All right! Enough is enough! First the shuttle and now… this?! Where’s the respect?
“Look here! Somebody’s made a mistake! My uniform doesn’t look anything like the Klosmos’.”
“A mistake? And your name is…?”
“Failenheimer! Professor Erik M. Failenheimer!”
“Well, then, this is your uniform, all right. Says so right on the name tag.”
“Well, why does his say ‘Professor Klyde Klosmo’?”
“Because that’s his name, I would assume.”
“Has been since I was born! HAR!”
“I mean, why does mine just say ‘Erik’? Something is obviously missing.”
“Well, let’s take a look-see at the assignment sheet. Failenheimer… ah, here you are. And you’re right. There does appear to be something missing.”
“Well… that’s better!”
“A mop?!”
“It says right here: ‘All custodians will be assigned sterilized, germ-free cleaning equipment immediately upon changing into their new uniform.’ I’m sorry. I missed that the first time around.”
“Custodian?! I’ll have you know I came in third place in the most recent Scientist of the Year competition for the entire planet Earth!”
“Well, good for you. Unfortunately, only the top two scientists from each planet are invited to continue their research here on the Galactic Science Hub. You shouldn’t feel bad, though. All of our custodians have been selected based upon their scientific knowledge as well. After all, you never know what type of hazardous messes you may have to clean up.”
Hazardous shmazardous! This is the last straw. The world won’t have Erik Failenheimer to kick around anymore. If they won’t respect me as a brilliant scientist, maybe they will respect me as a brilliantly EVIL scientist! Yes, that’s it! I’ll be patient until I figure out what’s so important about this space station, and then I’ll take it for myself! Take it and use it to become the MOST POWERFUL BEING ON EARTH! IN THE GALAXY! IN THE UNIVERSE!