Page numbers in bold indicate annotated bibliographies.
ABC of Architecture (O’Gorman), 55, 116
Abelove, Joan, Go and Come Back, 76, 126
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (Alexie), 27, 93, 119
Adams, Scott, God’s Debris, 100, 135
Adler, Sabine, Lovers in Art, 69, 110
African Exodus (Stringer and McKie), 57, 141
Agee, James, A Death in the Family, 43, 126
Ahmad, Dohra, Rotten English, 24, 93, 118
Albee, Edward, Three Tall Women, 63, 110
Albom, Mitch, Tuesdays with Morrie, 27, 83, 104, 141
Alexander, Caroline, The Endurance, 73, 119
Alexie, Sherman, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, 27, 93, 119
Allende, Isabel, Paula, 58, 126
Allison, Dorothy, Bastard out of Carolina, 43, 76, 97, 126
Alvarez, Julia, In the Time of Butterflies, 44, 77, 126
Alvarez, Walter, T. Rex and the Crater of Doom, 48, 135
Always Running (Rodriguez), 61, 146
Ambrose, Stephen, Undaunted Courage, 60, 119
American Earth (McKibben), 24, 102, 139
American Indian Ballerinas (Livingstone), 72, 115
An American Insurrection (Doyle), 84, 142
American Shaolin (Polly), 26, 92, 117
Anaya, Rudolfo, Bless Me, Ultima, 44, 126
Anderson, Laurie Hasle, Speak, 77, 126
Anderson, M. T.
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing, 97, 126
Feed, 18, 28, 77, 100, 109, 126, 135
Angela’s Ashes (McCourt), 61, 123
Angelou, Maya, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 58, 126
Angels in America (Kushner), 64, 115
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (Frank), 59, 121
Annotated Art (Cumming), 50, 112
The Annotated Mona Lisa (Strickland), 25, 31, 57, 93, 118
Another Day in the Frontal Lobe (Firlik), 26, 101, 137
Aronson, Marc
Art Attack (Aronson), 48
The Art of Living (Epictetus and Lebell), 51, 121
Asinof, Eliot, Eight Men Out, 48–49, 110
Association of College and Research Libraries, Outstanding Books, vii
The Astonishing Life of Octavian Nothing (Anderson), 97, 126
Atkin, S. Beth, Voices from the Streets, 49, 141
Atwood, Margaret, The Handmaid’s Tale, 44, 126
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 62, 145
The Awakening (Chopin), 44, 127
Ayres, Ian, Super Crunchers, 100, 135
Bagdasarian, Adam, Forgotten Fire, 24, 77, 93, 119, 127
Baker, Russell, Growing Up, 58, 127
The Barefoot Heart (Hart), 85, 144
Barefoot to Balanchine (Kerner), 54, 115
Bastard out of Carolina (Allison), 43, 76, 97, 126
Beah, Ishmael, A Long Way Gone, 18, 27, 104, 141
The Bean Trees (Kingsolver), 78, 131
Beautiful Boy (Sheff), 26, 106, 147
Beckett, Samuel, Waiting for Godot, 63, 110
Bee Season (Goldberg), 71, 113
The Beekeeper’s Apprentice (King), 46, 131
Belloli, Andrea P., Exploring World Art, 69, 110
Berg, A. Scott, Lindbergh, 73, 119
Berger, Ronald J., Wheelchair Warrior (Juette), 27, 104, 144
Bernier-Grand, Carmen, Frida, 20, 25, 89, 110
Bernstein, Leonard
West Side Story (Laurents and Sondheim), 63, 110
Best, Joel, Damned Lies and Statistics, 23, 83, 100, 136, 141
The Big Necessity (George), 101, 137
Bird by Bird (Lamott), 78, 131
Bissinger, H. G., Friday Night Lights, 70, 110
Bitterly Divided (Williams), 23, 96, 125
The Black Chord (Corio and Goldman), 70, 112
Blackstone, Harry, Jr., The Blackstone Book of Magic and Illusion, 49, 70, 110
