
November 23 to December 21


Gender: Masculine/Extrovert

Element: Fire

Quality: Mutable

Ruling Planet: Jupiter


On the day that you were born, the Sun was in Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac. This is a masculine fire sign, ruled by the planet Jupiter, the lord of the gods. Sagittarius is a mutable sign, indicating that you are flexible and cooperative, and it is a fire sign, making you positive and plain-spoken. Your symbol is the archer, half-horse and half-human—and therefore sometimes referred to as the centaur.

Sagittarius Characteristics

You are a firebrand, full of enthusiastic energy. Because you are a mutable sign, you are able to adapt to almost any situation. You also love to be free of all restraints and have fun.

You love traveling—the farther the better. Your favorite destinations are those that you hope will enable you to fulfill some idealistic aspiration. The world is your oyster, and your tutor. You learn more from life than you ever will from books. The downside to this trait is that you tend to be restless, always wanting to move on.

Allowing your tongue to get ahead of your brain can be a problem. You are quick to voice your opinion and can be extremely tactless. Take time to listen, consider the facts, and reason things out before you make rash statements. Sagittarius can be incredibly charming, but you lack consistency, and this could lead others to regard you as something of a con artist.

Jupiter is the planet of good fortune, and you often find that you're in the right place at the right time when an opportunity comes along. Not surprisingly, you detest boredom and will go to great lengths to avoid it.

What You Look Like

Sagittarius is usually strong, active, and taller than average. You are likely to have a handsome-smiling face, a long chin, and intelligent, twinkling eyes. Alternatively, you may be small and plump.

You probably have long, thick hair, which in white races is often blond or fair with reddish tints. It tends to fall over your forehead so that you toss your head (like a horse) to throw it back. Although your hair may have a tendency to thin as the years go by, you will retain your youthful appearance and remain physically active well into old age.

You're certainly not a fashion plate, but you have good taste and look after your clothes. All shades of blue, maroon, and purple suit you. Your confident bearing and pleasant manner ensure that you attract attention wherever you go.

Sagittarius in Love

You are lucky in love, and being attractive, you will undoubtedly be able to pick and choose when it comes to finding a partner. The main problem may be your need for complete freedom. Once you have met the right person, you are completely loyal but you still need your own space, and partners may find this difficult to understand.

You're highly sexed and inclined to rush in where angels fear to tread. As soon as your ideal partner lights your fire, you'll want to shower them with gifts before whisking them off to some big adventure in a new and exciting location. However, it is as well to ensure that your partner actually wants this. Don't take too much for granted or get carried away by your enthusiasm.

Although your loyalty to your partner is beyond question, he or she may complain that you are more concerned with universal love than with personal devotion. No matter how deeply you feel about humankind in general, you should first offer a great deal of TLC to your partner.

Your Career

Look for a career that fits in with your appetite for freedom. Working on any sort of production line or sitting behind a desk all day will never satisfy you. Any profession that keeps you on the move will be ideal. If it can also satisfy your intellectual leanings, you should do well.

You're extremely versatile and happily cope with doing several things at once or working two jobs. Work as a courier or as a sales representative would satisfy your need for travel and variety. You love animals and the open air, so you would probably make a splendid forest ranger.

Sagittarius can be a superb teacher, lawyer, or writer, and may be found in government service. In fact, your versatility prepares you for a wide variety of professions. Just be sure that your love of freedom doesn't lead to frequent job changes—they don't look good on a resume.

Your Health

Sagittarius is the archer, so you are unlikely to experience problems with your arms or shoulders. You'll find that your hips and legs are the regions of your body that most need attention. Replacement hip and knee joints are not uncommon with Sagittarius. As you get older, you may notice increased weight on your hips, thighs, and buttocks because of your tendency to overeat. Blame jovial Jupiter for this weakness and for your tendency to drink too much. For Sagittarius, social drinking can be a dangerous pastime. You need to treat your liver kindly if you are to avoid problems.

You're fairly strong and healthy. In any case, you have little patience with illness and tend to work through it if you possibly can. Your love of sports may make you accident-prone. Be patient if you suffer from strained muscles or anything similar. If you insist on ignoring such problems, they could give rise to permanent handicaps.

You hate routine of any kind and particularly that associated with sickness. However, your positive attitude helps you to deal quickly with any illnesses that come your way.

What You Look for in a Partner

Above all else, Sagittarius needs freedom. That being so, a possessive or clinging partner is not for you. You need love—the kind that gives encouragement and support, yet at the same time acknowledges your right to your own space and privacy. Your ideal partner will need a good deal of patience to cope with your restlessness and will be happy to accompany you on sudden trips here-there-and everywhere. You need a partner who will be socially at ease in any company.

