Well, Mrs. Fuzzface, I see you managed to remove that teacup from the top of your head. Goody for you. And Miss Hairzybearzy’s hind section is back below the table where it belongs. I suppose congratulations are in order.
Now leave me alone. I require total silence as I concentrate on devising a plan to get myself into that blasted robot.
I SAID SILENCE! Wait. That must be Klosmo in the Vacuu-Suk 3000, getting himself ready for that awful art fair I overheard him yakking about. Ah… if only it would just suck him right out into space. Now that would be a glorious-ZARFLOOTS! THAT’S IT!
My diabolical brain just came up with a positively perfect plan, and I wasn’t even trying very hard yet. And I need only wait until the Klosmos leave for that feeble fair to put it into action!
At last. They’re finally gone. Well, except for the boy. He’s been holed up in his room for the past hour, though, so he shouldn’t pose a problem. I just need to move quietly, which isn’t particularly difficult when your feet are made of cotton.
Perfect! I can crawl through the air ducts to Klosmo’s lab! You see, THIS is why I, Erik Failenheimer, will make such an excellent evil universe ruler. My plan is utterly brilliant-nothing can possibly go wrong. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!
Okay, I guess something could go wrong.
Actually, this will make the trip to the lab much quicker. My brain must have known this and pushed the button on purpose. Without me even realizing it, my brilliant mind thinks of everything.
Okay, almost everything.