The Blackstone Book of Magic and Illusion (Blackstone), 49, 70, 110
Blais, Madeleine, In These Girls, Hope is a Muscle, 49, 111
Bless Me, Ultima (Anaya), 44, 126
Blind Watchers of the Sky (Kolb), 54, 138
Blithe Spirit (Coward), 63, 112
Blum, Joshua, The United States of Poetry, 65, 127
Blumenthal, Karen, Let Me Play, 89, 111
Bodanis, David, The Secret Family, 49, 136
The Body Project (Brumberg), 49–50, 142
Bolles, Richard Nelson, What Color is Your Parachute?, 104, 141
Bond, Jenny, Who the Hell is Pansy O’Hara? (Sheedy), 24, 97, 127
A Book of Love Poetry (Stallworthy), 67, 134
The Book Thief (Zusak), 23, 27, 100, 135
Booktalking Bonanza (Diamant-Cohen and Levi), 18
Boorstin, Jon, Making Movies Work, 49, 111
Born Standing Up (Martin), 26, 92, 116
The Botany of Desire (Pollan), 24, 102–103, 139
Bowker, John, World Religions, 24, 90, 111
Bradshaw, Gillian, The Sand-Reckoner, 79, 136
Brassaï, Brassaï: Letters to My Parents, 70, 111
Brassaï: Letters to My Parents (Brassaï), 70, 111
Brave New World (Huxley), 46, 130
The Bride Price (Emecheta), 45, 128
A Brief History of Time (Hawking), 53, 137
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao (Diaz), 94, 120
A Bright Shining Lie (Sheehan), 56, 124
The Broken Cord (Dorris), 51, 142
Brown, David, Inventing Modern America, 79–80, 136
Brown, Dee, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, 49, 119
Brumberg, Joan Jacobs, The Body Project, 49–50, 142
Brunelleschi’s Dome (King), 72, 115
Bryson, Bill
A Short History of Nearly Everything, 24, 31, 80, 100–101, 136
Burns, Edward, The Corner, 56, 147
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (Brown), 49, 119
Butler, Octavia, Parable of the Sower, 44, 127
Cameron, Peter, Someday This Pain Will be Useful to You, 26, 97, 127
Campbell, Joseph, The Power of Myth (Moyers), 90, 111
Caramelo (Cisneros), 24, 77, 97, 128
Card, Orson Scott
Carlson, Lori M., Cool Salsa, 65, 127
Carson, Rachel, Silent Spring, 50, 136
Casey, Susan, The Devil’s Teeth, 101, 136
Casnocha, Ben, My Start-Up Life, 25, 104, 142
Chambers, Aidan, Postcards from No Man’s Land, 77, 127
Chandrasekaran, Rajiv, Imperial Life in the Emerald City, 93, 119
Chang, Iris, The Rape of Nanking, 24, 50, 93–94, 119
Chase’s Calendar of Events (McGraw-Hill), 19
Chen, Joanne, The Taste of Sweet, 26, 101, 136
Chevalier, Tracy, Girl with a Pearl Earring, 70, 111
Chinese Cinderella (Mah), 78, 131
Chopin, Kate, The Awakening, 44, 127
Chotjewitz, David, Daniel Half-Human and the Good Nazi, 23, 94, 120
Christie, Agatha, Mousetrap, 63, 111
The Chronicle of Jazz (Cooke), 50, 111–112
Ciardi, John, How Does a Poem Mean? (Williams), 65, 127
Cisneros, Sandra
The House on Mango Street, 44, 128
Civilisation: A Personal View (Clark), 50, 120
Clark, Kenneth, Civilisation, 50, 120
Cold Mountain (Frazier), 45, 129
Collapse (Diamond), 20, 23, 31, 94, 120
Colleges That Change Lives (Pope), 106, 146
The Color of Water (McBride), 60, 145
Columbus in the Americas (Least Heat-Moon), 74, 123
Coming of Age in Mississippi (Moody), 61, 146
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Classical Music (Sherman and Seldon), 56, 117
The Complete Maus (Spiegelman), 23, 27, 57, 96, 124
