First, look at the way the signs are divided up. Each fits into three different categories, known as genders, elements, and qualities.
Each sign of the zodiac is either masculine or feminine. These descriptions have nothing to do with the sex of the person concerned. Some astrologers prefer the terms positive and negative; others refer to yang and yin. We use the standard astrological terms of masculine and feminine in this book. No matter how you choose to describe them, the signs alternate in the following order.
Masculine-sign people are usually interested in what is going on in the world. They like to get around, they have a lot of friends, and they like making new ones. They're not highly emotional people and can take a detached, objective view of most circumstances.
Feminine-sign people are generally very involved with their homes, families, and close friends. They are not much interested in “the outside world” and are more likely to be disturbed by domestic matters than by political events or world affairs.
As with everything in astrology, these descriptions are not written in stone, and you'll find that there are exceptions. Don't be surprised if you meet reserved and retiring Leos, outgoing Virgos, and lots of others who don't conform to type. There are reasons for such exceptions, but they belong to more advanced astrology books. One very useful book on such exceptions is called Unlock the Zodiac, by Sasha Fenton.
Each Sun sign also belongs to a second category, the elements, which are fire, earth, air, and water. These groupings mirror the energies fundamental to each Sun sign, as you will see below.
Notice that all fire and air signs are extrovert (masculine), while the earth and water people are introvert (feminine).
All three of the fire signs—Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—thrive on attention. They're positive, creative individuals who are full of enthusiasm, but be warned—they have a short fuse if they're stressed, tired, hungry, or unhappy, though this mood soon passes. If you're looking for an ardent lover, choose a fire sign.
Aries is a born leader whose motto could well be “Me first.” These are the people who instinctively take charge of any situation, and few question their assumption of authority. They're usually very capable and decisive, but they may get bored if things don't move as quickly as they'd like them to.
Leo likes to be in charge but in a slightly different way from Aries. Leos are often found in managerial posts in large organizations. Their autocratic attitude gains respect from their subordinates, who are usually too dazzled by Leo's charisma to question his decrees.
Sagittarians differ from the other two fire signs in that they tend to be less dictatorial. These people get what they want in more subtle ways. Often found as key figures in religious or educational situations, they are very concerned with the fate of the world—a trait they share with the air sign Aquarius. Philosophical Sagittarians can seem a bit aloof if you're looking for demonstrative affection, but they are well intentioned.
The earth signs—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—are probably the most levelheaded people in the zodiac. They adopt a realistic attitude to any situation, and they are seldom fazed by emotional issues. This doesn't mean that they are cold or indifferent. On the contrary, when faced with any problem, they immediately adopt a down-to-earth approach to solving it. If you're seeking a lover who will look after you through thick and thin, choose an earth sign.
Taurus is loyal, reserved, and attentive. Taurus lover's emotions run deep but are seldom shown, so don't expect them to make pretty speeches or write love poems. Taurus's particular talent lies in managing money and material resources. They won't run into debt and can be relied on to provide a comfortable family home, whatever their circumstances. Taurus partners won't often blow their tops but when they do—take cover!
Virgos can be extremely introverted and are slow to voice emotional needs. These people are perfectionists, never accepting second best, and will spare no effort to live up to their own high standards. They will certainly expect you to do the same. Although probably financial wizards, Virgo lovers won't spend a fortune on glamorous gifts and expensive trips. They 'll be too busy planning a secure future.
No matter what they undertake, Capricorns are capable operators. People born under this sign often head up a large and successful undertaking. Some of them prefer to have their own small business, which will run like clockwork. Capricorn partners will expect you to run their home with equal efficiency—and economy. They're not demonstrative, but if they are happy to be with you, they are reliable. If they are not entirely happy, they can keep an affair going outside the home for many years without you even being aware of it.
All the air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—are intellectually bright in one way or another. They're sociable people, popular, and respected in business and in their private lives. Communication comes easily to them, so if you choose a partner born in an air sign, you'll never doubt their depth of devotion.
Gemini has an original turn of mind and can often produce solutions to complicated problems. These people rely on plain facts and enjoy explaining them to others. They're inquisitive and will want to know all about you and your life, past and present, as soon as you meet. Gemini partners will probably talk too much, so you won't have a quiet life, but what they say is always worth hearing.
