
As is well known, there is a very famous tennis club at Wimbledon, and it holds a Grand Slam tournament each year. I have used these two facts as a backdrop to this story but would like to stress that this is a work of fiction, as are the characters depicted as club personnel. Equally, there is no Catholic parish of the Immaculate Conception in or around the Richmond area in Surrey.

Writing might be a solitary occupation but getting published is a group effort and I can’t let this opportunity slip of acknowledging the debt I owe to various people who’ve helped in the process of bringing Game, Set and Murder to birth.

To continue with the obstetric analogy, I’m very grateful to Tess and to Ali Hull, joint midwives to the book. Tess encouraged me to get back to the story once I thought it had died and Ali licked my prose into shape in no uncertain manner and helped present it to the publisher.

I’m very grateful to Tony Collins and the team at Lion Hudson for all their help and advice, and to my copy-editor Sheila Jacobs for her encouragement. I’d also like to add a special word of thanks to Donna Fletcher Crow, Dolores Gordon-Smith, Tony Jasper and Cindy Kent who kindly endorsed the book.

Gordon Berry, Ann Murphy and Dave Howard of the Brent and Harrow coroner’s office were always very kind, and patiently answered my questions about police procedures, even when they were up to their necks in cases – thanks, guys. However, any errors on this front are, of course, my own.

There are others, of course; friends and family members who’ve supported and encouraged me. I couldn’t possibly mention you all but, believe me, I know who you all are and I’m very grateful.