The Complete Persepolis (Satrapi), 27, 79, 96, 124, 134
Conover, Ted, Newjack, 83, 142
Cook, Blanche Wiesen, Eleanor Roosevelt, 62, 120
Cooke, Mervyn, The Chronicle of Jazz, 50, 111–112
Copland, Aaron, What to Listen For in Music, 50, 112
Corio, David, The Black Chord (Goldman), 70, 112
The Corner (Simon and Burns), 56, 147
Corwin, Miles, And Still We Rise, 83, 142
Coulton, Larry, Counting Coup, 70, 112
Counting Coup (Coulton), 70, 112
A Country Year (Hubbell), 53, 138
Coward, Neil, Blithe Spirit, 63, 112
Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky), 44, 128
Crossing Over (Martinez), 85, 145
Crutcher, Chris, Whale Talk, 71, 112
Cumming, Robert, Annotated Art, 50, 112
Cuomo, Kerry Kennedy, Speak Truth to Power, 83–84, 142
Curie, Eve, Madam Curie, 58, 136
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Haddon), 28, 84, 98, 129, 143
D’Aluisio, Faith, Hungry Planet (Menzel), 105, 145
Damned Lies and Statistics (Best), 23, 83, 100, 136, 141
Daniel Half-Human (Chotjewitz), 23, 94, 120
Danticat, Edwidge, The Farming of Bones, 73, 120
Davis, Wade, Light at the Edge of the World, 84, 142
Day, David, The Search for King Arthur, 50, 120
Dear America (Edelman), 58, 120
A Death in the Family (Agee), 43, 126
Death of a Salesman (Miller), 64, 116
Delisle, Guy, Pyongyang, 24, 94, 120
The Demon in the Freezer (Preston), 82, 140
Dershowitz, Alan M., Why Terrorism Works, 84, 142
The Devil in the White City (Larson), 27, 95, 123
The Devil’s Highway (Urrea), 107, 148
The Devil’s Teeth (Casey), 101, 136
Diamant, Anita, The Red Tent, 27, 90, 112
Diamant-Cohen, Betsy, Booktalking Bonanza (Levi), 18
Diamond, Jared
Guns, Germs, and Steel, 50, 84, 142
Diaz, Junot, The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, 94, 120
Dickinson, Emily, Dickinson: Poems, 66, 128
Dickinson: Poems (Dickinson), 66, 128
Dinner at the New Gene Café (Lambrecht), 81, 138
A Distant Mirror (Tuchman), 75, 125
Doctorow, Cory, Little Brother, 28, 101, 136
A Doll’s House (Ibsen), 63, 114
Dorris, Michael, The Broken Cord, 51, 142
D’Orso, Michael, Eagle Blue, 26, 28, 90, 112
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Crime and Punishment, 44, 128
The Double Helix (Watson), 57, 141
Douglass, Frederick, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, 58, 120
Doyle, William, An American Insurrection, 84, 142
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation (Judson), 31, 81, 138
Dressed (Landis), 25, 91–92, 115
Driving Miss Daisy (Uhry), 64, 118
Du Bois, W. E. B., The Souls of Black Folk, 51, 142
Due, Linnea, Joining the Tribe, 51, 143
Dunn, Mark, Ella Minnow Pea, 24, 97, 128
Dunning, Stephen, Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning, et al.), 66, 128
Eagle Blue (D’Orso), 26, 28, 90, 112
Earth-Shattering Poems (Rosenberg), 67, 134
Edelman, Bernard, Dear America, 58, 120
Edelman, Marion Wright, The Measure of Our Success, 51, 143
Egan, Timothy, The Worst Hard Time, 23, 24, 94, 121
Eggers, Dave, What Is the What, 27, 94, 121
Ehlers, Tracy Bachrach, Sugar’s Life in the Hood (Turner), 86–87, 147
Ehrenreich, Barbara, Nickel and Dimed, 84, 143
Eight Men Out (Asinof), 48–49, 110
Eleanor Roosevelt (Cook), 62, 120
The Elements of Library Research (George), 104, 143
