The Moon through the Signs

The moon sign is the emotional sign. Use the information below, in conjunction with what you have learned about partnering with different sun signs, to get the fullest picture of your relationship.

Moon in Aries

Strong emotional responses, which can sometimes lead to impetuous behavior, are typical of Moon in Aries subjects. Power is important to you, and you expect to be the leader in any situation. This urge to be in charge and to solve problems as soon as they arise means that you often upset other people with your high¬handed attitude. Your enthusiasm can make you unrealistic, and you quickly become bad-tempered if others don't agree with you. The combination of the feminine Moon tendencies with the fiery Aries temperament can cause tension within yourself and in your dealings with other people.

As far as romance is concerned, you're something of a flirt, enjoying many a quick fling before you settle down. You may have a taste for partners younger than yourself, because you find them more malleable than people in your own age group. A permanent relationship will not be a priority for you. You'll be in no hurry to enter into the demands and responsibilities involved in such a partnership. Then, one day, you'll suddenly feel lonely. That's when you'll begin to think that settling down is not such a bad idea after all.

Problems with choosing a permanent partner could arise if your own family background was unhappy. The problems encountered then could be paralleled in later life, making it difficult for you to establish lasting relationships. You're a deep thinker, and first impressions mean a lot to you. In fact, Moon in Aries subjects are often attracted to uniforms, so the person who catches your eye could be anyone from a nurse to a regular soldier. When you do meet somebody special, you may fall head over heels in love, but you still prefer your potential partner to make the first move. You're extremely demanding and not always easy to live with. Your partner will need to be independent yet always willing to fall in with your plans and ideas. New projects, constant change, and excitement are necessary for you. There's no way you could endure a partner who is constantly complaining and emotional. Should your intuition warn you that you've made a mistake, you'll display your usual lack of finesse and quit, probably leaving your partner to nurse a broken heart.

Even after you have made a commitment, you may still have a roving eye. You have no hidden agendas, but you can be on an emotional seesaw so that your partner doesn't always know what to expect of you. You are not good at concealing your inconsistent behavior, and confrontation can sometimes lead to temper tantrums that you later regret.

The unpredictable Moon in Aries nature cuts both ways when it comes to finding a lover. On the negative side, you're always on the run, seeking new pastures, traveling for the sake of it. Who can catch you when you're here one moment and gone the next? More positively, your restlessness ensures that you meet many people. With any luck, you'll one day bump into the one person who is absolutely right for you. When that happens, your Aries determination will come into play and you'll have no hesitation at all about choosing your lover.

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus makes you keep your emotions under tight control. Emotional satisfaction, for you, is found in the security of a stable home and material possessions. You enjoy a steady pace in everything and hate change, to the extent that it can really frighten you. Taurus is an earth sign, so you center your life on home, family, and the pets that you are sure to have. Although you're quiet and reserved, you have a strong character and cope well when disaster strikes. You're extremely tenacious and sometimes obstinate, and you will battle through any hardships without complaint. You seldom show hurt feelings or resentment openly but very occasionally and under great provocation, your Taurus temper will let fly.

One of the things you most fear is poverty. The idea of having a partner who is financially dependent on you makes you cringe. How could you possibly risk losing your wonderful home, or having to lower your standard of living? You like the good things in life, and a wealthy lover comes high on the list, but not even your worst enemy could describe you as avaricious. Money and possessions are important to you because they represent security.

These characteristics make it difficult for you to become emotionally involved on a purely romantic basis. You really fear that this person may become a parasite, draining you financially and leaving you destitute. There's no way of insuring against such problems and, oddly enough, if the worst does happen, you'll simply set about rectifying the situation. Even so, discovering that your loved one has the Midas touch will certainly help to fire your passion.

The good news is that once you've found your soul mate, rich or poor, you'll be transformed. Having committed yourself to a partnership, you will be unstintingly caring and completely faithful. You are extremely sensuous and demonstrative but often too inhibited to make the first move. You are touchy-feely and need a lover who responds in similar fashion. Lacking this, you'll withdraw into your shell, becoming silent and unhappy.

