“Well, this was certainly a wonderful way to waste the entire evening. I don’t know how you put up with it day after day, Mr. Nosebutton. By the way—why did she give you such a ridiculous name?”
“Oh. I see. Bah. None of this matters anyway. Very soon these silly tea party games will be a thing of the past, and I, Erik Failenheimer, will RULE THE UNIVERSE! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What do you think of that, Miss Hairzybearzy?”
“Not impressed, I see. Well, I’ll have you know that I have devised a new plan to steal the ultrapowerful Zorb, since my original plan to transfer my brilliant mind into the body of a robot hit a few snags.”
“You find that amusing do you, Mrs. Fuzzface? It’s not a big deal, really. I don’t even need my mind in the robot. You see, although no living being can go anywhere near that Zorb without turning into a puddle of goo, my new body has no such restrictions!”
“Don’t look so surprised, Mr. Nosebutton. There are a few advantages to being made of cotton and polyester. And taking the Zorb from that secret planetoid is one of them.”
“What’s that, Miss Hairzybearzy? If it’s a secret planetoid, how will I find it? No need to worry. I have a plan for that as well. And I intend to get started on it immediately. But first…”
Ah, now that felt good! It turns out this being-evil thing is right up my alley. I should have thought of it years ago. And this little tea party turmoil is just a small sampling of what I have in store for the rest of this pathetic universe! But first I need the key card to Klosmo’s lab so I can hack into his computer. I saw him put it down on the table by the front door.