Ella Minnow Pea (Dunn), 24, 97, 128
Ellen Foster (Gibbons), 45, 129
Ellis, Joseph E., Founding Brothers, 73, 121
Ellison, Ralph, Invisible Man, 44, 128
Emecheta, Buchi, The Bride Price, 45, 128
Encyclopedia of Acting Techniques (Perry), 72, 117
The Endurance (Alexander), 73, 119
Engle, Margarita, The Poet Slave of Cuba, 90, 112
Enzensberger, Hans, The Number Devil, 80, 136
Epictetus, The Art of Living (Lebell), 51, 121
Everything That Rises Must Converge (O’Connor), 47, 133
Exploring World Art (Belloli), 69, 110
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Foer), 28, 97–98, 128
Eyes on the Prize (Williams), 57, 148
Fadiman, Anne, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, 94–95, 121
Fagan, Brian, The Little Ice Age, 80, 136
Falling in Love with Wisdom (Karnos and Shoemaker), 54, 114
Faludi, Susan, Backlash, 51, 143
A Farewell to Arms (Hemingway), 45, 130
The Farming of Bones (Danticat), 73, 120
Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), 86, 147
Father Greg and the Homeboys (Fremon), 52, 143
Faulkner, William, The Bear, 45, 128
Favorite Folktales from Around the World (Yolen), 57, 135
Feed (Anderson), 18, 28, 77, 109, 126, 135
Fermat’s Enigma (Singh), 56, 140
Feynman, Richard P.
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feyman, 59, 137
What Do You Care What Other People Think?, 80, 137
Finn, David, How to Look at Sculpture, 51, 112
Fires in the Mirror (Smith), 79, 134
Firlik, Katrina, Another Day in the Frontal Lobe, 26, 101, 137
First They Killed My Father (Ung), 75, 96, 125
Flannery, Sarah and David, In Code, 80, 137
Flannery, Timothy, The Weather Makers, 25, 101, 137
Fleming, Anne Marie, The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam, 26, 95, 121
Foer, Jonathon Safran, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, 28, 97–98, 128
Follett, Ken, The Pillars of the Earth, 27, 90, 112
Ford, Michael Thomas, The Voice of AIDS, 51–52, 143
Forgotten Fire (Bagdasarian), 24, 77, 93, 119, 127
Foster, Thomas, How to Read Literature like a Professor, 77, 128
Founding Brothers (Ellis), 73, 121
Fouts, Roger, Next of Kin, 52, 137
Franck, Frederick, What Does It Mean to Be Human?, 71, 113
Frank, Anne, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, 59, 121
Frank, E. R., Life is Funny, 77, 128
Frank, Mitch, Understanding September 11, 73–74, 121
Frazier, Charles, Cold Mountain, 45, 129
Freedman, Russell, The Voice That Challenged a Nation, 24, 90–91, 113
Freedman, Samuel G., Small Victories, 52, 143
Fremon, Celeste, Father Greg and the Homeboys, 52, 143
Freymann-Weyr, Garret, My Heartbeat, 78, 129
Frida (Bernier-Grand), 20, 25, 89, 110
Friday Night Lights (Bissinger), 70, 110
From Clueless to Class Act (Smith), 26, 106, 147
Fugard, Athol, “Master Harold” ... and Boys, 63, 113
Gaines, Ernest, A Lesson before Dying, 27, 45, 98, 129
Gardner, John, Grendel, 45, 129
Garfunkel, Trudy, On Wings of Joy, 52, 71, 113
The Gatekeepers (Steinberg), 86, 147
The Genomics Age (Smith), 24, 103, 140
George, Mary W., The Elements of Library Research, 104, 143
George, Rose, The Big Necessity, 101, 137
Gibbons, Kaye, Ellen Foster, 45, 129
Giddings, Robert, The War Poets, 66, 129
Gillan, Jennifer, Unsettling America (Gillan), 66, 129
