Chapter 2. Getting Set Up

The first step in creating an application is getting yourself set up. This chapter helps you get set up by taking you through the necessary steps to install Xcode. We will also explain what Xcode and playgrounds are. These are essential tools in helping you learn how to code and create iOS applications. Think of it as the paint and the canvas an artist needs in order to paint a beautiful picture.

By the end of this chapter, you will have all the necessary tools that will allow you to begin your journey in creating an iOS application. In this chapter, we will cover:

If you were to send a text to a friend from your mobile phone, what steps would you take? What would you say? You would open up the messages application and write out a message to your friend telling them that you're learning how to code. After typing out your message on the screen, you think twice about adding a few pizza emojis to it.  After sending the message, your mobile phone is able to interpret that information and send it over to your friend, all within a few seconds-how amazing!

Powering the messages application that you're using to text your friend is code. This code is a list of instructions that is processed by a computer, written by developers like yourself. But where does a developer write code? It is written in an application that is known as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE).  An IDE is a piece of software that combines the basic tools developers need to write, test, and run their applications. Xcode is a specific IDE that includes everything you need to create amazing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. It is shown in the following screenshot:


This is a screenshot of Xcode. We've begun working on an iOS app that displays a red heart on a blue background. After showing our friends how gorgeous our iOS app looks, one told us how we're going about it all wrong and that we should have a blue heart on a red background. Xcode allows us to easily make these changes:
