This book, five years in the writing and editing, was the result of my passion to tell a story—fact augmented by fiction—of betrayal and courage. I have chosen to do so as a novel in order to answer questions for which there are real answers, but answers which to date have been withheld. This work represents the next best thing: informed speculation.
As has been true for most of my adult life, all that I have undertaken has been with the encouragement and support of my wife and best friend, Adele. Our four daughters, Gwen, Cissy, Suzanne, and Kendall, and their spouses, have been invaluable reviewers, commentators, and subject matter experts as the writing progressed.
In addition to my family there were others who had to accommodate to and support my writing schedule, for which I am deeply grateful: Chip Burpee, my executive assistant, who had more late nights on this novel than Ambassador Talbott had in it; and Tom White, who was also an assistant in my office and counsel on all the Spanish language. He has left our office for an assignment I cannot disclose; Jonathan Rizzo might know.
Although he might not remember, Dr. Joseph Nye of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, formerly an assistant secretary in the Department of Defense and author of The Power Game, was the first person to suggest my concerns and ideas might lend themselves to fiction. Also at the Kennedy School, as she has been on previous occasions, Sharon Wilke was the superb op ed editor.
Two people who stimulated my initial novelistic impulses are creative writing professors at Florida International University and veteran practitioners of the art: James Hall and Les Standiford.
From the beginning to the end, I have been enormously assisted by another distinguished novelist, Mark Olshaker. He has read, critiqued, and encouraged me as the novel developed and took on its final shape.
I was very fortunate that Will Schwable, a New York author and book agent, suggested I associate with Ed Victor as an agent. Ed brought this work of a first-time novelist to the attention of Vanguard Press. Its publisher, Roger Cooper, agreed to take it on and his gifted and insightful editorial staff, Kevin Smith and Collin Tracy, gave it the final polish.
As a member of the CIA’s external advisory board I submit all my writing within its scope of activity to the agency’s publication review board. I appreciate the work of Richard Puhl and his colleagues in assuring that the material in this novel does not compromise national security.
Keys to the Kingdom is fact embellished with fiction, much of it based on my years as governor of Florida and then representing that state in the U.S. Senate. But a novel of this scope involves numerous individual subjects and many layers of expertise. To assure that the facts were as accurate as possible, many friends and those with whom I have become friends educated me and vetted the manuscript. While I assume full responsibility for what you will read, I want to acknowledge them for their contributions.
For nuclear details I have been advised by Dr. Howard Hall of the University of Tennessee and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and Michael Allen, staff director of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee.
On matters involving aviation Tom Horne of Gulfstream Aviation and Bob Wallace, a Boeing 777 training instructor for Delta Airlines, were generous with their time and advice.
Farooq Mitha, a Fulbright scholar in the Middle East, has greatly assisted me in the presentation of cultural and linguistic matters related to that fascinating region of the world.
An old friend, Marc Henderson of the Miami-Dade Aviation Department, was kind to answer a long list of questions about the Miami International Airport, especially its parking garage.
The numerous law enforcement sections were informed by Steve Hurm, my son-in-law and a former agent for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement; Tom and Barbara McGraw, also with the FDLE; and Captain Chris Dellapietra of the Florida Highway Patrol.
I am extremely fortunate in having such devoted, interesting, and well-informed sons-in-law, all of whom were willing to be drafted into service. Bill McCullough, a former professional photographer, was my advisor on Laura Billington’s photographic challenges.
Tom Gibson reviewed and critiqued the manuscript at various stages. He was also the consultant on Tony’s wardrobe.
Yet another son-in-law Robby Elias, coached me on the finer points of tennis. He was assisted by my minister, Reverend Jeff Frantz of the Miami Lakes Congregational Church, who also advised on the protocols of funerals.
Robby’s brother, Jaime Elias of Trivest, was very informative on the nuances of private equity.
Professor Paula Thomas of Middle Tennessee State University, Professor Larry Crumbley of Louisiana State University, and Andre Teixeira, chief financial officer of the Graham Companies, guided my character Carol Watson through her forensic accounting challenges. Morgan Ortagus of the U.S. Treasury Department was also helpful and a fine role model.
The intricacies of serving a federal subpoena were revealed by Tom O’Neil, president of the Saranac Group in Baltimore.
Dr. Jeffery Johnson, emergency room physician at the South Shore Hospital, South Weymouth, Massachusetts, educated me on the emergency treatment of John Billington.
David Price, president of the historic and beautiful Bok Tower and Gardens in Lake Wales, Florida, was my instructor on Middle Eastern landscape architecture.
The authenticity of Haitian dialect was enhanced by Joane Joseph of Shula’s Hotel, Miami Lakes, Florida.
Another colleague of many years, Sandy George, and a new friend, Jorge Hayes, both of the California State University system, arranged for a visit to San Diego State University and a tour of the city. Teresa McKenzie and Tony Ramos lunched at the restaurant Jorge recommended.
The scenes that focused on the massive cargo container ship, Petronius , were improved by the review given by Donald Peltier of eModal, based at the Port of Los Angeles.
Colonel Randy Larsen, U.S. Air Force (Retired), executive director of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Policy Center, gave valuable technical and literary advice on the utilization of the bombs. I’m very glad such a knowledgeable and dedicated individual is on our side.
Coast Guard commander Ed Parkinson, based in Miami, educated me on maritime and helicopter subjects. Retired Army Colonel Jim Kelly was my advisor on military equipment.
Bryon Georgiou, a new friend from our mutual service on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, was generous with his advice on all things Nevada. Ray Moss was invaluable on details of Kuala Lumpur and its airport.
Maybe saving the best for last or, at least, the best tasting, the recipe for the paella Tony prepared was provided by Chef Michelle Bernstein of the Señora Martinez restaurant in Miami.
There were many others who were willing to review all or portions of the manuscript as it went through a seemingly interminable set of revisions. These include but are not limited to: John Robert, Kay and Mary Middlemas, Jose Villalobos, and Mark Block, all true friends of many years; David McCullough Jr., who was there at the beginning; David Pearson, a friend of many years and my occasional vanquisher on the tennis court; Diane Roberts, Florida’s best-known cultural essayist; Baruch Shemtov, a Kennedy School friend and one of the brightest people I have known; and Stu Willey who, as president of the Graham Companies, has continued The Lakes standard of excellence.
And to all the others who helped along the way, my sincere thanks.
—Bob Graham