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Abashevo culture, Russia
Acholi chiefdom
Afanasievo culture; and Tocharian languages
Afro-Asiatic languages
Anatolian languages; archaisms in; in the Hittite empire; internal diversity in; non-Indo-European borrowings in; and PIE homeland in Anatolia; and steppe archaeology
Andronovo horizon; Alakul and Federovo variants in; link with Central Asia; mining and metallurgy of
areal borrowing. See language borrowing Armenian language
Arslantepe, Turkey
Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex(BMAC); chronology of; economy of; horses of; link to southern civilizations; link to steppe cultures; metal trade in; walled towns of
Bailey, Douglass
Bal’ki kurgan, Ukraine
Baltic languages
Bantu languages
Bernashevka settlement, Ukraine
bit wear. See horses
Boas, Franz
Bökönyi, Sandor
borders: ecological; genetic; linguistic
Botai settlement, Kazakhstan. See horses
bows and bow remains
Bronocice, Poland
Budakálasz cemetery, Hungary
Bug-Dniester culture; ceramics of; chronology of; diet of; graves of; settlements of
Caspian Depression
Catacomb culture, Russia and Ukraine
Çatal Hüyök tell, Turkey
cattle raids
Caucasian languages, cavalry
Celtic languages, and archaeology
Cernavoda I and III cultures, Romania
chariots: in China; and Indo-Europeans; in the Near East; in the Sintashta culture; size; in warfare
cheekpieces. See horses
Chenopodium (goosefoot) seeds in diet
Clayton, Hilary
climate change and human ecol ogy
copper metallurgy
Corded Ware horizon
core vocabulary. See language borrowing
Cotsofeni culture, Romania
creole languages. See language borrowing
Criş culture
Csepel-Haros settlement, Hungary
Cucuteni C pottery
Cucuteni-Tripolye culture; cemeteries of; its contact with steppe cultures; copper metallurgy in; craft specialization in; early settlements of; economy of; female figurines of; fortifications of; geographic expansion of; giant towns of; late settlements of; origins of
daggers; in Central Asia; in Cotsofeni; in Maikop culture; in Seima-Turbino; in Sintashta; in Usatovo; inYamnaya
Dereivka, Ukraine; age and sex of horses; bit wearon horses; Dnieper-Donets II cemetery; size of horses; Sredni Stogcemetery; Sredni Stog settlement
Dergachev, Valentin
DiCosmo, Nicola
Divine Twins
Dnieper-Donets I Neolithic culture, Ukraine
Dnieper-Donets II Eneolithic culture, Ukraine
Dnieper Rapids, Ukraine
dogs; and canine tooth ornaments; midwinter dog sacrifice of; in Proto-Indo-European
Drews, Robert
Dumezil, Georges
Elshanka Neolithic settlement, Russia
Equus caballus. See horses
Equus hemionus or onager
Equus hydruntinus
Evdik kurgan, Russia
Fatyanovo culture, Russia
felt textiles
Flintbek cemetery, Germany
frontiers, persistent
Galugai settlement, Russia
Gamkrelidze, T.
Gei, Aleksandr
gender and power
George, Christian
Germanic languages; and the Corded Warehorizon; and the Usatovo culture
Gimbutas, Marija; and the Kurgan culture; and Old Europe
glottochronology. See language change
Gonur walled town, Turkmenistan
Grant, Madison
Greek language; link to Indo-Iranian; Mycenaean origins; non-Greek borrowings in
Greek Neolithic
Grimm’s Law
guest-host relationship
Gumelniţa culture, Romania
Harappan civilization
Häusler, Alexander
Herder, J. G.
Hittite language and empire
Hobsbawm, Eric
honey and honey-bees
horizon styles
horses; behavior and ecology of; bitwear on; at Botai; chariot teams of; cheekpieces for; at Dereivka; in diet; DNA studies on; domestication of; dung of; hunting of; maceheads shaped like; riding of; in ritual; stature of; trade in; in war
hundred, Proto-Indo-European root
Hurrian language
Icelandic language
Igren settlements and cemetery, Ukraine
Indo-Iranian; and Abashevo culture; and Balto–Slavic; and Greek; and Proto–Uralic; and Sintashta culture
Iranian, Avestan languages
iron metallurgy in the steppes
Italic languages
Ivanov, V.
Ivanovskaya settlement, Russia
Jones, Sir William
Kair Shak settlement, Russia
Kanesh tell, Turkey
Kara Khuduk settlement, Russia
Karagash kurgan, Kazakhstan
Karakol kurgan, Altai Mts.
Karanovo tell, Bulgaria: Eneolithic occupation; Neolithic occupation
Karnab tin mine, Uzbekistan
Kartvelian languages
Kelteminar culture
Kemi-Oba culture, Crimea
Kétegyháza kurgan, Hungary
Khvalynsk culture; animal sacrifices; cemeteries; chronology; coppermetallurgy; diet; social hierarchy
Kikkuli, horse trainer
Konstantinovka settlement, Ukraine
Korios, or Männerbünde war bands
Kozhai 1 settlement, Kazakhstan
Krasnosamarskoe settlement and kurgan cemetery, Russia
Krivoe Ozero kurgan cemetery, Russia
Kugat settlement, Russia
Kurgan culture. See also Yamnaya horizon
Kuzmina, Elena
Kuznetsov, Pavel F.