Librans come in several different types. Most of them are trustworthy, pleasant, and easygoing, but some can be lazy and reluctant to accept responsibility. This type can end up as a complete dropout. Others can be so ruthlessly ambitious that they're impossible to live with. If you choose a Libran lover, be careful to select the right type. That way, you'll have an agreeable, comfortable, if routine sort of life.
Aquarians are very concerned with the state of the world and human-kind—but en masse rather than as individuals. They're very bright and love to discuss their ideals, but you may find their detachment something of a problem. They won't hesitate to break a date with you if a peace rally or something similar claims their attention. Aquarians are exciting lovers, if you can cope with their unconventional lifestyle and unpredictability.
Most of the water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—can be highly intuitive or even psychic to some degree. All three are intensely emotional and sensitive, though they display these qualities in different ways. They're devoted to their families and friends, but still expect to have their own way most of the time. In fact, some water signs can be extremely demanding—and you may find your watery partner too possessive for your taste.
Cancer characters are easily hurt, and they tend to brood darkly about real or imagined slights. They make much of their devotion to their families, but they can often be extremely selfish—a fact that they deny hotly. These people are shrewd cookies who have a clear idea of the value of money and material possessions. If you take a Cancerian lover, be prepared to cope with mood swings. They easily become depressed—but a little TLC and flattery can soon coax them around.
Scorpio natives are deep thinkers, imaginative, and intuitive. Once they make up their minds about anything, they're unlikely to budge. They won't argue, but neither will they accept defeat. They'll just bide their time to achieve their aims. At the same time, these people are sensitive and helpful to others. Scorpio partners may not be easy to live with, but any misfortune will bring out the best in them.
Pisces could well be described as the most watery of all the signs. People born under this sign are intensely emotional and tend to drift aimlessly from one relationship to another. Somehow, the cake in the bakery window always seems more appealing than the one they already have. Pisces subjects are excitable and can be secretive, but they're determined people not easily distracted from their chosen path. Choose a Pisces partner and your life could well be chaotic or a series of dramas—but it will never be dull.
The three qualities—cardinal, fixed, and mutable—represent the last of the divisions.
Traditionally, those born in a cardinal sign are supposed to be the self-starters of the zodiac, the people who come up with all the bright ideas. We're not too sure about this. We've often noticed that if a cardinal sign comes up with a brilliant scheme, he leaves it to others to put his ideas into practice. All four signs within this group do like to be the center of attention, but they achieve their aims in different ways.
Aries is always at the front of the line, Cancer gets what he or she wants in more roundabout ways, Libra uses his or her charm to good effect, and Capricorn just keeps plodding along. However, whatever method they use, each of the cardinal signs usually manages to get his or her way in the end.
These people are totally convinced that no matter what needs to be done, their way is the best. You may employ tact, sweet reason, wiles, or temper tantrums, but they remain convinced that they are right. Even if they appear weak in some way—financially, emotionally, or health wise—they use their apparent handicaps to manipulate any situation to their advantage. However, cardinal signs have one outstanding virtue—they inspire others to greater achievements.
It will come as no surprise to learn that fixed-sign people tend to be set in their ways and often very stubborn.
Taurus is possibly the most unyielding of the fixed signs, Leo tends to be vain but is tremendously determined, Scorpio is outstandingly tenacious, inclined to persevere rather than give up, and Aquarius can be a little overbearing in his or her efforts to maintain the status quo.
Fixed-sign people are the ones who endure a bad marriage or a job they dislike for far too long, simply because they hate change and like to see any undertaking through to the finish. They may agonize and moan for years but do nothing about it. However, when the end comes—and it invariably does—they will make drastic changes quickly and suddenly. Sometimes, they simply walk out—and nothing will induce them to reconsider their decision. They've had enough and often go on to make a completely new life for themselves. If you choose a lover from a fixed sign, remember not to push him or her too far.
Mutable-sign people tend to be versatile and changeable. They're very difficult to understand and can be indecisive.
Gemini can talk his or her way into or out of any situation, Virgo hates to be pressured, Sagittarius tends to exaggerate everything, and Pisces can be moody and oversensitive.
Mutable signs find it difficult to be decisive about anything. They all believe that variety is the spice of life, and they love to be on the move. New experiences, places, jobs, and people are essential to them. If you take a lover from one of the mutable signs, don't expect your lover to be faithful. Mutable-sign people mean what they say at the time that they say it—but that was yesterday. Accuse them of unreliability and, true to their mutable tendencies, they'll talk their way out of it. Life with the mutable signs may be erratic, but it's never boring.