Teri Lee, Timeline and Continuity Editor Extraordinaire, for the tight reins and careful details. All the changes . . .
Norman Froscher for the wine suggestions.
Margot Dachuna for the French.
Mindy “Mud” Mymudes, Beta Reader and PR.
Donald Kirby, daddy to a fierce Monster, Druid or witch, writer and gay man, who was my sensitivity reader and beta’d all the scenes with werewolves, queens, and LGBT.
Let’s Talk Promotions at, for managing my blog tours and the Beast Claws fan club.
Lee Williams Watts for being the best travel companion and PA a girl can have!
Beast Claws! Best Street Team Evah!
Carol Malcolm for the timeline update.
Sheila Moody for the really good copy edit. Best one in ages!
Melissa Gilbert for the character history! 330 pages and still growing!
Mike Pruette at for all the fabo merch!
Lucienne Diver of The Knight Agency, as always, for guiding my career, being a font of wisdom when I need advice, and for applying your agile and splendid mind to my writing and my social presence.
Cliff Nielsen . . . for all the work and talent that goes into the covers.
Poet and writer Sarah Speith for giving me Jane’s medicine bag. It is still perfect!
As always, a huge thank-you to Jessica Wade of Penguin Random House. Without you there would be no book at all!