Gillan, Maria, Unsettling America (Gillan), 66, 129
Gilyard, Deith, Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning et al.), 66, 128
Girl with a Pearl Earring (Chevalier), 70, 111
Girls Like Us (Weller), 93, 118
Give Me My Father’s Body (Harper), 74, 122
Gladwell, Malcolm, The Tipping Point, 27, 104, 143
Glancy, Diane, Stone Heart, 74, 122
The Glass Castle (Walls), 27, 107, 148
The Glass Menagerie (Williams), 65, 118
Go and Come Back (Abelove), 76, 126
The God of Animals (Kyle), 99, 131
God’s Debris (Adams), 100, 135
Goldberg, Myla, Bee Season, 71, 113
Goldberg, Vicki, The Power of Photographs, 52, 113
The Golden Compass (Pullman), 78–79, 133
The Golden Ratio (Livio), 81, 138
Goldman, Vivian, The Black Chord (Corio), 70, 112
Gombrich, E. H., The Story of Art, 52, 113
Good Poems (Keillor), 24, 98, 130
Gordon, Ruth, Pierced by a Ray of Sun, 66, 129
Gould, Stephen Jay, The Mismeasure of Man, 52, 122
A Gracious Plenty (Reynolds), 79, 133
The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 23, 48, 134
The Grass Dancer (Power), 47, 133
Greasy Rider (Melville), 24, 102, 139
Great Projects (Tobin), 83, 141
Green, Bill, Water, Ice, and Stone, 52–53, 137
Green, John, Looking for Alaska, 22, 98, 129
The Green Book (Rogers and Kostigen), 24, 106, 146
Greenberg, Jan, Heart to Heart, 24, 71, 91, 113
Gruen, Sara, Water for Elephants, 18, 27, 91, 113
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 50, 84, 142
Haddon, Mark, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, 28, 84, 98, 129, 143
Hafner, Katie, Where Wizards Stay Up Late (Lyon), 53, 137
Haley, Alex, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 62, 145
Hamilton, Edith, Mythology, 53, 113
The Handmaid’s Tale (Atwood), 44, 126
Hansberry, Lorraine, A Raisin in the Sun, 63, 113–114
Hansen, Drew D., The Dream, 74, 122
Harper, Kenn, Give Me My Father’s Body, 74, 122
Harper’s Anthology of 20th Century Native American Poetry (Niatum), 66, 132
Hart, Elva Trevino, The Barefoot Heart, 85, 144
Hawking, Stephen
A Brief History of Time, 53, 137
The Universe in a Nutshell, 80, 137
Heaney, Seamus, The Rattle Bag (Hughes), 66, 129
Heart to Heart (Greenberg), 24, 71, 91, 113
Hedges, Chris, War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, 71, 114
Heller, Joseph, Catch-22, 45, 130
Hellman, Lillian, The Little Foxes, 63, 114
Hemingway, Ernest, A Farewell to Arms, 45, 130
Hemphill, Stephanie, Your Own Sylvia, 24, 91, 114
Hersch, Patricia, A Tribe Apart, 53, 144
Hersey, John, Hiroshima, 53, 122
Hesse, Hermann, Siddhartha, 45–46, 130
The Hidden Face of God (Schroeder), 103, 140
Hockenberry, John, Moving Violations, 59, 144
Holes (Sachar), 31
Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, 53, 114
Hoose, Phillip M., The Race to Save the Lord God Bird, 24, 101–102, 138
Horvitz, Leslie A., Eureka!, 80, 138
Horwitz, Tony, A Voyage Long and Strange, 24, 95, 122
Hosseini, Khaled, The Kite Runner, 27, 85, 98, 109, 130, 144
House of Houses (Mora), 61, 146
The House on Mango Street (Cisneros), 44, 128
How Does a Poem Mean? (Ciardi and Williams), 65, 127
How I Learned to Drive (Vogel), 65, 118
How to Look at Sculpture (Finn), 51, 112
