Chapter 8

More Advanced Practice with Psychic Buddies

As with any friendship, it is beneficial to find some psychic companions. You may have already connected to others through natural friendships, online contact, development classes, common interests, or some other way. Having the opportunity to bounce ideas off each other, or to practice together, is beneficial when trying to deepen your abilities. You don’t need someone, and you definitely don’t need a full-time participant, but it brings a different type of challenge to your development. In addition, it allows you to work and receive feedback immediately, and from someone you can trust with at least some knowledge in the metaphysical realm. It makes it feel more alive and more real when you have an actual person to psychically play with—this keeps it fun and exciting!

Common Interests

Discovering people who enjoy the same activities as you brings you a greater level of fulfillment. Having friends who pursue other hobbies, apart from psychic ones, is also beneficial, as it introduces you to additional activities you may not have been exposed to yet. Hanging out with metaphysical practitioners is not necessary, but doing things with other like-minded people affords you more opportunities to bounce ideas and thoughts off each other because they understand what you’re talking about. You might find that being able to share your psychic gifts with someone will attract you to them, and vice versa. If you are fascinated by the psychic realm, as I am, you may feel a longing to reach out to those who share the same ideas and desires.

When you begin exploring, you might feel as though you need to keep your pursuits to yourself, for fear of being exposed as someone who may be crazy. Let’s be honest. Sometimes, especially in the beginning of your development, you may question your sanity. It can be scary if you have no one around you who shares your beliefs or ideas about what’s happening. That’s why it’s so important to be around others with common interests to help raise your energy while you try to magnify and increase your abilities beyond the beginning level. Engaging with someone who understands or is experiencing something similar while advancing through this stage can be extremely beneficial.

Finding your tribe is not always an easy task. Just because you might both be interested in psychic abilities doesn’t mean you are the same type of person, or more specifically, doesn’t mean you have anything else in common. Personalities are also important. So, not only should you search for someone who shares the same metaphysical goals as you, you should look for someone you can connect to overall. A key concept to remember is that just like any friendship, your psychic friends don’t have to check all the boxes for you. If they do, great. If not, it’s totally all right; you can connect to each other metaphysically and leave the rest for other friendships.

Psychic Word of the Day

Exercising your psychic muscles will increase their capacity, just as working out at the gym does for your physical body. An easy way to do this is to find someone or a few people you can share a word of the day with, like one of your psychic buddies. My sister and I will tune in, briefly, to each other’s energy at random times of the day and send each other what we call a word of the day. We ask to intuitively receive a word for the other person that can help or guide them. It often brings insight to things we need to work on, or it can direct us to what we should be on the lookout for or what’s meaningful on that particular day. It doesn’t matter if the other person is psychic or not; it can work with anyone who is open to allowing themselves to see, hear, feel, or think of a word.

There are two very different ways to share a word of the day. When you offer someone a word of the day, you can just drop it there and leave it alone, meaning you can just share with them whatever word pops into your mind first and give it to them with no explanation. It’s their word and you can let them discover what it means, no matter what the word is, or even what their reaction is to it. Or, you can give someone your word for them and ask if it immediately resonates with them. Then, you can explain what it may mean for them.

For example, I shared a word of the day with my sister yesterday. I told her “red robe.” She instantly knew it was something literal for her. She was editing her novel, which she was preparing to send to her editor, and she was reading a part where the main character was wearing red robes. We could have ended it there, as it made perfect sense and validated that she was doing the right thing and I was connecting to her. But, there was more. I told her the red robe also meant she needed to be confident with what she was doing. The red was about her foundation, her security. By wrapping herself in it, she would protect herself and could feel secure that she was moving in the right direction.

A word of the day can lead to an entire reading. By giving yourself a reading prompt, you are opening to the universe to begin receiving information about the person you are delivering the message to. It’s like a writing prompt where you have a word and then write a story around it. Essentially, you can start with a word that you psychically receive and allow the story of that psychic connection begin to flow.


Word Up

Grab a partner and decide who is going to begin. The sender of the word can breathe deeply and tune in to the receiver. Now, take another deep breath and on the exhale tell the person the first word you perceive. Don’t judge it, don’t question it, just say it out loud. Let them sit with it for a moment.

