THIS BOOK REFLECTS DAILY interactions and relationships with family, friends, and, in particular, my wife Kathleen. With her help I have an ongoing opportunity to practice mindfulness moment by moment. Her love, support, and encouragement have provided a mirror for my own struggle of living mindfully. In addition, she has provided the editorial critique that has kept me focused.
I appreciate my daughter Andrea, and son Mark, who loved me despite my earlier years of “mindless” and hurried living. Now as adults they have provided a validation for my more mindful lifestyle. I appreciate my friends who have offered feedback regarding this project and the Salt Lake City Sangha for their support and friendship. I’m thankful to Becky Jones and Toni Mertin for their help in editing and designing the first edition of this book. Special appreciation goes to Isabelle Bleecker, my editor in this edition. Her own practice of mindfulness, as well as her insight and clarity, offered me wonderful support and belief in this work. Thanks are also due to my students at Western Oregon State College who provided suggestions for this latest edition and who are daily reminders that my life needs to be my message.
I also acknowledge my mother, Genevieve, who mindfully watches the apple tree bloom, produce, and shed its leaves outside her apartment window. Mom, thanks for all the moments that you shared with me and for your ongoing love and support.