How to Read Literature like a Professor (Foster), 77, 128
Howe, Peter, Shooting under Fire, 24, 71, 91, 114
Hoyt, Eric, Insect Lives (Schultz), 81, 138
Hubbell, Sue, A Country Year, 53, 138
Hughes, Ted, The Rattle Bag (Heaney), 66, 129
Humes, Edward, No Matter How Loud I Shout, 53, 144
Hunger of Memory (Rodriguez), 61, 146
Hungry Planet (Menzel and D’Aluisio), 105, 145
Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World, 46, 130
I Feel a Little Jumpy Around You (Nye and Janeczko), 67, 133
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (Angelou), 58, 126
Ibsen, Henrik, A Doll’s House, 63, 114
Illustrated World Religions (Smith), 72–73, 117
Imperial Life in the Emerald City (Chandrasekaran), 93, 119
The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde), 65, 118
In Code (Flannery and Flannery), 80, 137
In Search of Color Everywhere (Miller), 66, 132
In Suspect Terrain (McPhee), 55, 139
In the Time of Butterflies (Alvarez), 44, 77, 126
In These Girls, Hope is a Muscle (Blais), 49, 111
Indian Givers (Weatherford), 76, 125
Insect Lives (Hoyt and Schultz), 81, 138
Into Thin Air (Krakauer), 55, 115
Inventing Modern America (Brown), 79–80, 136
Invention by Design (Petroski), 56, 139
Invisible Man (Ellison), 44, 128
Ionesco, Eugene, Rhinoceros, 63, 114
Ishiguro, Kazuo, Never Let Me Go, 28, 98, 130
Jacobs, A. J., The Year of Living Biblically, 27, 91, 114
Jacoby, Susan, Soul to Soul (Khanga), 60, 144
Janeczko, Paul B., I Feel a Little Jumpy Around You (Nye), 67, 133
Jefferson’s Children (Lanier), 74, 123
Jiang, Ji-Li, Red Scarf Girl, 59, 122
John Adams (McCullough), 75, 123
John Lennon (Partridge), 26, 92, 116
Joining the Tribe (Due), 51, 143
Jonas, Gerald, Dancing, 53–54, 114
Jones, Chris, Out of Orbit, 102, 138
Jones, Edward P., The Known World, 24, 27, 95, 122–123
Jones, K. Maurice, Say It Loud!, 54, 114
Jones, Llyod, Mister Pip, 24, 98, 130
The Joy of Music (Berstein), 49, 110
The Joy of Sects (Occhiogrosso), 55, 116
Judson, Olivia, Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation, 31, 81, 138
Juette, Melvin, Wheelchair Warrior (Berger), 27, 104, 144
Junger, Sebastian, The Perfect Storm, 54, 123
Kaffir Boy (Mathabane), 60, 145
Kafka on the Shore (Murakami), 99, 132
Kaplow, Robert, Me and Orson Welles, 78, 130
Karnos, David D., Falling in Love with Wisdom (Shoemaker), 54, 114
Karr, Mary, The Liars’ Club, 59, 130
Keillor, Garrison, Good Poems, 24, 98, 130
Keller, Helen, The Story of My Life, 60, 144
Kendall, Elizabeth, Where She Danced, 54, 115
Keneally, Thomas, Schindler’s List, 46, 130
Kerner, Mary, Barefoot to Balanchine, 54, 115
Khanga, Yelena, Soul to Soul (Jacoby), 60, 144
Kidd, Sue Monk, The Secret Life of Bees, 28, 98, 130
To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee), 17, 46, 131
Killed Cartoons (Wallis), 26, 107, 148
The Killer Angels (Shaara), 47–48, 134
Kincaid, Jamaica, My Brother, 60, 144
King, Laurie R., The Beekeeper’s Apprentice, 46, 131
King, Melissa, She’s Got Next, 91, 115
King, Ross, Brunelleschi’s Dome, 72, 115
King Lear (Shakespeare), 64, 117
Kingsolver, Barbara, The Bean Trees, 78, 131
The Kite Runner (Hosseini), 27, 85, 98, 109, 130, 144
Klibanoff, Hank, The Race Beat (Roberts), 24, 95, 124
