Chapter 5

Well, that was quite a start to my new school career. In the first twenty minutes alone I learned to:

1. Take Spotch’s advice.

2. Never count on there being gravity.

3. Be careful not to accidentally eat a classmate for dessert.

I guess I could also add “never hit your principal in the eyestalk with a pie.” Not that I was the one who did it, but still something to remember. It’s all good, though, because I also met my first new friend. Even better, it turns out that Spotch and I have the same schedule after lunch. So after picking the pieces of fried glorp cheese out of my hair, I walk with him to Mr. Jeddee’s science class.

Mr. Jeddee introduces me to the class. I hear some murmuring from the students.

“That’s him!”

“Wow! THE Kelvin Klosmo!”

“He doesn’t look that smart.”

He assigns me to Spotch’s table, where six kids are already sitting.


I grab Spotch before he can sit down.

“Hey—could you fill me in on my tablemates?” I ask him. “I think it might be a good idea if I knew a little about them before we meet. You know, so I’m not accidentally rude or something.”

“Sure thing,” Spotch says. “Seems logical.”