It is important that you find a partner who, like you, can appreciate all five senses. Does he love gourmet meals? Will she enjoy listening to soft, tender music while cuddling up in front of a log fire? Can he weep at an emotional film? You need a partner who can share your feelings about these seemingly trivial matters.

When the right person for you does come along, you will take time to make up your mind. However attractive that person seems, you will be afraid of making a mistake and of losing everything you have worked for. Only when you feel safe with the person in question will you take the plunge and be willing to gamble everything on the partnership. Then you will demonstrate complete loyalty to the love of your life and defend your relationship against all comers.

Moon in Gemini

Your attitude to relationships takes a lot of understanding. For instance, it takes you a long time to choose a partner and to make a commitment, but when you do so, you don't hold back. This said, there are aspects of your personality, opinions, and ideas that you prefer not to share, so your commitment may look deep, all-powerful, and permanent, but this is not the case. If you become really fed up, you can walk out without looking back.

You find it difficult to handle deep emotions and are therefore inclined to trivialize them. If you find yourself out of your depth in an emotional situation, you could well become irritable. You have a restless nature, and most people see you as something of a social butterfly. If you find yourself living with someone who is awash with emotion or unable to express what is going on in his or her mind, you will try to make the relationship work, but if you can't, then you will give up on it.

Your chosen partner will have to be mentally stimulating as well as being witty and interesting. You do tend to accept a person at face value, so beware of being tricked by someone who has more wiles than you do. Once you recognize such a situation, you'll be off like a shot, but it could still be a trying experience.

Communication is the essence of life to you, and you will be happiest with someone who is not too shy to tell you that they love you. Don't make any commitment until you are sure that your chosen partner is willing to work out any problems that may arise by talking them through. You're not the type who likes to keep your worries to yourself, though you can be most helpful if your partner—or anyone else—is upset. You have an inborn ability to pick up the vibes when anyone is distressed. You're not the most reliable of partners and can swiftly become bored with a permanent relationship. However, the time may come when it is your partner who calls it off. Only then will you realize exactly how important that person is to your life.

Moon in Cancer

The moon is Cancer's ruling planet and, because it controls the inner you, you will be more emotionally sensitive than most. You are capable of great depth and intensity of feeling, but tend to hold back when meeting strangers until you are sure of the people concerned. Home and family are of primary importance to you, particularly as far as children are concerned. You hate the idea of leaving your family home and striking out on your own. In this respect, you're rather like the hermit crab: so you won't move from the safety of one home until you're convinced of the security of the next.

You are highly sensitive to the feelings of others. You find it easy to make friends with those who feel rejected by life and with the underdogs of society. You're always ready to listen, to be a shoulder to cry on, and lend a helping hand. Some people may consider you gullible, but, fortunately, you're quick to detect insincerity and will scuttle away before you get hurt.

You have no difficulty in attracting the opposite sex, but when it comes to choosing a lover, you are almost excessively cautious. You're extremely shy and find it difficult to show your feelings. Additionally, you're inclined to be moody, and it's not always easy to understand your occasionally erratic behavior. You'll be scared off by anyone who's looking for a short-term fling. However, your intuition will swiftly warn you if not all is well. Above all else, you need security, so this will be your primary demand of any partner. You also need someone who understands and shares your sensitivity.

If you are let down, you'll swiftly return to the family home for help, and it may be some time before you risk venturing out again. When the right partner does come along, you'll be reliable and completely faithful, doing your best to forget painful past experiences. You're a natural homemaker and will enjoy building your own love nest.

Men who have the Moon in Cancer subconsciously look for a partner who will be a mother substitute or someone who will comfort and care for them. She'll be the girl-next-door type, of whom your mother would approve. If you're a woman you'll seek out a partner who can fulfill your romantic fantasies and provide the dream home in which you can settle down to rear your own family.

Don't be afraid to use your innate intuitive powers to help you find the partner you want. Your natural instincts seldom let you down, and though it may take some time, the right person for you will come along. When that happens, the relationship is likely to be permanent. You're a faithful type, and, additionally, you have a strongly possessive streak and hate to end a relationship. It is worth remembering, though, that you always demand your own space. Your partner will need to appreciate this and show understanding when you sometimes withdraw into your shell.

Moon in Leo

If you were born with the Moon in the sign of Leo, you're likely to be the star of any undertaking with which you are associated. This suits you very well, because you take it for granted that you're someone rather special. No matter what you undertake, you do it with flair, energy, and pride. You also expect that your unusual talents will be recognized and applauded. If they're not, you sulk or throw a tantrum.

You're confident that you know best, whatever the situation, and this can lead to you handing out too much unsolicited advice. It's also well nigh impossible for you to accept orders. Indeed, you take it for granted that other people will follow where you lead and, if you lead them over the edge of the precipice—well, obviously that's their fault, not yours.

You have a highly emotional nature and attract the opposite sex like bees to honey. Whoever heard of a Moon in Leo lacking admirers? You're a romantic at heart and, in truth, are at your happiest when you're in love. It's essential, though, that your partner admire and respect you. Potential partners also need to be aware of what makes you tick; otherwise your self-centered attitude will quickly scare them away.

You'll certainly choose a partner of whom you can be proud, just as long as he or she doesn't try to usurp your center-stage position. If your partner flatters you—which he or she will do if he or she really understands you—you'll purr with satisfaction. Deep down you fear criticism, mainly because you don't know how to handle it, and you usually feel it's unjustified anyway.

Once you enter into a commitment, your generosity will come to the fore and you'll shower your partner with gifts, making it clear that what's yours is also your partner's. This is fine until you go over the top and spend more money than you have. Your love of the good things in life can all too easily empty your pockets.

At the deepest level, you always did think of yourself as a deity, and now you are willing to elevate someone else to share your pedestal. However, this brings an unforeseen downside. It gives you power over your partner—and for you power and love are equally important. A word of warning is appropriate here, as you must avoid being arrogant and overbearing. If you don't, you'll end up a lonely Leo, wondering where you went wrong.

The Moon in Leo also influences another aspect of your love life. Children draw you like a magnet. You enjoy making them happy and you're the ideal person to run a children's party. The youngsters, too, identify with your childlike sense of fun. If a child is in tears, you'll be the first to offer comfort. Make sure that your partner shares your love for children and is willing to start a (large) family. The Moon in Leo may not be satisfied with a childless relationship.

Moon in Virgo

As the Moon was in the sign of Virgo when you were born, you have a tendency to allow your head to rule your heart. You also appear to be shy and retiring, lurking in the background, weighing people up and evaluating them.

You tend to be a perfectionist, though, to be fair, you are just as demanding of yourself as you are of others. This urge for perfection makes you extremely critical, and you're often convinced that you're the only person who can do a job properly. Then you become desperately worried in case you fail. Fortunately, this doesn't often happen, because you combine high intelligence with a marked practical streak.

Are you going to be too choosy and demand that your mate be perfect in your eyes? This is unlikely, to say the least. However, an even worse scenario would be to settle for second best. Why would you do this? You'll be confident that you can correct your partner's deficiencies. Beware of trying to dictate the terms of your relationship—it seldom works.

What do you look for in a partner? Potential partners must share your high standards of personal hygiene. They must be neat and tidy and never disturb your orderly approach to every aspect of life. If you can find someone whose own environment is as organized and meticulous as your own, your dreams may come true. When it comes to weighing up the pros and cons of the relationship, as you surely will, this fastidiousness will give them a very big plus.

It's important that your partner should love animals as much as you do. For you, a meeting in the park while you are both walking your pets is definitely a good starting point. This could even initiate a romance.

You have a tendency to attract every lame dog around—parasites who are interested only in their own agendas and what they can get out of you. Fortunately, you're usually quick to recognize these people. Even so, it's possible that you could initially be deluded at the start of a love affair and then, in true Moon-in-Virgo style, you'll feel guilty when you end the relationship.

