Using Helpful Tools
to Go Deeper
It’s time to go deeper. When you start developing your psychic abilities, everything is new. Possibly you can intuit what someone else is thinking or that someone is going to call you soon. Maybe you’ve been psychically feeling things more often since you’ve begun. Perhaps you’ve connected to someone else. However, this was just the beginning. To move beyond the beginner’s level, you need to go deeper into your gifts. Fortunately, there are helpful tools we can tune in to to get us there.
We could all use some help. Guides are the very definition of helpers. They are there to assist us when we know we need help, and even when we don’t. The greatest thing about them is they don’t want anything in return except our belief in them. We can think of our guides like tools—they make our psychic development easier when we use them. Tools are not necessary to access our psychic gifts, but we would be foolish not to take advantage of the benefits of using them.
Advanced Work with Your Guides
When you are first introduced to your guides, possibly through meditation, you may be excited, believing you know who you are permanently working with and that they, and only they, will always be there. It almost feels like a direct link to spiritual wisdom. This is great! But, it is not always the case. If you met one of your guides unintentionally, as in they just showed up one day or to help you in some way, that is also fantastic. But, again, it does not mean they will be your specific go-to guide or that they will always hang around to help you. The likelihood that this particular guide is going to be your be-all and end-all guide is actually very slim. However, you will always have guides to assist you when needed; they just may not always be the same ones. It’s important to be open to all your guides.
Remember in chapter 1 when you were introduced to who you connect with? Let’s take a more concentrated look at your guides: who they are and how they work with you. We each have an abundant number of guides, but we have some that show up to take you deeper, beyond your beginning. You’ve got guides that are with you throughout your entire lifetime, some even from lifetime to lifetime. And, you have some that come around to help you in specific situations or periods of your life. We want to connect with the guides that are there to help raise your vibration to a level where you can easily communicate with them and understand their messages.
At a beginning level we learn that guides tell us what we should do, either in general or in a specific situation. This is somewhat true, but not totally. When you move to a deeper level, you become aware that guides do not tell you what to do, but they help you see the bigger picture and possibly the most probable outcomes of any decisions you may make.
When I do readings for my clients, I ask the universe for information that can help my clients make decisions in their lives. I usually receive a balance of messages back from my guides and my client’s guides that essentially point to my client’s various options and choices they are free to make. I will psychically tune in to which may be better directions for them, but I won’t tell them what they have to do. Just as your spirit guides won’t tell you what to do, they will instead present you with options. It’s up to you to take the risks or make the attempt to better your situation by paying attention to the, usually subtle, direction they urge you toward. Once you understand this, you can move to the next level with your guides.
Most people who connect with their guides do so on a very basic level. They may have met them through an exercise or intuited their name. They may have even asked for and received a metaphysical gift from their guide. This, the practice of meeting your guides, you can actually do on a daily basis because you will undoubtedly meet different guides and it’s a great way to open your energy to the universe. Commune with your guides. Tune in to them and ask them any questions you may need answers to, not just about your psychic abilities, but about life in general. Your guides are there to make it easier for you to tap into your gifts to help direct you. They don’t want to make it harder, so they will meet you at least halfway, you only need to put in the effort. To bring your meetings to beyond a beginning level, it’s time to have a conversation. You need to begin to understand why they are there, what they can tell you about the universe, the way the universe works, and how you fit into it.
By connecting to your guides in a more advanced way, you will take your psychic gifts to a more advanced degree as well. It’s fine to merely meet them, but to understand them is more profound. Think of it like a bicycle—your guide can tell you how to ride a bike, but it doesn’t mean you’ll know how to put the bicycle together or how it works. It’s more about learning how to access the connections your guides help you with, so you can then use that knowledge to bring you to different dimensions in your journey.
I worked with Thea to help her increase her gifts. During one of her initial sessions, we discussed her guides. She felt that her guide, Sharia, was very instrumental to her psychic development. She went on to say that since she met Sharia in an exercise a few years prior, she had used her guide to answer questions for herself and others. I explained that while this may be true that Sharia is helping her, it was time for her to take ownership of her gifts and try to psychically connect without asking Sharia to do the work for her. But first, it was time for Thea to connect with Sharia so she could learn how psychic energy worked for her, specifically. Remember, we are all made up of energy, and with practice we can tune in to the universal energy that connects everyone. But, we will all do this in an individual, personal way. Thea agreed to try.
After she became relaxed in my recliner, I asked Thea to call out to her guide, Sharia. I wanted her to connect to Sharia specifically, as this was a guide she was comfortable with.
“Ask Sharia to come to you. Ask her to show up so you’ll recognize that it’s her,” I instructed. “When she’s there, let me know.”
“She’s here,” Thea responded after a moment, and with a bit of awe.
