Palomar Observatory
The 200-inch telescope in the moonlight
Palomar 200-inch Hale Telescope with adaptive-optics laser firing
Oschin Telescope with star trails
Palomar 60-inch dome with cirrus clouds
Chuck Steidel, California Institute of Technology
Kitt Peak National Observatory
Exterior of the Mayall Telescope
Panorama of Kitt Peak National Observatory
Vera Rubin, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Lowell Observatory
Guided tour group at the Lowell Clark Telescope
The 13-inch Pluto Discovery Telescope
Robert Millis, former director, Lowell Observatory
Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory
The converted Multiple Mirror Telescope
Observatory Ridge at Mount Hopkins
Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System
Whipple Observatory scientists at public outreach event
Fred Chaffee, former director, Mount Hopkins Observatory
National Radio Astronomy Observatory Very Large Array
The Very Large Array and the transfer railroad tracks
The Very Large Array and visitor center
Rick Perley, National Radio Astronomy Observatory
The Observatories of Sacramento Peak
Aerial view of Sacramento Peak Observatory
Telescope spar in the Evans Solar Facility
Dunn Solar Telescope image of a sunspot
Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2.5-meter telescope
Sloan telescope enclosure building
Steve Keil, director, National Solar Observatory
McDonald Observatory
Aerial view of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory
The large telescope domes of McDonald Observatory
Primary mirror of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope
Anita Cochran, assistant director, McDonald Observatory
Mount Graham International Observatory
Exterior view of the Vatican Observatory Telescope at night
Exterior of the Large Binocular Telescope with shutters open