In general, your greatest need is to stop seeing everything as black or white. Learn to accept some gray areas. When you meet a possible partner, try to accept what you see as their imperfections. Hopefully, your potential mate will also overlook your weaknesses, so that you can have a good chance of establishing a positive relationship.

Moon in Libra

With the Moon in Libra, you need harmony in every aspect of your life. You just can't cope with any form of dissension, and, in fact, conflict is actually bad for your health. On the other hand, you do enjoy a little excitement and derive a great deal of satisfaction from creating calm out of chaos.

You're an ambitious person, full of ideas and determined to put them into practice. The problem is that though you're great on theory, you are not so good at making things happen. You need other people—colleagues, friends, and partners—to help you achieve the balance that is so essential to you.

It may seem out of character, but lunar Librans adore speed in any form, particularly as far as cars are concerned. You're also clever with intricate machinery. You have tremendous empathy with weak people, children, and the elderly and are quick to notice any signs of stress in a friend or partner.

Your easy, affable manner attracts many friends of the opposite sex, and you're content to maintain those friendships at an intellectual level. You are more at ease keeping your friends at arm's length rather than holding them in your arms. Some people may misunderstand your rather detached manner and consider you unfeeling.

For you, genuine platonic relationships are the order of the day, until the right person comes along. Even then, you may fail to recognize them. When you have the Moon in Libra, you often need a gentle push from a third party who can see, more clearly than you do, that your destiny has arrived. You are aware of this tendency and usually rely on one close friend and confidant to help you in these matters.

You can't circumvent your indecisiveness; it's part of your nature. However, before committing yourself to a relationship you must ensure that your partner understands you completely and is prepared to accept you just as you are. At the same time, don't expect any relationship to be all sweetness and light. Your perfect partner needs a harmonious home. At the same time, like you, your partner will appreciate a little excitement. You should be prepared to allow the scales to tip down on one side or the other occasionally. If you sit on the fence too often, you may drive your partner to despair, and they'll send you packing.

Your ideal partner will have class. You need someone tactful, intelligent, and kind, who will be a social asset. This paragon also needs to be extremely companionable, as you hate to be alone. You need someone who will share your taste in music and your leisure interests. If, like you, your partner is well mannered, elegant, and quietly self-confident, you're likely to be known as the happiest couple in town.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio produces a positive, determined, and confident character. You have a quick temper but are unfailingly caring to the important people in your life. Sometimes, the contradictory aspects of your character make you difficult to understand. You dislike change yet also enjoy taking up an exciting challenge. You are content to remain in the same job and house for years but will then suddenly decide that change is the order of the day.

You can be jealous and possessive at times, but only if you have some reason for feeling insecure. Sometimes, too, you tend to hold a grudge for years and, eventually, to seek revenge. On the other hand, you will always remember a kindness and ensure that generosity is rewarded.

Moon-in-Scorpio subjects hate to appear foolish. The face you present to the world is dignified, sober, and self-possessed. This may give the impression that you're cold and uncaring; however, at home with your beloved family, you are a different person—fun-loving, gentle, and affectionate.

Deep down, you believe that somewhere in the world there is one person who was meant for you, perhaps a soul mate from a previous life. A harmonious and lasting relationship is something that you may strongly desire but achieve only with difficulty. In fact, you may experience massive heartbreak before you find your one true love. You above all others feel everything so intensely that when a love affair goes wrong you are totally devastated and inconsolable for a while. However, you're also a survivor. In time, you will pick up the threads of your life again; then, when you're least expecting it, the right person will suddenly appear to compensate for all the previous heartache.

This doesn't mean that everything is coming up roses. Before either one of you enter into that much-desired commitment, some honest discussion is called for. Moon-in-Scorpio people have a dark side, and you must be sure that your partner is aware of this. Don't worry too much. Every Moon sign has its faults. Just admit to your partner that at times you can be unyielding, suspicious, and morose.

Moon in Sagittarius

When you were born, the Moon was in Sagittarius, imparting a cheerful, optimistic nature to someone who cannot bear to be pinned down, either physically or mentally. Greener pastures always attract you, whether it is to explore a neighboring state or the latest religious belief.

