All right—time to go. Everything’s lining up perfectly so far. The rest of the family should be gone for at least an hour and a half at Bula’s preschool “art” fair. And I use the word “art” only because that’s what the school is calling it. Here is Bula’s entry:
The kids had to name their creation something fancy, just like in a real art show. Bula named hers Pony in a Sunny Meadow, which is odd, since I don’t see a pony in there anywhere. Or a meadow. Or the sun. Chimp Scribbles would have been a better title, if you ask me. Not sure a chimp would agree, though. I’m just glad I could use tons of homework as an excuse not to go.
I have the retainer key card in my pocket, all dried off and ready. The rest of the gang should already be waiting at the elevator. This just better go smoothly. If we get caught sneaking around that lab, I’ll be grounded for sure.
What the…? That sounds like the Vacuu-Suk 3000. But I’m positive everybody left already. Maybe it’s broken or something. I better check it out before I go.
I knock on the bathroom door, you know, just in case. No answer. “Mom?” I shout. “Is that you? Dad? Bula?” Still nothing. I crack open the door and peek inside. It’s the Vacuu-Suk, all right, sucking away with no one inside. And one of the duct grates fell off and is lying on the floor. That’s not good. Something could get sucked in there and clog everything up.
Maybe Lightyear got in here and accidentally turned it on. Whatever. I replace the grate and head for the front door.