language borrowing: areal borrowing; in core vocabulary; and creole languages; in other domains; in place-names
language change (or evolution); sound change; speed of, or glottochronology
language shift (or adoption): causes; prehistoric
Latin language
Lehman, Winfrid
Levine, Marsha
Linear B inscriptions
Linear Pottery culture
Lohne-Züschen tomb, Germany
maces and mace-heads
Maidanets’ke settlement, Ukraine
Maikop culture, North Caucasus; chronology; graves horses; language; metals; origins; and southern civilizations; andsteppe cultures
Mallory, Jim
Malyan tell, Iran (ancient Anshan)
Mariupol cemetery, Ukraine
matrilineality. See gender and power
Matveev Kurgan settlement, Ukraine
Melchert, Craig
Middle Dnieper culture
migration; causes; charter groups; chain migration; effects on language; effectson material culture; elite group migrations; folk migrations
Mikhailovka I Late Eneolithic culture, Ukraine
Mikhailovka II Early Bronze Age settlement, Ukraine
Mitanni kingdom, Syria
Mokhrablur settlement, Armenia
Moliukhor Bugor settlement, Ukraine
15N in human bone
Nalchik cemeteries, Russia: Early BronzeAge kurgan; Eneolithic cemetery
Nichols, Johanna
Nikol’skoe cemetery, Ukraine
nomads and nomadic pastoralism
Novosvobodnaya kurgan cemetery, Russia
Nuer pastoralists, Africa
oaths in Indo-European
Old Europe
Olsen, Sandra
Ostanni kurgan, Russia
Pathan tribe and language shift
patrilineality. See gender and power
Persian language
Peschanyi Dol herding camps, Russia
Petrovka culture, Middle Bronze Age, Russia
Phrygian language
Plachidol kurgan, Bulgaria
poetry in Indo-European
Pokrovka phase of the Late Bronze Age, Russia
Polivanov Yar settlement, Ukraine
Poltavka culture, Middle Bronze Age, Russia
Post-Mariupol culture, Ukraine
Potapovka culture, Middle Bronze Age, Russia
praise of the gift
Proto-Indo-European language; beginning date; cladistic analyses of; homeland; link to Caucasian; link to Proto-Uralic; phases within; reconstruction of; religion in; terminaldate
radiocarbon dating
Rakushechni Yar settlement, Ukraine
Rassamakin, Y.
Razdorskoe settlement, Russia
Renfrew, Colin
Repin Late Eneolithic culture, Russia
Rig Veda
Ringe, Don
Romantic movement
Rostovka cemetery, Siberia
ruki rule
Samara Early Eneolithic culture, Russia
Samara Valley Project
Samsonovka settlement, Ukraine
Sanskrit language; links with Sintashta culture; non-Indo-Iranian borrowed vocabulary; Old Indic phase
Sapir, Edward
Sarazm tell, Tajikistan
satm languages
Schleicher, August
Sé Girdan tombs, Iran
secondary products revolution
Seima-Turbino culture
Sergeivka settlement, Kazakhstan
Shar-i Sokhta tell, Iran
Sherratt, Andrew
Shulaveri settlement, Georgia
Sintashta culture, Russia: animal sacrifices; cemeteries; chariots; chronology; economy; fortified settlements; link to Central Asia; link to Indo-Iranian; metals; origins; sources; weapons
Slavic languages
social hierarchy among steppe herders
Soroki settlements, Ukraine
sound change. See language change
Spondylus shell ornaments
Sprachbund. See language borrowing
Sredni Stog I, Early Eneolithic settlement, Ukraine
Sredni Stog II, Late Eneolithic culture, Ukraine: cemeteries; ceramics; chronology; origins; relations with the North Caucasus; relations with Old Europe; roleof horses; settlements
Srubnaya culture, Russia; chronology and growth; copper mines; diet; dog sacrifice; graves; settlements
Surskii Neolithic settlement, Ukraine
Suvorovo-Novodanilovka complex, Ukraineand Danube; and Anatolian languages; and Bolgrad culture; copperobjects; at Csongrad; at Decea Mureşului; kurgan graves; and the North Caucasus; and horse-headmaces
Svobodnoe settlement, North Caucasus
Swadesh, Morris
S’yezzhe cemetery, Russia
Tarim Basin, China
Tashkovo II settlement, Russia
Telegin, D.Y.
Three Age system
tin trade
Tocharian languages
tree diagrams
Trichterbecker (TRB) culture, Poland
Trito myth
Troy citadel, Turkey
Tugai settlement, Uzbekistan
turquoise trade
Ur III kingdom
Uralic languages
Uruk, Iraq; and invention of thewheel; and wool
Usatovo culture, Ukraine; ceramics; chronology; economy; glass beads; graves; metals; social organization
Varfolomievka settlement, Russia
Varna cemetery, Bulgaria
Vasiliev, Igor B.
Vehik, Susan
Verethraghna, god of victory
Vinogradov, Nikolai
Volosovo forager culture, Russia
warfare; in the Abashevo culture; in the BMAC; in the end of Old Europe; in the Sintashtaculture; in Ur III; in the Yamnaya horizon
wheels; on battle wagons in Mesopotamia; invention and diffusion of; Proto-Indo-Europe an terms for; significance of; spoked; in wagon graves
Wolf, Eric
Yamnaya horizon, Ukraine and Russia; cemeteries in; chronology of; east-west differences in; economy of; metals in; origins of; settlements in; social organization in; wagon graves in
Yamnaya migrations; to the Altai Mts.; to the Danube valley; to the middle Dnieper; to the Tripolye region
Yasinovatka cemetery, Ukraine
Zeder, Melinda
Zvelebil, Marek