The Known World (Jones), 24, 27, 95, 122–123
Kohl, Jana, A Rare Breed of Love, 26, 105, 145
Kolb, Rocky, Blind Watchers of the Sky, 54, 138
Kosinski, Jerzy, The Painted Bird, 46, 131
Kostigen, Thomas, The Green Book (Rogers), 24, 106, 146
Kotlowitz, Alex, The Other Side of the River, 54, 145
Kozol, Jonathan, Savage Inequalities, 54–55, 145
Krakatoa (Winchester), 76, 125
Krakauer, Jon, Into Thin Air, 55, 115
Krauss, Lawrence, Atom, 81, 138
Kushner, Tony, Angels in America, 64, 115
Kyle, Aryn, The God of Animals, 99, 131
Lambrecht, Bill, Dinner at the New Gene Café, 81, 138
Lamott, Anne, Bird by Bird, 78, 131
Landis, Deborah Nadoolman, Dressed, 25, 91–92, 115
Lanier, Shannon, Jefferson’s Children, 74, 123
Larson, Erik, The Devil in the White City, 27, 95, 123
Larson, Jonathan, Rent, 64, 115
Latifa, My Forbidden Face, 85, 145
Laurents, Arthur, West Side Story (Bernstein and Sondheim), 63, 110
Least Heat-Moon, William, Columbus in the Americas, 74, 123
Lebell, Sharon, The Art of Living (Epictetus), 51, 121
Lee, Harper, To Kill a Mockingbird, 17, 46, 131
The Left Hand of Darkness (LeGuin), 46, 131
Legacy of Ashes (Weiner), 96, 125
LeGuin, Ursula, The Left Hand of Darkness, 46, 131
Leopold, Aldo, A Sand County Almanac, 102, 138
A Lesson before Dying (Gaines), 27, 45, 98, 129
Let Me Play (Blumenthal), 89, 111
Levi, Selma, Booktalking Bonanza (Diamant-Cohen), 18
The Liars’ Club (Karr), 59, 130
Life is Funny (Frank), 77, 128
Light, Alan, The Vibe History of Hip Hop, 72, 115
Light at the Edge of the World (Davis), 84, 142
Little Brother (Doctorow), 28, 101, 136
The Little Foxes (Hellman), 63, 114
The Little Ice Age (Fagan), 80, 136
The Lives of a Cell (Lewis), 57, 141
Livingstone, Lili Cockerville, American Indian Ballerinas, 72, 115
Livio, Mario, The Golden Ratio, 81, 138
Long Day’s Journey into Night (O’Neill), 64, 116
A Long Way Gone (Beah), 18, 27, 104, 141
Longitude (Sobel), 57, 82, 140
Looking for Alaska (Green), 22, 98, 129
Lost Discoveries (Teresi), 24, 103, 141
Lovers in Art (Adler), 69, 110
Lueders, Edward, Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning et al.), 66, 128
Lyon, Matthew, Where Wizards Stay Up Late (Hafner), 53, 137
Macaulay, David
The Way We Work, 139
The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam (Fleming), 26, 95, 121
Maguire, Gregory, Wicked, 99, 131
Mah, Adeline, Chinese Cinderella, 78, 131
Making Movies Work (Boorstin), 49, 111
Malamud, Bernard, The Fixer, 46, 131
Malcolm X, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, 62, 145
Maltman, Thomas, The Night Birds, 24, 95, 123
Markandaya, Kamala, Nectar in a Sieve, 46, 131
Marrin, Albert, Terror of the Spanish Main, 74–75, 123
Martin, Steve, Born Standing Up, 26, 92, 116
Martinez, Ruben, Crossing Over, 85, 145
Mason, Bobbi Ann, In Country, 47, 131
Massie, Robert K., Nicholas and Alexandra, 62, 123
“Master Harold” … and Boys (Fugard), 63, 113
Mathabane, Mark, Kaffir Boy, 60, 145
McBride, James, The Color of Water, 60, 145
McCarthy, Cormac, The Road, 27, 99, 132
McCloud, Scott, Understanding Comics, 55, 116
McCormick, Patricia, Sold, 26, 105, 145
McCourt, Frank, Angela’s Ashes, 61, 123
McCullers, Carson, The Member of the Wedding, 47, 132
McCullough, David G.
