I feel very fortunate that my stories continue to delight my readers. I couldn’t do it without your support, and I thank every one of you who has supported me.

For those of you who don’t know, I also write under another name.

S J Crabb.

You will find my books at where they all live side by side.

As an Independent Author I take huge pride in my business and if anything, it shows what one individual can achieve if they work hard enough.

I will continue to write stories that I hope you will enjoy, so make sure to sign up to my Newsletter, or like my Facebook page, so you are informed of any new releases.

With lots of love and thanks.

Sharon xx

(M J Hardy)

Ps: M J Hardy is a mash up of my grandmother’s names. Mary Jane Crockett & Vera Hardy. I miss you both so much & wish you knew this chapter in my life. One of my fondest memories is sitting in my grandmother’s rocking chair by her gas fire, reading her collection of Mills & Boon books when I was about 12 years old. I wonder what she thought of that – I dread to think!

Check out my other books

The Girl on Gander Green Lane

The Husband Thief

Living the Dream

The Woman who Destroyed Christmas

The Grey Woman

Behind the Pretty Pink Door

The Resort

Private Island