“Great. What does she look like? What does she smell like? What does she sound like? What does she feel like?”
I wanted Thea to really connect to her guide. Paying attention to the details let her tune in with a stronger bond.
“She is very colorful, and she is kind of fluttery. She has a sugar cookie kind of smell. That’s funny!” she began. “She sounds very melodic, like a beautiful flute, and she feels warm and soft.”
“Wonderful. Ask her if she will help you learn on a deeper level today,” I said.
“She just smiled. I feel like she will, as long as I’m ready to,” Thea told me.
“Are you ready?” I asked.
“Okay. I will help you set the intention of what you’d like to accomplish today. What I say out loud, you can repeat in your mind to Sharia. She will hear both of us and it will make both our requests stronger,” I told her.
She nodded in response. I knew from previous occasions that this might also allow me to experience some of what Thea would learn from Sharia.
“Hello Sharia. You’ve helped me discover my psychic gifts. I need you to explain or show me how the universal energy connects so I can do it myself without always depending on you to do it for me,” I began and waited and watched Thea’s face as I could tell she was repeating my words.
“I’d like to learn what I can in order to connect deeper, on a more advanced level, so please help me to understand,” I continued. “Show me all there is.”
Almost immediately, I began to see colors and sparks of light and energy in my mind. It was as though I was traveling through a twisting funnel that was bright and filled with a cacophony of colors. I glanced at Thea to make sure she was okay, and then let the journey continue.
“Bring me to where the answers are,” I suggested.
I was happy to be on this journey with Thea and Sharia. The funnel of colors was opening. It appeared to be an entrance to a beautiful, vast, uncluttered area. As far as I could see there was an overall hue of blue and silver, with sparkly, almost prism-like, translucent panes melding with the entire space. I was looking at this, but, more importantly, I was in awe of what else I saw there. Free floating, almost funnel-like themselves, were beings of light. They appeared to be of the same shape, but varied in size, with a head and shoulder-like form that tapered down to an armless torso into a soft point, about where a human’s thighs would be. There was nothing scary or intimidating about them, though they were very different from what I anticipated. Instead, the feeling I had was one of warmth and caring, generosity and love. Each being was floating next to a kind of small, round, modern-looking, whitish, lighted table, which was sharply tapered to a thin, brace-like support. It was freely suspended, as was the being.
Again, I looked at my client to be sure she was okay. I saw the telltale signs of her eyes moving under her lids, and her mouth, slightly smiling, was ajar in wonder.
I went back to the energy and saw on the closest table there was an open book, made of light. I could see a stream of energy going from the book to the being and I intuitively knew that this was information, and that this information could also be tapped into by humans to psychically gather data.
The scene started fading and as it did, I looked at Thea, and felt it was fading for her as well.
“Thank you to Sharia for helping us understand where our guides get the data we need, and another big thank you to Sharia for sharing this knowledge with us so we may go directly to it in the future.”
I instructed Thea to take a few deep breaths, open her eyes, and come back to the present when she was ready.
“So, can you tell me what you experienced?” I asked her.
She slowly explained what she had witnessed during her meditation. Though many of the specifics were different (sizes, shapes, and colors) the basic gist was the same as what I experienced. She discovered, for the first time, that her guide, Sharia, was not even present during her psychic journey. Though she was asking for her guidance, she realized none of the metaphysical beings she saw were Sharia. She still felt amazingly comforted and even confident with what she was doing. She knew, now, that she would be able to connect to the universal energy she had perceived herself, without having to depend upon her guide.
While guides play an important role in connecting us to our intuition, we don’t always have to resort to their energy to use our extrasensory gifts. Asking them for help is always okay, but not having to depend on them, rather being able to tune in ourselves, can prove to be even more powerful.
Go somewhere quiet where you can relax and be uninterrupted. Using the same basic narrative I used in the story with Thea and Sharia, begin your journey with, and without, your guides. Allow them to bring you to the place where the information from the universe is imparted. Take your time; this is an important step in increasing your psychic confidence.
Pay close attention to the details of where you metaphysically go. Look for any sentient beings or other objects or items. Also, discern any colors that are present. Notice if any of your previously discovered guides are there. Feel whether you are familiar, comfortable, or distressed by what you sense.
It’s possible the scene may begin to fade as it did in my meditation with Thea. But, if not, when you’ve gathered every element about this metaphysical place, including any new impressions about where psychic information comes from, you can thank the universe and your guides for bringing you on this journey. Either way, you are ready to close it down. You might experience a slight sense of sadness as where you just traveled metaphysically may have brought about a feeling of bliss. This is actually very common and is quite all right. Know you can visit again.
