
I would like to thank my teachers,
Pamela Nichols and William Radice,
researchers, Mbongisi Dyantyi and Gila Carter,
and readers, Munizha Ahmad, Colette Fearon,
Anne Harte, Rafiek Mammon and Shaun Viljoen.


I would also like to thank Cadi Fester,
Deborah Hooper, Barry Willis, Michael Chackal,
Zahra Mackouie, Jane Mitchell, Razzaq Moosajee,
Roya Shahr-Yazdi, Eric Stobbaerts,
Maureen Cantwell, Alan Fransman, Vikram Malhotra,
Somana Sachin, Andrew Cooke, Bridget Maclou and
Hassan Ramadan at Al Saqi Books, London.


My special thanks to everybody at the
National Missing Persons Helpline UK
especially Ross Miller.


I would also like to thank everybody at Jacana Media
and their partners in the EU Literary Award,
as well as my editor, Alex Dodd.


As thank-you is forbidden, I hope that Shobha
Bohra and Pratibha Pathak will not mind me saying:


And to all my family and friends, shukran.