This book has been a long time coming. I want to thank my husband, Elliott, for his constant, unwavering support, and for all the gentle nudging (yes, love, I should be writing). My deepest appreciation also to my mother, who helped me in so many ways I can’t name them. Also to Jo, Stu, and Dad for your heartfelt encouragement.
A massive shout-out to my Romance Roomies: Miranda Morgan, Lauren Harbor, and Michelle Somers, without whom this would not be written. They are my brainstorming buddies, critique partners, and conference roommates, and I’m so lucky to have them. Thanks also to the Melbourne Romance Writers Guild—there is not a better writing group in the country. I have learned so much from you wonderful ladies.
I want to acknowledge the incredible RWAustralia community, including the competition judges who took the time to help me learn my craft, thank you. Especially all those dreaded third judges, whose feedback served me better than any score could.
Thank you to my agent, Kari Erickson, for deciding that Amelia was a heroine she was willing to fight for, Madeleine Colavita for taking a chance on this story, and Alex Logan for helping to shape it into something I’m so, so proud of.
And thank you to my readers, for picking up this book by an unknown author and giving it a shot. I’m so very happy to meet you. I hope this is the beginning of a long friendship.