You’ve discovered how to work with your guides on a more advanced level and you’ve learned where you can get the information from directly. You should be able to acquire psychic knowledge with greater ease and more proficiency. You will find using your guides and their metaphysical location as a tool to access the data you need will help you to go deeper with your gifts. As always, act with an attitude of gratitude and be thankful for their guidance.
Increase Your Psychic
Range with Psychometry
Psychometry is reading the energy of an object, as all objects and pictures hold energy. Psychometry is unique in that it allows you to gain knowledge from an item about the previous or current owner, their loved ones, deceased or living, and just about everything else about their personalities, careers, loves, desires, hopes, and even fears. Essentially, psychometry is perceiving information from an object using all your psychic abilities to connect to that data.
While practicing psychometry is a great beginning exercise, it can also take you to another level. It provides us with something tangible to help us connect to the energy of the person or even the object we are reading. Think of psychometry as a tool to be utilized to increase your range. It is a simple way to tap into your abilities and a great way to take them to the next level. We use our extrasensory perception to tune in to the owner’s past, present, or their future. We also use it to access the object’s history—where it came from, what it means, who may have owned it before, and what, if anything, is special about it. It is precisely because of the abundance of insight psychometry provides that makes this particular practice a great way to go beyond a beginner level reading.
It’s not like you’ll move right to intermediate- or expert-level readings with psychometry; expanding beyond a novice level isn’t something you just jump into. It’s more like a natural progression. Being aware of what you can already do will help you go further. Doing what you already can will start the process of going past what you’ve done before. By working with psychometry, you will harness and progress your psychic abilities.
Using psychometry as a tool forces you to focus by touching the object. Attaching yourself to the energy of the object provides you with an extension of the owner’s energy. It also gives you a link to the energy of any of the people, places, or times involved with the object. To put it plainly, without psychometry it may feel like you have to filter out all the static from the universe when trying to hone in on psychic information. With psychometry, you still connect to the energy of the universe, but you have a focal point or dedicated line to receive the data you are asking for. Using this tool can help you cut through the chatter. It broadens your abilities, while at the same time, narrowing your search area.
Psychometry will provide you with the same types of impressions you would receive when working without it, but in a more direct way. Psychometry itself won’t make you a better psychic. It will help you more easily gain access to information you might be trying to discern. You can think of it like using the internet; when you enter something into the search engine, you won’t automatically become smarter, but you will be presented with the data you can use to increase your wisdom.
Perceiving psychic material via touch can also be accomplished by merely holding someone’s hand. It works in the same basic manner as object psychometry, but some people feel it gives them a better pipeline to the information they are trying to tune in to. Often psychics will ask to hold their client’s hand because it helps them to get into their sitter’s energy more quickly, especially if they are only doing a short reading.
Many years ago, I was doing a quick, off-the-cuff reading for Tina, who was wondering about her new relationship. To help me get tuned in, I briefly held her hand and asked to hold her bracelet. When I touched her hand I immediately felt the love they had for each other and knew they had a real connection; I felt happy for them. When I held the bracelet I began seeing images, psychically in my mind’s eye, which I presented to her.
“Have you ever been to Paris?” I asked.
“I’ve been there a few times,” Tina responded.
“But, have you ever been there with Brian?” I continued.
“No … but we were talking about it,” she answered, questioning.
I went on to explain that I saw the Eifel Tower and all the fairy-tale aspects of a romantic trip to France. I shared that this would, indeed, be a good relationship to invest her time and energy into. I also saw her beau on bended knee, proposing in front of the Eifel Tower, but I decided to keep that to myself to let her be surprised. Sure enough, Tina contacted me a couple of years later, confirming what I had seen in my vision. They invited me to their wedding!
Like all psychic tools, psychometry is available to enhance your psychic gifts, allowing for a better connection to the person you are trying to read. It will help you take your abilities to a level beyond beginner.
For this exercise you will need some people to join you. Gather your friends and ask them to bring a few different objects (in a bag) they’d like to have read. Make sure they don’t show anyone what they have; you don’t want to see the objects. When everyone is ready, have them sit in a circle. Place your chair facing outward while the others face in. Place a pad and pen in your lap, ready to use.
Now, close your eyes. Breathe deeply until you feel relaxed. This is to be a blind reading; you are not to look at any of the items your group brought. Have your friends silently decide who will place one of their objects in your hand first.
As you inhale, imagine a silver funnel rising from the top of your head, reaching toward the sky. Feel it grow, stretch, and pulsate with energy. You may feel a tingling sensation on your scalp. Now, imagine beautiful, leafy vines coming out from the bottoms of your feet, grounding you down into the earth. Feel the healing energy as it runs back up into your feet and legs. Let this energy continue to move up, into your hips and abdomen, while letting the energy from the universe travel down through the funnel, into your head, through your shoulders and chest. Allow the energies to combine and continue traveling through your entire body.
