A large number of people have been hugely generous in giving of their time, consideration and expert opinion during the preparation of this book. I do not list them in any particular order of appreciation. Each and every one has contributed a vital element in the completion of the book.
Thanks are due to the many librarians, archivists and museum personnel who have helped me in the gathering of information from so many different disciplines. Without the works of the authors from whom I quote I could not even have begun to write this book.
There are two people whose initial encouragement, ongoing support and friendship have been invaluable: Caroline Davidson, of The Caroline Davidson Literary Agency; and Professor George J. Brooke, Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis, The University of Manchester, Co-director, The Manchester–Sheffield Centre for Dead Sea Scrolls Research.
To the many others my gratitude and thanks:
- Dr Rosalie David, Reader and Keeper of Egyptology, The Manchester Museum
- Rabbi William Wolff, Wimbledon and District Synagogue
- Graham Young, Penciuk, Scotland
- Jozef Milik, previously leader of the Dead Sea Scroll translation team at the École Biblique, Jerusalem
- Henri de Contenson, Directeur de Recherche Honoraire au CNRS, France
- Professor John Tait, University College London
- Irene Morley, University College London
- Csaba La’da, Hamburg University, Germany
- Brian Norman, Editorial consultant
- Barry Weitz, Cartographic and textual consultant
- Alice Hunt, The Caroline Davidson Literary Agency
- Donald W. Parry, Brigham Young University, Utah
- Jonathan Stoppi, Qualum computer consultants, London
- Mark Vidler, author of The Star Mirror
- Miriam Blank Sachs, West Newton, Massachusetts, for permission to quote a poem from her mother’s book,
The Spoken Choice
- Chris Elston, Chief Executive, London Bullion Market Association
- Lesley Fitton and Dr Paul Roberts, Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities, The British Museum
- Paul Craddock, Research Laboratory, The British Museum
- Michelle Pilley, Belinda Budge, Paul Redhead, Charlotte Ridings, and Suzanne Collins, Thorsons, HarperCollins Publishers
- Jon Graham, Jeanie Levitan, Patricia Rydle, and Collette Fugere, Inner Traditions • Bear & Company
- Elizabeth Hutchins, Freelance Editor
- Martin Weitz, Focus Productions, Bristol
- Lesley-Ann Liddiard, Department of History and Applied Art, National Museums of Scotland
- Andrea Davis, Egyptology Department, Liverpool Museum
- Carol Andrews, Assistant Keeper, Department of Egyptian Antiquities, The British Museum
- Dalia Tracz, Assistant Librarian, Library Services, University College London
- Professor Stefan Reif, Director of the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Research Unit, Cambridge University Library, and Professor of Medieval Hebrew Studies, Cambridge University
- Gwil Owen, Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge University
- Dott Carla Gallorini, Librarian, The Egypt Exploration Society, London
- P. W. Van Boxel, Librarian, Leo Baeck College, London
- Lionel Bochurberg, Avocat au Barreau de Paris, France
- Martin Stammers, The Institute of Materials, London
- Dr Jack Harris, Consultant metallurgist and lecturer
- Rabbi Mark Winer, West London Synagogue
- Jonathan Williams, Curator, Department of Coins and Medals, British Museum, London
- Robert Shrager, Consultant Historian, Chairman, House of Fraser
- Roger Smolski, Mathematician and Computer Consultant, RAC, London
- Professor Harold Ellens, University of Michigan, Michigan