
March 21 to April 20


Gender: Masculine/Extrovert

Element: Fire

Quality: Cardinal

Ruling Planet: Mars


On the day that you were born, the Sun was in the fire sign Aries, the first of the zodiac. You are therefore a force to be reckoned with—a masculine cardinal sign ruled by the planet Mars and with the ram as its symbol. If you have any enemies, they will find you a potent and determined adversary.

Aries Characteristics

Your greatest objective in life is to win. You hate to lose, whether you're playing tiddlywinks with your grandchildren or you're involved in a multimillion-dollar deal.

Aries is the sign of new beginnings. You're a great organizer, but others may think you egotistical, constantly rushing in to take charge. You feel compelled to complete any job at full speed and at all costs, but if you don't get the results you want, you'll stop leading and start delegating. In other words, you'll leave all the dirty work to your subordinates, and move on to new pastures.

What You Look Like

Ariens are usually of medium height and build. Mars is your ruling planet and you're extremely active, so you may be one of the fortunate few who don't put on weight as you get older. However, some Aries people do gain weight because they love to cook and eat desserts, cakes, and cookies. Whatever your race, and regardless of your basic skin color, you're likely to have a reddish or bronzed appearance, with thick hair and deep-set eyes.

You probably love buying expensive new clothes, whether you can afford them or not. Most Ariens are very concerned about the image they project to the world and so love to spend money on their clothes and appearance. You may not store your clothes properly or change before doing a messy job, so you throw more serviceable clothes away than most other zodiac types do. Anyway, ruining a garment gives you a wonderful excuse to buy something new.

Some Ariens are extremely good-looking. Even if you're not, you are likely to be attractive because of your lively attitude and the cheerful smile that is never far from your face.

Aries in Love

You have a truly awesome capacity for concentration, and this can be one of your greatest assets. However, as a true Arien, you will never be so single-minded that you don't have time for amorous distractions. On the contrary, you will probably break quite a few hearts before you settle down, and you will almost certainly form some short-lived but sexy relationships.

Ariens are more likely than most to fall head-over-heels in love when the right partner comes along. Don't allow your passionate, impulsive nature to draw you into an affair that is more lust than love. Consult the stars before entering into any commitment.

You will probably fall in love a thousand times before you decide to settle down. When this does happen, you will be steadfast, reliable, and faithful. In return, you'll expect your partner to be waiting with open arms when you come home. This doesn't mean that you'll want to put on your slippers and watch television, because you'll want to whisk your partner off to some new adventure.

Typically, you're impulsive and impatient; these qualities are sure to affect any partnership you may form. You like to lead, you can be assertive or even aggressive in your approach, and you expect your partner to follow. You are unable to understand why your partner can't see things the way that you do. You're not above using some rather dubious tactics to get your own way—on the premise that the ends justify the means. Reason and diplomacy are foreign to you.

Your zest for life is considerable, and woe betide anyone who tries to put out that fire. You jump at the opportunity to try anything fresh and interesting, even if it's only going to a new restaurant for dinner. Your inability to accept advice is one of those down points that occasionally lead you into trouble, but it's no good telling you that—you're not listening.

Your Career

Most Ariens work for large organizations, often schools. You have a natural love of words and language, which could lead to a career in writing, advertising, or public relations. Some Ariens are politically adroit, an aptitude that serves them in good stead in any type of business. You're at your best when you are doing the organizing and everything is going smoothly. Typically, Ariens are exceptionally capable and never hesitate to take on the most daunting assignments.

Your Health

As far as your health is concerned, you are a strange mixture. You will endure serious illness and intense pain without a murmur, yet get quite worked up about a slight cut or some minor ailment.

Aries rules the head, which includes the brain. You, more than any other Sun sign, are likely to suffer from migraines. Be aware of the possibility of head injuries, caused through accident or your own negligence. As luck would have it, you will be the one to suffer a blow to the head if you're not wearing your hard hat when caving, climbing, riding, or even working. You have been warned! More Ariens fall on their heads than land on their feet.

Stress is usually something you take in your stride, but be careful because Ariens do sometimes succumb to stress-related ailments and even mental problems. Take heart, because if you do become sick, your positive approach to life will ensure that you will cope with illness much better than the bearers of other signs.

What You Look for in a Partner

Because no Arien suffers fools gladly, you need a partner whose intelligence will match your own. Patience and a tolerant nature will be essential if that partner is to cope with your impulsive, and sometimes erratic, behavior. On the rare occasions that you're feeling depressed or unwell, you'll expect understanding and sympathy in abundance—plus more practical consolation, like a double Scotch and a cool hand on your fevered brow.

