this understanding we all can be, no matter what the challenge or the difficulty, knowing that everything can change in the blink of an eye, better able to bless all that we are so fortunate to experience.

The people in our lives are the reflections of what we need to overcome or know within ourselves. They are our teachers. Understanding this, helps to ‘know thyself’ in a new light. A light filled with knowledge and curiosity with the fascination of all we are so fortunate to know of our lives in one short lifetime.

So from my own original star seed come my ‘88 Angels’ to you, whoever you are, whatever your journey; may they remind you of your true worth in this vast Universe of all possibilities.