Many of you reading my book will have been living with osteoporosis for some time now. Others of you may have recently been diagnosed with osteopenia, and are feeling confused and anxious about the future. Some of you will be angry, frightened and depressed, thinking your life might become difficult and that you will lose your independence. I can fully understand your concerns, having recently been diagnosed myself.
We all wonder what we can do to help ourselves. And, like you, I am concerned about the possibility of losing height, losing balance and fracturing bones. I decided to find out more for myself, and now hope that I can pass on my findings via this book and give you a better understanding of osteoporosis. I have learned that there are ways of making life more comfortable living with the condition, and help and advice is available when you need it.
I hope this book gives you the reassurance you seek, and I wish you many more years of health and happiness.