Living with hope

Hope is the device that optimists use to propel themselves into the future. The psychologist Dr Charles R. Snyder defines hope as the belief that “you have both the will and the way to accomplish your goals.” Hope is closely linked to optimism: if we are able to explain past or current events optimistically, it follows that we will feel hopeful about the future. Conversely, hopelessness, or despair, about the future is one of the most destructive features of pessimism and depression. It is during the tough times – when we are most vulnerable to feelings of despair – that the benefits of hopefulness are most apparent.

When the unthinkable happens, the lighthouse is hope. Once we choose hope, everything is possible.

Christopher Reeve (1952–2004)

Research has shown the value of hope in the face of adversity. In one study, led by Dr Tim Elliott, an expert in rehabilitation psychology, a group of people paralyzed by spinal-cord injury were tested for hopefulness. Over time, the ones who were found to be most hopeful were less depressed and more mobile than the others.

The actor Christopher Reeve, himself making incredible progress having been paralyzed by spinal-cord injury, observes that hope is a choice. Choosing to be hopeful when it feels as if everything is going against you is not easy, but it is possible. One way to cultivate hope is to seek inspiration from the examples of people, such as Christopher Reeve, who have had the courage to carry on in the face of hardship. Don’t forget that we can all find such examples in our own personal history. Think back to times when you were at your lowest and seek comfort and strength from the fact that you overcame them. Time heals: what seems unendurable today will never feel quite as bad in the future.

Visualize a compelling future for yourself, so that you look ahead in anticipation rather than trepidation. Where do you want to be in, say, a year’s time? Write down any steps you can take to achieve this position. Who can you ask for help? Even if some aspects of your future are beyond your control, knowing what you want to happen, hoping that it will happen and doing what you can to make it happen will maximize your chances of success.