December 22 to January 20
Gender: Feminine/Introvert
Element: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
On the day that you were born, the Sun was in the tenth sign of the zodiac, which is Capricorn. This sign is feminine, ruled by Saturn, an earth sign and cardinal in nature. Your symbol is the legendary sea-goat or goatfish. This was a peculiar beast that was half goat and half fish, based on a character called Ea, the ancient god of wisdom. This symbol reflects the complex and thoughtful Capricorn nature.
Above all else, Capricorn is ambitious. You don't talk about your aspirations, so others may not be aware that you are something of a high flier. Determined to succeed at anything you undertake, you never miss a trick, seizing every opportunity to advance yourself. If you have role models, they will be self-made successful people whom you admire and wish to emulate. Fortunately, you have a great deal of self-confidence and an unswerving belief in your own abilities.
At the same time, no Capricorn would ever begin a new project without first assessing its true value. You like to take your time before making a commitment. When all these virtues are combined with your capacity for hard work and self-discipline, you can see why success seldom eludes you. The goat is a sure-footed, energetic climber that keeps going until it reaches the top.
You're a good organizer, cautious and realistic, but prepared to take risks if you think it's necessary. Despite your independent streak, you respect authority and appreciate the traditional approach to most aspects of life.
You will always stand out in a crowd because of your air of assurance. You move swiftly and surely, and obviously know exactly where you are going. Typically, Capricorn has a serious expression, with strong features and a rather formal, old-fashioned manner. Whatever your race, your coloring is possibly rather nondescript and you probably have a prominent nose.
Although you are not overly interested in clothes, you always appear clean and neat, a tendency that increases as you get older. In keeping with your no-nonsense attitude, your color preferences are for the dark and somber shades of gray, brown, navy blue, and black.
Your high standards and your unswerving ambition can present difficulties when you turn your mind to romance. You have trouble expressing your emotions and find it easier to arrange a business seminar than to ask for a date. However, if you can tear yourself away from analyzing your balance sheet for a moment, you may notice that someone is trying to catch your attention. Put your work aside. Try to relax and let your sense of humor come to the surface. Your rare smiles can be extremely attractive.
You will respect your partner and his or her wishes, even if that means keeping your latent passion under firm control. You have distinct and, some would say, old-fashioned views on the sanctity of marriage, clinging to traditional values. Your chosen partner will be one you can look up to, and may be one or two notches higher up the social ladder than you are. You may find, too, that you are drawn to a partner who is a few years your senior.
Because you are always slow to commit yourself, this may take some time. However, don't be tempted to put your love life or your family on hold until you've achieved all your ambitions. You'll always find new heights to scale.
Where work is concerned, Capricorns fall into two categories, but both can be found in the world of business rather than in other career areas. The first type is quiet and unassuming, preferring to work behind the scenes on tasks that require precision and attention to detail. Others are great talkers who like to work in sales. Both types have a quick and intuitive mind and can see a trend before it shows itself to others. The world of publishing is full of Capricorns, as it requires someone with business instincts, precision, a love of details, intuition, flare, salesmanship, a liking for people (and gossip), and an interest in art and words. In short, just right for Capricorn!
Typical Capricorn trouble spots are the skeleton—particularly the knees—and the skin. Rheumatism or arthritis in the knee joints often causes problems with mobility in later years.
The skin is an excellent barometer of your state of health. It reveals not only your physical condition, but also the state of your mind. If you are worried, stressed, or shocked, you will notice that your skin reacts to this. This reaction varies from person to person. There may be simply a change in the color of the skin, it may become dry and itchy, you may have mild eczema, or you may develop pimples, rashes, or even boils.
Most Capricorns eat a healthy diet and have a definite liking for pasta. This ensures that they remain reasonably slim throughout their lives. Do your best to get some regular exercise to counteract the hours you spend at your desk and to keep your joints moving.
As already stated, Capricorn has strong views about marriage. It is not surprising, therefore, that living on love alone doesn't appeal to you. Usually, this means that you will postpone making a firm commitment until you are well established in your career. Some Capricorns do look for money and social status when they are seeking a partner.
You will certainly need someone who is prepared to tolerate your extremely cautious attitude to money—some would call it cheapness. Your partner will need to share your taste for a quiet life, but at the same time will be quite capable of enjoying social events. These are likely to be dinner parties and balls, rather than brunches and disco dances.
Although you will be reluctant to admit it, there are times when you are lacking in self-confidence and easily embarrassed. It's essential, therefore, that your partner be understanding and supportive.
