Dr. Müller and I had a nice talk. She brought me some new supplements. She said they’ll last through October. They’re very good. I’m very good. I’m very relaxed. I’m great.
The last chapter was very, very visionary. I let Barron read it. He says it needs fixing. He says there’s an editor “app” that can do it for me.
I’m almost finished. With the book, not the presidency, ha ha ha, no way. Being president is demanding. Dr. Müller and Ivanka say that between the tweeting and the book, I’m spending too much time away from “being president.” Okay.
I asked the Pentagon to invent an app where I say a sentence and then the app takes my thoughts from that one sentence and expands them into a few pages. They say it might take a while. So I’m going to be more brief from now on, but you can expand these shorter chapters later if you want, when the app comes out.
The other reason I’m going to be more brief is because of national security. It’s become even more important, very, very important, shhhh, so many, many secrets to keep.
Like the big one about North Korea. I won’t give it away. But I will say this: Paul McCartney has been a fake since the real Paul died, because the Beatles were worth like $100 billion a year to the economy of England, so British intelligence, the same ones who wiretapped me for Obama, gave some auto mechanic a lot of plastic surgery and turned him into “Sir Paul.”
The secrets and dangers are also why I need to stay inside more. But I can tell you we are planning so many great secret things as we finish the first year, such fantastic things. You’ll be surprised. America First—And America Last. Like it? Me, too.