Although you have a restless temperament, you still need a home base; this is important to you. It is a place where you can relax on the rare occasions when you need to recoup your strength (or your finances). Even so, you could well become bored and be up and away again within a few days.

New ventures hold tremendous appeal, so perhaps this time you'll realize those idealistic dreams. The problem with this aspect of your personality is that it encourages you to speak before you think, and you can land in some dicey situations as a result.

With the Moon in Sagittarius, you're a charismatic type; you will certainly not lack admirers. This can mean that you imagine yourself in love several times before the right person comes along. Your friends would say that you have itchy feet, and it's true that you scarcely have time to get to know anyone before you're taking off for a new destination. This restlessness can cause problems when you're looking for a long-term relationship.

Your partner will obviously need to be an adventurous type and will almost certainly love the outdoors. He or she will have to respect your need for freedom and allow you to exercise it whenever you wish. Oddly enough, once you have found this paragon, you will no longer be so obsessed with independence. Why? Because you now have choice, and that in itself is freedom.

In line with your own positive, cheerful nature, you will want a partner who is capable of enjoying life to the fullest and who has a great sense of humor. Your Sagittarian Moon ensures that your partner's nationality, creed, or color will not concern you in the least.

It may take you some time to make up your mind about forming a permanent relationship because you are hesitant about being tied down. For this reason, you're likely to form your partnership later in life than the average. You'll probably have several halfhearted affairs because you're an inveterate suitor. In fact, it can sometimes seem that you prefer the chase.

However, eventually you'll find your lover, one who will follow you to the ends of the earth, if necessary, and enjoy sharing your new experiences. Then you'll wake up to the fact that you've found not only a lover but also a friend who will be your constant companion.

Moon in Capricorn

If you were born with the Moon in Capricorn, you'll be loyal, caring, and devoted to your family. You're ambitious, and you like to hold a position of authority, but strangely, this placement means you lack self-confidence. You're shy, too, and keep your emotions under strict control, so much so that you sometimes appear cold and uncaring.

If you run your own business, you're likely to be successful. Moon-in-Capricorn people enjoy being self-employed and have the discipline to cope with it. Security is important to you, and you're the sort of person who becomes a regular saver early in life. You have a particularly practical approach to everything and like to plan ahead, never acting on impulse.

You are cautious about entering into new relationships. Your shyness makes it difficult for you to ask for a date, and you don't form liaisons lightly. For you, life is a serious matter in all its aspects, and romance is no exception. Those with the Moon in Capricorn do not flirt, and they will give way to an outburst of emotion only when under great stress.

In some respects, you can be very cynical about love and will need to overcome this if you are to find your perfect partner.

You are fearful of rejection, and this makes you all the more cautious in your approach to the person you are interested in. You hide behind a brusque manner that is unlikely to attract people. Having gotten up the nerve to make an approach, you may then get cold feet and draw back. The strange thing is that you don't seem to realize that this excessive caution is part of your nature. Instead, you become convinced that no one will ever love you because you are in some way inferior. This in turn makes you even more cautious, so that choosing your lover carefully takes on a different meaning for you. You could decide, quite rationally, to choose a partner who will provide a home and domestic security. In short, you'll settle for a business relationship and eschew romance.

However, there is no need to do this. You can find your genuine soul mate, should you continue to look for one. This ideal mate is someone who feels the same way as you do, who is equally shy, and who seeks a partner who is absolutely loyal and faithful. When you meet this person, you will both feel free to express your feelings, without shyness or reserve. In fact, you'll go to great lengths to reassure each other that this is important, and that your motives are pure and true. You will also give each other that all-important assurance of security that has hitherto been lacking in your life.

If you are still young, it's probable that your soul mate will be several years older than you are. If you're already a senior citizen and have not found your ideal partner, don't despair. It's never too late to find your true love and, when you do, the waiting will have been well worthwhile.

Moon in Aquarius

An Aquarian Moon makes you cool and detached, but unable to understand your own emotions. Because of this inner conflict, you find it difficult to show your feelings, leaving others to wonder whether you are shallow. The truth is that your emotions are buried deep, and it takes something special to make them surface.