Now, let them tell you if it resonates with them in some way. If it does, great! If not, that’s okay, too. After you’ve discussed it, dive into your intuition and begin deciphering the story of what the word is about for them. Explain what it may symbolically mean, as well as what it may literally mean to them. Give them at least a full paragraph of detail and continue interpreting it if you can. Then ask again if it resonates with them.

Did this exercise come easy to you? Did the initial word come easy but the translation was difficult? Or was the story easier than the word?

Try switching. Have your friend intuit a word for you. Does it resonate with you? Do you understand it? How about when they tell the story of the word to you? Does that make sense?

Find someone you can share a word of the day with on a regular basis. You might find it gets easier as you go, or that the words flow more naturally.

Enjoy this process. You can take it to a deeper level if you desire by giving a full, in-depth reading as to what the word means, or you can keep to the fundamental basics by just presenting your partner with a psychic word. Change it up and give others the opportunity to experience the word of the day. Share your impressions with each of them in a different way and see how each delivery feels. You might discover presenting your messages in a variety of techniques can help you increase your own abilities.

Get into Heightened Practice
through Circles

Having a safe place to practice with other like-minded individuals can elevate your spirit. I have always found being in a classroom, whether as the teacher or the student, helps raise the energy of the entire room. This means it increases your spiritual connections and your psychic gifts. Imagine the energy of a class full of middle schoolers who are all laughing—it’s contagious. That’s what it feels like when you share energy in a psychic circle. It enables everyone there to spiritually share and can increase the number of psychic hits for all who are reading.

It is crucial to find a circle where you feel comfortable. For instance, if you walk in and feel like everyone is trying to take your energy, you may not want to stay. This happens. Not always because they are trying to be intuitive thieves, but often because they need more from you than you need from them. But, if you get warm and fuzzy when you enter, there is a high probability they want to share their knowledge, wisdom, and gifts with you, rather than just funneling yours to themselves. That’s where you want to be.

Finding the perfect circle can be an ongoing struggle or you might get lucky and discover one where you fit in. If you find you are stuck and have a hard time finding a circle that aligns with your desires and metaphysical goals, you can start one yourself. It’s a good idea to join or start a circle with people who are on your level, but you may also want to invite and include people who are already a bit more psychically educated. It helps to have someone who can answer questions you may have. You don’t want to be the most experienced psychic because you will find your development a bit stalled.

When you sit in circle, you create a sacred space where all are protected, and the fundamental goal is to connect to the universal energy for each other and yourself. One way to run the circle is to open with a meditation to raise the energy. Then you can have everyone tune in, focus on an individual in the group, or open to spirit and connect with whoever wants to come in. Then share the messages. Have each person take turns building on what the first person tuned in to. Another method is to have one person in the group act as the psychic, with all the others raising the energy by meditating and calling in the strength to boost the psychic’s impressions. Rotate around the circle, allowing everyone the opportunity to share what they receive.

Remember, the purpose of a circle is to increase your gifts. Practicing, without pushing yourself, will not take you beyond a beginner level. Rather, it will leave you working exactly at the same level you’ve been. That said, utilize the energy of the circle. Allow it to raise your frequency to connect and provide greater evidence that you are truly connecting to someone in the circle or to someone from the other side. Think of this as a kind of psychic college training where you can study and work harder than you did in high school, but where you have more freedom to discover what you enjoy and which areas or abilities you thrive in. Being in a circle automatically produces a higher success rate for your connections simply by using the combined energy of the group.

Work with a Mentor

I am always asked if I mentor budding intuitives or professional psychics. The answer, unequivocally, is always YES! I believe having a mentor is extremely important. It allows you to share your hopes, fears, dilemmas, and celebrations with someone who gets it. It also gives you one-on-one practice and advice. Imagine having a teacher who can cater to you and your individual needs, someone who can address your questions and who understands what you’re trying to accomplish. This type of psychic adviser can really propel you to the next level in your development.

