
Undoubtedly, you possess an aptitude for all things metaphysical. If you didn’t, you would not have picked up a beyond beginner’s book. You have a calling and, dare I say, a duty to explore how far you want to take it. Communications between yourself and the other side have become easier and more expected. Your mind-set has changed, even as you read this book and completed the exercises, because as much as you already knew, you’ve gained even more wisdom. You’ve scrutinized your abilities and questioned whether you were learning much as you took your gifts deeper, but your psychic senses have become keener and more in tune.

You’ve gone back to the basics. Diving into the metaphysical realm is limitless, and you now have the wherewithal to continue swimming. Connecting to or reconnecting to your guides builds a stronger relationship and you’ve done that throughout the book. You are navigating your way through your extrasensory communications using your clair senses and it may feel strange or different or even exhilarating. All these emotions are great! It means you are stepping into your power, recognizing your multitude of psychic abilities. Having a bit of fear during your growth is quite normal; in fact, you should expect it. It’s pushing through that fear and believing in yourself and your gifts that makes you go beyond a beginning level.

Just like with regular conversations, we use a language to psychically communicate. Extrasensory symbols are a normal psychic dialect. Our capacity to understand this form of nonverbal communication will continue to grow the more often we use it. And, our translations come faster and more detailed when we put in the time to practice tuning in. Use your symbols journal and be sure to leave plenty of space to consistently update it. This will ensure you can interpret messages that come in and will increase the span of symbols your guides and the universe will use. Basically, if you have a limited vocabulary, they will stick to that to help you comprehend what they send you. If you continually extend your scope and add to your recognized symbols, they will too. This is one of the best ways to increase your psychic abilities.

Channeling loved ones for yourself and others is one of the most amazing things you will do in this lifetime, and other lifetimes. Just imagine what you are doing. It’s like a science-fiction movie, but so much better. Receiving messages and guidance from another plane of existence and being able to raise your frequency above the din enough to tune in is almost fantastical. It is mind-boggling that we work better in the extrasensory world without allowing our ego to sabotage us. Working without our ego will put us further ahead in the metaphysical realm.

You will find, if you haven’t already, that the first time you experience any type of astral travel will just about knock your socks off. Seeing someone else’s face superimposed or taking over your friends or clients is also astounding. You have the directions; you can revisit and practice both methods any time you want.

You are well on your way to becoming an even greater version of you! Don’t stop now. You may continue your education and decide not to take it any further at this point. If you want to move forward and extend your personal gifts into a professional career, great! This is your time for learning who you are, intuitively, and what you want. Take advantage of all life has to offer. You may realize you are like me, always wanting more because you are so excited about all the metaphysical discoveries you are still open to.

Expect to feel different as you change. Your mind, body, spirit connection has been rejuvenated through the exercises you’ve done and all the reading your mind has taken in. The grass may look greener than before and the birds might sing a message to you. You may see through anyone that’s trying to swindle or hurt you, and you might find a life partner right in front of you. All in all, you’ve made some incredible changes and with more time and effort, you’ll continue to move forward with more confidence and increased self-esteem. After all, you deserve to be the best you you can be.

You are coming into your power in a very humbling way. Finding others who are working to do the same will not just help you practice, it will add to your fun. This should not be a chore; it should be an entertaining and exciting time. Remember, if you’re repeatedly not enjoying it, maybe working with your psychic gifts is not for you. Or, perhaps you need to take a step back. Once you’ve given yourself a break, you can always come back. You can also pick and choose which gifts you like to work with and practice developing those more until you feel comfortable working with all of them.

Over the time you’ve spent reading this book, you’ve likely been thinking about whether you want to keep your gifts to yourself or share them with others. Offering free readings is a way to do both. Using your intuition and your psychic abilities for yourself, without the pressure of putting yourself out there and having to be right, may be for you. It offers you a great way to move toward becoming a more professional psychic, but allows you to take as much time and preparation as you need.

When you’re ready, you may decide to do this work as your career. Becoming a professional psychic might be one of the best moves you’ll ever make, but it can also be one of the most terrifying decisions. You will most certainly find yourself dealing with doubters and people who criticize you and proclaim you are irrational. (Believe me, it happens.) But, you’ll know the truth. You are passionate about this because you are living in this psychic world. It’s their choice if they want to play with you or not. Quietly standing up for the metaphysical system by continuing to provide evidential readings is all you need to do; that and support a platform for the next generation to build on.

I did a reading for Jaye. She e-mailed me with a several validations—blowing each of us away with the spot-on accuracy of the information I had channeled during her reading. She left happy, even overwhelmed, and bought a few of my books. The efficacy of the messages that came through was amazing; I am always happily astonished at how well spirit uses me. But, what really hit me, what truly made me value her e-mail, was what she said at the end.

“When we came home, I started reading your books to my young daughters. We did the third eye exercise, imagining a windshield wiper cleaning it off, while we were lying around Sunday morning. I read one of the meditations aloud and then we told each other what we saw. ‘Blue, heavy round objects,’ Maya tells me. ‘I see a single bird,’ Adeline tells me. It doesn’t really matter what they are seeing, but that we are having this conversation: What is intuition? That was a beautiful conversation with them. We spent the rest of the morning enjoying another of your exercises, trying to move a feather with our minds.”

That is fantastic. Believe in the extraordinary power that is out there to be tapped into. Enjoy every remarkable discovery along the way, as well as all your failed attempts. Celebrate the work you do with your soul and the energy of your guides and your familial pod. Step into your power and go beyond your own personal beginning. Appreciate your metaphysical intelligence—once it’s yours, it can never be taken back!
