Your brain is divided into the left and right hemispheres. The left brain is primarily responsible for language functions and analytical thinking, and processes information in a linear fashion. The right brain excels in spatial and visual awareness, recognizing patterns and processing information globally. The following exercise is based on the concept of “mind mapping”®, devised by the mind-power author and lecturer Tony Buzan. This is a right-brain method that can be used to tackle problems creatively. You will need a large piece of paper and some coloured marker pens.
1. In the centre of the sheet, sketch a picture, cut out an image from a magazine or use a word to denote your problem and draw a circle around it.
2. Write down or draw the main aspects of the problem around the central circle, linking them to the circle with lines and using a different colour for each. So, if your problem were needing to lose weight, the key areas might be “diet”, “alcohol”, “exercise”, “schedule”, “motivation”. Sticking to your colour code, draw sub-branches out from each area to show ways of addressing each of these issues, potential pitfalls, ways around the pitfalls. Be instinctive – don’t edit.
3. You have formulated your plan with your right brain. Now evaluate it with the left brain, eliminating certain ideas and pursuing others.