There it is, directly beneath me. Excellent! All I need to do is carefully loosen this grate and-
What in the name of peach cobbler is going on here? The levers are pointing the wrong way! The foot pedals are above my head! The gauges and control panels are upside down! Zarfloots!
Someone must have uncovered my diabolical plot to rule the universe. And that same someone must have altered the robot so I can’t control it properly, in order to foil my plans. It’s the only explanation!
Well, that’s a relief. I would hate to think I did all this nefarious evil planning for nothing.
And now for the truly brilliant part of my plan. The simpletons on this sorry excuse for a space station are simply going to open the door and let me walk out into space with the robot. But first things first.
And now the time has come to meet my destiny. Farewell for now to all those who failed to give me my due, who mocked me, who celebrated my failures. The next time you gaze upon Erik Failenheimer, it will be from your knees as you beg for mercy! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!