You have a vast range of friends and are able to relate happily to all social groups. Some people think it odd that you'll befriend the bum on the sidewalk when you're on your way to have dinner at the Ritz with an heiress. They simply fail to understand that in your eyes the bum and the heiress are both part of humankind, as you are, and therefore deserving of the same respect. You prefer to be with a group of people rather than in a one-on-one situation. In a group, you are completely at ease and can allow your natural sense of humor to surface.

One characteristic of the Moon in Aquarius is that you are often drawn to people who have already made a commitment. Eventually, though, it could be one of your group of friends who introduces you to the person you are looking for—the perfect partner. This will probably be someone younger than you are—someone who is lively, optimistic, and impulsive.

Above all else, you need a lover who is also a friend. For both of you, friendship is the foundation for love and, indeed, deepens your mutual esteem. This person will be intelligent, strong-willed, and independent and will share your unconventional attitudes. They will also recognize your need for personal space and won't be perturbed if you suddenly depart on solitary trips to unnamed destinations.

This inborn quality of detachment makes you shy away from anyone who is overly emotional or touchy-feely, particularly at the start of a relationship. Intellectual rapport may come, given time. Physical intimacy takes much longer to develop. Even so, once you have made a commitment to each other, your sex life with your partner can be amazing!

Your ability to stand back and make a dispassionate assessment can be used to your advantage in understanding your partner. You will be much more discerning than most and therefore less likely to make mistakes that are difficult to rectify. You'll expect your partner to share in everything from cleaning the house to running a soup kitchen for the homeless, and to look good while he or she is doing it.

Your ideal lover will empathize with your humanitarian concerns and cope calmly with occasional eccentric behavior. He or she will also be family oriented, as you are, but he or she will need to understand that the day-to-day demands of parenthood can make you feel trapped.

Moon in Pisces

Those born when the Moon was in Pisces are the most compassionate and sensitive people of the zodiac. This extreme sensitivity is complicated by the dual Pisces nature and your occasional inexplicable changes of direction.

You are the world's greatest optimist, constantly wearing rose-colored glasses, and you always have a dream that something wonderful but unspecified is going to happen to you. You see it as your mission in life to help others, so you can be easily fooled by unscrupulous people who are out to use you for their own ends.

When this happens, you are deeply hurt, but you're more than likely to fall for the next sob story that comes along. In the same way, when one dream fails to materialize, you promptly replace it with another.

Your greatest dream is that one day you will find your true soul mate, the one person who is capable of fulfilling all your desires. This person will satisfy you intellectually, physically, and spiritually. You will be so much at one with this person that you will feel that you have known each other forever. Unfortunately, you are so anxious to love and be loved that you may choose the wrong partner. If this happens, you'll be devastated. You may even escape into your own fantasy world because you can't cope with the real one. It would be wiser to seek a period of seclusion or perhaps a retreat, until you feel able return to everyday life.

Beware of allowing your dream to take over your life so that it becomes one big romantic quest. With a Moon in Pisces, this is a real risk, as you do tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. Your craving for love is such that you can sometimes forget your usual reserve and actively pursue a person who attracts you. When the object of your pursuit is scared off by your enthusiasm, you're hurt, and the whole cycle begins again. Even then, you don't learn from experience. In this vulnerable state, you can be easily seduced into thinking that perhaps this time you have found the right partner, only to be disillusioned yet again.

Obviously, for you more than most, it's imperative to choose your lover with care. Your partner should appreciate your virtues, treat you like a precious object, and cherish you. One big advantage of your Moon in Pisces is that your instant recognition is likely to be mutual. You will feel a sense of homecoming, and all the past mistakes will seem like bad dreams. Before you commit yourself, though, be sure that this person can live up to your high ideals and that he or she will never let you down. Your partner must be able to lift you out of your mundane life, into that dream world you have sought for so long. Your beloved must also share your dreams and imaginative fantasies. For you, dreams are an essential part of life. With luck, your lover may be able to make some of them come true.