Preparing for success

Not surprisingly, it has been found that successful people have high scores when tested for optimism. But which comes first, the success or the optimism? Research shows that in most cases it is an optimistic attitude that paves the way for success rather than the other way around.

Optimists thrive because they believe that they have the skills required to be successful. They reinforce their confidence and motivation both by focusing on their past triumphs and by visualizing the success of future projects. And they have the resilience not to let rejection and failure knock them off course.

To prepare yourself for success ask yourself the following questions and write the answers in your journal (see pp.36–9):

• ‘What do I want to achieve? Describe each goal and your motivation for achieving it in as much detail as possible.

• When do I want this goal to be realized? Draw up a schedule and put it in your agenda.

• What do I need to do to accomplish my vision? Itemize each step and its length, then track your progress.

• Are there any obstacles likely to stand in my way? Anticipate possible pitfalls and ways to deal with them.

• What will it be like when I achieve my goal? Imagine how you will feel. Ask yourself what this project means to you. Use these thoughts to motivate you to carry on when things are not going to plan.