Mentoring does not mean it is strictly a teacher-student relationship. A good mentor encourages someone else’s growth, allowing them to find their own path. Having mentors at various points in your expansion can address specific areas you want to work on that will further your abilities. It’s not just about enriching core psychic knowledge, it’s the element of feeling comfortable using your gifts. Being able to trust in your mentor’s abilities, as well as trusting them to shelter you, and hold the space for you to be your authentic self is a critical aspect of a mutually beneficial relationship.

Sue came in for a session during a girls’ weekend event. While she waited outside the reading room, she recorded in her journal all her wishes and dreams, hopes and fears. She came in and we began the session, opening with my explanation of how I tune in to the universe and her guides before writing down everything I receive. I had a page full of notes ready for Sue, messages and intuitive impressions that I began sharing. Her jaw, as the session progressed, dropped further and further toward the floor. The reading addressed everything she had been writing about. While she was somewhat shocked and overwhelmed that our notes paralleled each other’s, she was fascinated that her guides had shared with me what she needed to hear. There was also an element of telepathy, where I was tuned in to her thoughts and what she wrote. Although my meeting with Sue was not a mentoring session, it is a great example of how a mentor and student can practice connecting and working together.

Many practicing psychics offer mentoring services. Many life coaches do as well. It is not critical to have a professional psychic or medium mentor you, as a coach can also encourage you and bring out a lot of your natural talents. Though having a psychic help train you can be beneficial, as they will understand how to connect in certain ways, it is not crucial—coaches will foster your gifts in different ways. Someone who can be there to answer questions is the best type of mentor. A coach can be a great first step if you are not able to find a psychic who is up to the task. Remember, all developing psychics are at different levels and need different types of help, so it’s not a one-size-fits-all thing. Be open to different types of mentors to get the best type of assistance for yourself.


Writing Together

If you have a mentor, use them for this exercise. If you don’t, grab a fellow extrasensory friend and sit in two different rooms, or at opposite sides of a room, with your backs to each other. You will play both roles, but you will do the reading first. For this to work, you must be honest about your hopes and dreams, and even the fears you have. Your intention for this exercise is to see whether you’re able to connect to a mentor (whether it is a true mentor or your friend acting as a mentor) using all your psychic gifts, as I did with Sue.

You, the “student,” will give the other person five minutes to begin. The “mentor” will be honest and write down everything they want to know about, beginning with their aspirations all the way to their worries and doubts. Whatever they write about, such as current situations, people, and so on, must be real; they need to be true to allow the student to do their job.

After five minutes, you will tune in to the energy of the mentor, picking up everything the universe has to tell about the mentor and the mentor’s loved ones. You will write down everything you receive. Then the mentor will join you and start sharing what you wrote.

The idea is to give everything you got, don’t judge or question. Let the mentor respond to what you told them, but with a twist. Compare what you wrote down and see if you’ve addressed any of the things the mentor wrote down.

Have the mentor go down the list they made, item by item, and ask yourselves if the reading translated anything or any answers that related to what the mentor asked. If not, did the reading resonate with the mentor in different ways? It’s important to try to connect to the information the mentor deemed important enough to write down in this exercise.

When you are all done comparing, switch roles and see if it works better for you. Again, the goal of this exercise is to try to connect to someone on a different level.

A good mentor relationship will provide you with guidance and direction. They can’t give you psychic abilities; their goal should be to help you excavate and recognize the gifts you already have and teach you how to develop them further. They can also assist you with the progression of moving from beginner to beyond beginner.

Surrounding yourself with psychic buddies, regardless of whether you are in a student-teacher relationship or you are on equal footing, will raise your frequency and theirs. You can exercise your psychic abilities with other people as often as you want. You will see that becoming friendly with other developing psychics can provide you with a lot of fun while you practice. I believe hands-on learning is the best. Staying connected with people you can train with gives you that opportunity. If you still find it difficult to find others like you, look on the internet. You might find groups that offer circles or meetings. There are also a lot of spiritualist churches that are, for the most part, non-denominational. Also look on social media for keywords like psychic or psychic development and you will find a multitude of practitioners as well as budding intuitives. Who knows, you may end up meeting your best friend this way!
