“So, where are you folks headed?”
“To the Galactic Science Hub.”
“Oh, I doubt that.”
“What do you mean? Won’t this wormhole take us there?”
“Darn right it’ll take you there. It’s the only place it’ll take you. One entrance, one exit. That’s how a wormhole works, you know.”
“Of course I know. Everyone knows how a wormhole works.”
“So, what’s the problem, exactly?”
“The problem, exactly, is that for you to go through this here wormhole, I’d have to let you through this here gate. And for me to let you through this here gate, your names would have to be on THE LIST. And THE LIST is very short. So short, in fact, that I’ve been sitting here for three and a half years and nobody’s gone through yet.”
“Well, I’m Professor Klyde Klosmo and this is my wife, Professor Klara Klosmo. And these are our children, Kelvin and Bula.”
“All right. What the heck. Since I’ve got nothing else to do, I’ll humor you and take a look. But we both know there’s no way your names are on the… well, I’ll be a wallaby’s earlobe! You folks really are on THE LIST.”
“Great. Now let’s get going. You’ve wasted enough of my precious time.”
“And just who might you be?”
“Who might I be?! I might be Harry Potter! I might be Peter Pan!”
“Sorry, pal. Neither of those names is on THE LIST.”
“Of course they’re not on the list! They aren’t even real peop—never mind! Do you really not recognize the world-renowned Professor Erik M. Failenheimer when you see him?!”
“Nope. And I don’t see that name on THE LIST, either.”
“Well, look again! I was specifically invited!”
“All right, but I don’t see how I could have missed… well, what do you know. Here you are… at the very bottom. After Mr. Fluffles.”
“Mr. Fluffles? Who’s Mr. Fluffles?”
“A plushy?! I’m listed after a plushy?!”
“Look, mister. I didn’t make THE LIST. I just make sure you’re on it. And you are. Which means you folks are cleared to go. Have a nice trip.”