You're apt to take risks of all kinds, and finance is not your strong point. It will be helpful, therefore, if your partner is money-wise. This may help to counteract your own love of gambling and may even help you with your speculations in stocks and shares. It will be an added advantage if your partner also enjoys sports and the open air.

Three Compatible Signs


Virgo and Sagittarius are widely different in many ways, but there is a strong attraction between you. You do share a sense of humor and this could well be the redeeming feature. You may find a Virgo partner somewhat house-proud and persnickety, but, at the same time, you will appreciate the well-ordered and comfortable home Virgos create. Virgo is more reserved than Sagittarius, and this could work well, allowing you to take center stage when you attend social events together. You're well matched intellectually, but you may be irritated by your partner's habit of worrying. Virgo will certainly not take kindly to your taste for gambling and speculation but is unlikely to complain unless you jeopardize the family savings or the home. Even then, you will find that your partner can be outspoken but never cruel. A Sagittarius-Virgo relationship can be highly successful, providing you both retain your sense of humor.


On the face of it, Capricorn and Sagittarius appear to have little in common, yet sometimes this can be a case of love at first sight. Whether or not the relationship lasts depends largely on other influences in the charts of the two people concerned. Capricorn is easily embarrassed and may find social events difficult to handle. However, you are well able to provide the support your partner needs on such occasions, and once Capricorn feels more at ease, he or she can be charming. You'll enjoy the Capricorn's dry sense of humor, too, and may even be surprised to find your Capricorn partner flirting gently. One of Capricorn's less attractive habits is penny-pinching, and this could lead to arguments about your own behavior where money is concerned. A Sagittarius-Capricorn pairing has a lot going for it but needs a fair amount of tolerance on both sides.


Pisces shares your need for freedom and enjoys travel as much as you do. Your mutual love of children augurs well for family life. Many Pisceans are very sociable and enjoy entertaining at home or having a meal out. They usually have a number of friends who are welcome to visit at any time. However, they do enjoy their own company occasionally and will fully understand your own need for space. Life with Pisceans is never dull. They can make a drama out of a late mail delivery or a lost handkerchief. Try not to get impatient with their foibles. They are easily hurt and may then become self-pitying and moody, but a Sagittarius-Pisces partnership can be lasting and immensely rewarding.

Where to Find Your Partner

Virgos are the do-gooders of the zodiac, and this is not meant in any derogatory way. You will find your Virgo partner in any situation where he or she can be of service. Virgos prefer to be part of a team rather than being in charge, and they do like to feel that their efforts are appreciated. Because they can cope with details and analytical work, they excel as accountants or in computing, secretarial work, and publishing. Look for your Virgo partner in dramatic societies or at writing groups. They enjoy spectator sports, or you may meet them at cooking classes.

Capricorn is a workaholic, and, whatever their position in a company, they will be efficient, conscientious, and ambitious. You may find your Capricorn lover successfully running his or her own business or in a position of authority in publishing, banking, or accounting. They are very much drawn to “green issues” and greatly concerned about all humanitarian organizations. This could lead them into politics. Their hobbies tend to be more physical than their jobs. They may be supporters of the local football team, attend classes in martial arts, belong to a tennis club, or be accomplished ballroom dancers.

It is important for a Piscean to do a job that he or she loves. Pisceans are not materialistic or ambitious, so if they work in a secondary position or behind the scenes, they'll be perfectly happy. You'll find Pisces in any organization connected to art or entertainment, particularly film and photography. Many Pisces characters have psychic gifts, and they make excellent counselors. Because this is a water sign, you may find your Pisces partner at a swimming club, at a marina, or fishing beside a river.

How to Please Your Lover

Because Virgo is a perfectionist, you may find it difficult to select an appropriate gift. These people are conservative and detest any hint of vulgarity. Often the wisest choice is to allow them to select their own gift. Do this by offering a gift certificate. They're interested in gardening, so take them to a garden center or give them tickets for a flower show. If you are thinking in terms of jewelry, choose their birthstone—sardonyx.

Capricorn is an earth sign so Capricorns appreciate practical gifts. Good glassware or silver candlesticks will be well received, as will towels or table linen. If they're in business, a handsome leather briefcase or a subscription to the relevant trade magazine will be just right. Don't go overboard with jewelry, but remember that turquoise is their birthstone and that they often prefer silver to gold.

Pisces loves to travel, even if it's only a short trip for a weekend in the country. Choose a lightweight overnight case, folding slippers, or a travel clock to please them. Travel sizes of their favorite (or more expensive) toiletries will also delight them. Even if they're not currently in a position to travel, anything from a faraway place will be gratefully accepted.