Hey mon frère with your derrière, something something cush.
Something something something yeah.
It’s Jack’s Subway Tush.
I had been in the hospital for almost twenty hours now, and I still couldn’t remember the words to that song from Will & Grace. I could see the exact scene in my head. It’s the end of the episode, Jack is sad that his Subway Tush thing didn’t work out, and he and Will are sitting in Will’s living room, when they start singing the jingle. I could see them singing it. I just couldn’t remember the damn words.
Hey mon frère –
Jacob had left a note for me, telling me that Jamila would be back in the morning, and he would be back at lunch tomorrow. He thought I’d been asleep when he wrote it, and hadn’t wanted to wake me, but there was no way I could sleep. I just really didn’t want him to feel bad about leaving. I could handle being next to the poo curtain on my own for a few hours.
Something something it’s Jaaaaaaaack’s Suuuuuubwaaaaaaay Tuuuuuush.
The hospital had most of the lights turned off now, which was the only way I knew it was night time. The day before, my friend Mia had flown down from Sydney to see me, and I didn’t believe her when she told me it was 2pm. I was so disoriented. Since being admitted, time had both sped up and slowed down. It could have been a week or a few hours since the ambulance brought me in. I had no idea.