This was a long and complex work, and fittingly, it created many opportunities for gratitude. I apologize for missing anyone; there are so many of you! But in particular, these people have earned my thanks:
Ian, for saying at Midwest Furfest, “But what if what Sedetnet really wants is to die?”
Kim, for asking for more genets. And for putting up with me for 20ish years.
Ty and Bertha and Ogre, for continuity and typo checks. So grateful for those reports. The books are cleaner for them.
Grey, for the “this is awesome” comments that kept me going.
Watts, for advice on layout. And also for putting up with me for 20ish years. (Go read his books: look up Watts Martin! I recommend Why Coyotes Howl.)
Amelie, for doing such amazing cover art, and for the collaborative process that produced it. Check out her art on DA.
My Livejournal readers, who read Book 1 as a serial years before I started writing Book 2. Y'all are my community. Thank you for following me to Patreon.
My fans who voted for my Kindle Scout campaign. You all rock, and your faith in me is terrifying and inspiring.
My friends on the Manse, who listened to me agonize about the writing.
My friends in SFWA and the Furry Writers Guild, likewise.
Ursula, who gets the brunt of my artistic flailing these days. (Go read her books: look up T. Kingfisher! I recommend Nine Goblins.)
My parents, who carve out a big chunk of the weekend out for me so I can work without worrying about anything but having my head in the game.
My husband and daughter, who are patient and generous and wonderful, and who are firmly in my mind's eye when I make writing business decisions.
And finally, Richard, who is my Eyre. You’re a hippie Communist, and this evil yuppie conservative loves you. Have a trilogy.