Demonstrative affection is essential to you, and you will certainly demand fireworks in the bedroom. In fact, the sex life of many Ariens continues well into old age, depending, of course, on an equally sensual partner.

Three Compatible Signs


Gemini is the sign most likely to be compatible with Aries. Geminis will never bore you and will always be supportive and encouraging when you get yet another brilliant idea. On the rare occasions when you feel in the doldrums, they will probably suggest an interesting or exciting outing to divert you.

Do realize, though, that your Gemini lover will probably be a worrier who will obsess about things that you consider quite trivial. Overall, an Aries-Gemini relationship has a lot going for it and is likely to be highly successful.


Aquarius has lots of common sense, and that's a quality you may lack to some degree. These people also have a good sense of humor—and, let's face it—anybody living with Aries must be able to see the funny side of life. Your Aquarian partner is unlikely to bore you, because you'll never know what he or she is going to do next. You may not find this so amusing, though, when your partner suddenly spends the mortgage money on a designer dress or an expensive car. Their concern for humanity en masse may cause a few disagreements because you'd prefer them to concentrate solely on you. Aquarians like their own way, and if they don't get it, they can resort to hurtful sarcasm. The Aries-Aquarius relationship is likely to be somewhat tempestuous but, with goodwill on both sides, it can be successful.


Your Pisces partner will be a true romantic and is likely to live in a fantasy world, so don't expect this individual to share your concern with the realities of life. Pisces women are most definitely not domestic goddesses. Their homes tend to be chaotic, but their loving nature and unfailing loyalty more than compensate for erratic mealtimes and unmade beds. They need their own space and can be secretive. When they're deeply involved in some fantasy or another—on television, in a book, or even in their own mind—they'll expect you to cope with the chores and leave them alone. Overall, an Aries-Pisces partnership can be surprisingly successful. It just needs a fair bit of give and take—though who does the giving and who the taking is difficult to define.

Where to Find Your Partner

Geminis have many interests, but they're not very keen on hard work. They love to pass on information, so you may find them as a reporter for your local paper, in a law office, as a teacher, or even at a tourist information bureau. They're clever with their hands, so look for them at craft clubs or evening classes. They're talkative, so debating societies or amateur dramatics may appeal to them. Nevertheless, Gemini people are so changeable that you could find them almost anywhere.

Aquarians are never happier than when they are helping other people. Find them in any charitable concern or even in refugee camps. An Aquarian could be a psychologist, a radiographer, or a social worker. They often use writing, broadcasting, or publishing as a means of expressing their ideals. You'll find your partner in any situation involving other people, particularly when they need support. They're almost certain to be involved with some sort of voluntary organization.

Pisceans are not particularly ambitious people, so you're unlikely to find your partner in a high-pressure job. This sign's tendency to moodiness and romanticism means that accepting responsibility is alien to them. They're crazy about animals, so you may find your lover as an assistant to a vet or at a dog show. They love flowers, so look for them in a florist's shop or at flower shows. Pisceans have definite psychic tendencies so could belong to various esoteric groups and clubs. They also love water, so you could meet them at a swimming pool or the seaside.

How to Please Your Lover

Your Gemini partner loves the old-fashioned flowers, like lavender and lily-of-the-valley. Your lover will almost certainly be delighted with similarly perfumed toiletries or plants for the garden. A Gemini is a great one for gadgets in the office and the kitchen. Clothes are important to Gemini but, before you buy them, make sure that your choice will coordinate with the colors of your partner's existing wardrobe. Geminis are likely to favor all shades of yellow, and the agate is their birthstone.

Aquarians love antiques—the genuine article, not a reproduction, however good it may be. If you really want to impress your partner, give him or her your grandmother's aquamarine ring because this pale blue gem is the Aquarian's birthstone. Aquarians will be grateful for gifts of books, but make sure they haven't already read the one you choose. They'll also appreciate a donation to their favorite charity. Given a choice of flowers, they'll almost certainly opt for orchids. They'll be delighted with an unusual gift, and in fact, anything different will please Aquarians, as long as it's good-quality. They'll scorn anything cheap and trashy.

True to their spiritual outlook, Pisces partners could be delighted with a visit to a stone circle or a haunted house. They love flowers and plants, too, particularly those that grow near water, and will probably be delighted if you present them with a kitten or a puppy. Ask first, though, just in case they're allergic to animal dander; perhaps a gold-fish in a bowl would be safer. Take them to a séance or a talk on one of the mind-body-spirit subjects. Arrange for them to see a clairvoyant or have a tarot reading. Their birthstone is the delicate moonstone.