Breathe deeply again. While your eyes remain closed, have the person previously designated place their item in your hand before quietly sitting back down. It is not important to try to figure out what the object is. As a matter of fact, you don’t want to know what it is, as that may sway your thoughts.
As you hold the item in your hand, ask the universe to send information about the object through the silver funnel, down into your crown chakra. Without looking at the object (put it under your chair or hold it off to the side) write down all the impressions you receive on your pad, regardless of what they are and how they come to you. Do not censor it, record everything. Remember, just because what you perceive may not mean anything to you personally does not mean you should discount it—the information is not coming through for you. It is for whoever brought the object.
When you’ve finished writing down what your psychic senses have given you, it’s time to go back and ask the object what else it has to tell you. Do not look at the object. Open your funnel even wider, with the intention of receiving even more information from the item. The impressions you’ve already recorded are what is immediately available to you. By increasing your funnel size, you are asking the universe to give you more. Again, write down whatever information you get now, using all your psychic abilities. When you’ve exhausted the messages you perceive, it’s time to go deeper. You are no longer a beginner, and there is so much more you can gain. Ask for more by requesting the following specifics:
• Show me more, using my clairvoyance
• Tell me more, using my clairaudience
• Send me feelings, using my clairsentience
• Tell me something more, using my claircognizance
• Send me flavors, using my clairgustance
• Send me scents, using my clairalience
Write everything down. When you are finished recording, increase your funnel size again and answer the following:
• What colors do you see?
• What sounds do you hear?
• Do you get any specific locations? House, store, building, street, landscape, state, country?
• What do you get for time frames? Do you get any dates? Months? Years?
• How about names or initials? Do any stand out for you?
• Is the person who gave you the object the only owner? If not, whose was this or is this? Are they living or dead?
• If this is not the original owner, how are they connected to previous owners?
• How did the person who gave you the object obtain it?
• Are there any hobbies or professions connected to the object?
• Does the object feel positive or negative or neutral?
• Is the current owner happy? Sad? Angry? Excited? Depressed? Content? Afraid?
• Are there any messages, advice, or specific words that need to be shared?
When you are all done recording, open your funnel even bigger for the final time. This is your chance to really move beyond a beginner’s level. Ask if there is anything else you can learn from the object you hold. Sense any vibrations through your hands and into your body. Tune in to the physical body and aura of the owner and note whether you feel anything off, like ailments or weaknesses. If you sense any physical issues, dive deeper and see if you perceive causes or treatments for them. Write down whatever impressions you receive. When you finish, open your eyes and turn your chair around.
Present your pad full of impressions to your friends. Be sure to tell them everything, without judgment, and let them tell you what makes sense and what doesn’t. Suggest they keep an open mind and not write things off because they don’t immediately click with them and take the messages to ponder them later. More often than not, people will connect with the messages shortly after they receive them.
After you’ve shared everything you wrote down, expand on your reading and let them know of any other impressions you had or are having that you didn’t write down. Be sure to include any emotions or feelings you had that may not have been yours.
How did you do? Did you get more than 75 percent of the information validated? More than 50 percent? Less than that? Less than 25 percent? If you did very well, congratulate yourself! If you didn’t, analyze what information you got wrong. Was it the initial data? Was it when you started asking specific questions? Was it after? Did you excel at a specific time during the exercise or was it scattered? Think of some of the topics we covered earlier. Were you caught in any negative thoughts? Was your ego blocking you?
Try it again. Shake your hands out, spin around, shake out your legs, and so on, to help clear the energy from the previous reading. Then, go through the entire process from the beginning with someone else’s object. When you are done, compare them. Did you do better with one over the other? Did you find one easier? Were you able to connect to one person’s energy more than another? Think about how this practice made you feel. Did you like psychometry? Did it bring you further than you’d been before? Do you feel like you connected on a deeper level?
Psychometry is one way to access your psychic abilities. You can go into it as deep as your gifts allow you. Pushing your boundaries in ways you’ve never tried before will aid in the development of your intuition and expand your psychic aptitude. Holding an object, like jewelry, a photograph, or another item, provides you with an advantage. You have instant access through touch to the owner’s energy, which can make it easier to go beyond your beginning level.
While using tools is not a necessity when increasing your gifts, it is a smart move. When choosing to develop anything in life, it is always prudent to take advantage of everything there is to increase your knowledge. Using psychic tools can get you past that stalled-out point, where you feel like you are not getting any better. Guides, though referred to in many ways like helpers, can be one of your most valuable tools. But like psychometry to other forms of tools (tarot or oracle cards, crystals, tea leaves), they should not be used solely as a crutch. You can depend on your gifts to tune in to the metaphysical and utilize the tools to give you a broader, yet more focused and stronger connection. This connection can be deepened to help you connect to the other side, to deceased loved ones and those that have passed.