La araña

Es una araña enorme que ya no anda;

una araña incolora, cuyo cuerpo,

una cabeza y un abdomen, sangra.

Hoy la he visto de cerca. Y con qué esfuerzo

hacia todos los flancos

sus pies innumerables alargaba.

Y he pensado en sus ojos invisibles,

los pilotos fatales de la araña.

Es una araña que temblaba fija

en un filo de piedra;

el abdomen a un lado,

y al otro la cabeza.

Con tantos pies la pobre, y aún no puede

resolverse. Y, al verla

atónita en tal trance,

hoy me ha dado qué pena esa viajera.

Es una araña enorme, a quien impide

el abdomen seguir a la cabeza.

Y he pensado en sus ojos

y en sus pies numerosos…

¡Y me ha dado qué pena esa viajera!


The Spider

It is a very large spider that will walk no more;

a colorless spider, whose body,

a head and an abdomen, is bleeding.

Today I have looked more closely. Oh how spiritedly

it stretched out its innumerable feet

to every side.

I have thought about its invisible eyes,

the spider’s fatal pilots.

It is a spider that trembled transfixed

on a rim of rock;

abdomen on one side,

head on the other.

So many feet and yet the poor creature cannot

resolve its problem. And, having seen it

stupefied in such a crisis,

what pain that traveler has given me today.

It is a very large spider, whose abdomen

is preventing it from following its head.

I have thought about its eyes

and about its numerous feet…

And what pain that traveler has given me!