Scorpio and Capricorn are both highly ambitious and, for this reason, work well together. Sometimes, this partnership starts as a business one; mutual aims and a shared capacity for hard work can often lead to romance. Neither partner will rashly enter into a firm commitment but once the agreement is reached, each will tolerate the others' idiosyncrasies in an attempt to make the relationship work.
Scorpio is passionate and intense about everything. You may find Scorpio's constant digging and delving somewhat trying. They will sincerely rejoice in mutual success, but the Scorpio sting will manifest itself if you succeed where they have failed. The Scorpio jealous streak is something you will need to accept.
Home and family are of primary importance to this sign; Scorpios are completely loyal. Overall, a Capricorn and Scorpio partnership should succeed—but much depends on the business and financial aspects involved.
Cancer is your opposite sign. This is an excellent combination, whether the partnership is in business or in love. Indeed, it could cover both aspects of life very happily.
Cancer is moody, but you should understand, because it is a trait that you sometimes share. Like you, Cancerians find it difficult to express emotion, but you will never have reason to doubt their complete loyalty. Be careful not to neglect your Cancer partner because of your devotion to work. Though you won't hear any complaints about it, he or she will notice this and brood about it.
Cancer needs the material things of life in order to feel secure, and you are usually able to provide these. In fact, many Capricorns don't marry until they are well established in business; with Cancer, this works well. A Capricorn-Cancer pairing is usually stable and very happy, particularly if it happens later in life.
Taurus is remarkably persistent, and this applies in romance as much as in business. Taureans know exactly what they want and they go after it, no holds barred. Like you, they think hard before making any commitment, and, having made it, they will stick by their word, come what may. Once you've committed to a relationship with Taurus, you can forget about escaping from it. What they have, they hold.
Taurus dislikes change, so will enjoy the stability that Capricorn brings to a partnership. Taureans will appreciate your ability to provide a comfortable home because material possessions are important to them. Their financial aptitude will ensure that money is never a problem.
Taurus is a passionate lover, but don't expect pretty speeches. Taureans show their love by actions, not words. On the rare occasions that they lose their temper, you can witness a truly volcanic Taurean rage. Mercifully, this doesn't happen often. A Capricorn-Taurus partnership is usually blissfully (if silently) happy.
If you're looking for a Scorpio partner, you're quite likely to find him or her in medical situations. Scorpios excel as psychiatrists and psychologists because of their love for analysis and investigation. They love attending workshops on self-improvement; witchcraft; psychology; complementary therapies; and mind, body, and spirit subjects, so you will often find them there. On another level, you may be stopped in the street by a Scorpio with clipboard and pen poised, conducting market research. As far as sports are concerned, Scorpio will be found in any game that requires shrewd tactics. You may even find your soul mate on an archaeological dig—such projects are a magnet for Scorpios.
You'll find Cancer in any situation that involves dealing with the public. Cancerians have limitless patience and excel at dealing with irate customers or fractious children. Their affinity with children often leads them into teaching—so keep your eyes open at the next PTA meeting. On the other hand, you may find your partner behind the counter at the comer store. Cancerians like to run their own businesses. Most of them enjoy water sports, such as sailing and swimming, and team games.
Taureans are clever with their hands and have a fine appreciation of design and color. This gives you a clear indication that they are to be found in art groups, craft stores, or do-it-yourself stores. Your own special Taurus may be encountered at concerts or in musical societies. They're often keen gardeners, so seek them out at flower shows or in horticultural societies.
Scorpio is not easy to please, so beware of buying any gifts at the last minute. They adore presents that evoke the envy of their friends. Be careful to have your gift professionally wrapped. Take your partner to dinner at the best restaurant in town, the one that's booked up for months in advance, and then get the best seats for a new show or a film premiere. Scorpios love special objects, something that is signed by the author or maker or some kind of exclusive find.
Cancerians are generous themselves and genuinely appreciate the same virtue in their partners. The best way to please them is to discover exactly what they really want. Start a casual conversation—they'll realize exactly what you're trying to find out and will (just as casually) give you the information you need. Then, of course, when you hand over your gift, it will be a “big surprise.”
Practical Taurus appreciates good quality in useful objects—things like cut-glass dishes or leather desk equipment will please your partner immensely. They're not grasping, but they'd rather have one small, good-quality gift than half a dozen trivial objects. They enjoy their food, so if you've run out of ideas, take them out for a meal, offer a few gourmet treats for their pantry, or hand over a bottle of expensive liquor.