McGraw-Hill, Chase’s Calendar of Events, 19
McGreevey, Tom, Our Movie Heritage (Yeck), 25, 72, 92, 116
McKibben, Bill, American Earth, 24, 102, 139
McKie, Robin, African Exodus (Stringer), 57, 141
McKinley, Robin, Beauty, 47, 132
McPhee, John, In Suspect Terrain, 55, 139
Me and Orson Welles (Kaplow), 78, 130
The Measure of Our Success (Edelman), 51, 143
Mehta, Ved, Sound-Shadows of the New World, 61, 145
Melville, Greg, Greasy Rider, 24, 102, 139
The Member of the Wedding (McCullers), 47, 132
Menzel, Peter, Hungry Planet (D’Aluisio), 105, 145
The Middle of Everywhere (Pipher), 85, 105–106, 146
Miller, Arthur, Death of a Salesman, 64, 116
Miller, E. Ethelbert, In Search of Color Everywhere, 66, 132
The Mismeasure of Man (Gould), 52, 122
Mister Pip (Jones), 24, 98, 130
The Modern Mind (Watson), 76, 125
Monster (Myers), 132
Montana 1948 (Watson), 48, 135
Moody, Ann, Coming of Age in Mississippi, 61, 146
Mora, Pat, House of Houses, 61, 146
Mori, Kyoko, Shizuko’s Daughter, 47, 132
Morrison, Toni, Beloved, 47, 132
Mortenson, Greg, Three Cups of Tea (Relin), 24, 27, 105, 146
The Most Beautiful House in the World (Rybczynski), 56, 117
Moving Violations (Hockenberry), 59, 144
Moyers, Bill, The Power of Myth (Campbell), 90, 111
Murakami, Haruki, Kafka on the Shore, 99, 132
Murray, Albert, Stomping the Blues, 55, 116
My Forbidden Face (Latifa), 85, 145
My Heartbeat (Freymann-Weyr), 78, 129
My Start-Up Life (Casnocha), 25, 104, 142
Myers, Walter Dean
Monster, 132
Sunrise Over Fallujah, 26, 99, 132
Naked Economics (Wheelan), 25, 87, 107, 148
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas (Douglas), 58, 120
Nash, Madeline, El Niño, 81, 139
Nectar in a Sieve (Markandaya), 46, 131
Neil, Phillip, Singing America, 66, 132
Never Let Me Go (Ishiguro), 28, 98, 130
New and Selected Poems (Oliver), 67, 133
New Found Land (Wolf), 24, 96, 125
Niatum, Duane, Harper’s Anthology of 20th Century Native American Poetry, 66, 132
Nicholas and Alexandra (Massie), 62, 123
Nickel and Dimed (Ehrenreich), 84, 143
The Night Birds (Maltman), 24, 95, 123
Nineteen Minutes (Picoult), 22, 105, 146
Nineteen Varieties of Gazelle (Nye), 78, 132
No Matter How Loud I Shout (Humes), 53, 144
Nolen, Stephanie, Promised to the Moon, 81, 139
The Number Devil (Enzensberger), 80, 136
Number the Stars (Lowry), 31
Numerati (Baker), 29
Nye, Naomi Shihab
I Feel a Little Jumpy Around You (Janeczko), 67, 133
Nineteen Varieties of Gazelle, 78, 132
The Tree Is Older Than You Are, 67, 133
O’Brien, Tim, The Things They Carried, 47, 133
Occhiogrosso, Peter, The Joys of Sects, 55, 116
O’Connor, Flannery, Everything that Rises Must Converge, 47, 133
O’Connor, Patricia, Woe Is I, 78, 133
O’Gorman, James F., ABC of Architecture, 55, 116
Oliver, Mary, New and Selected Poems, 67, 133
On Wings of Joy (Garfunkel), 52, 71, 113
100 Best-Loved Poems (Smith), 67, 134
O’Neill, Eugene, Long Day’s Journey into Night, 64, 116
The Other Side of the River (Kotlowitz), 54, 145
Our Movie Heritage (McGreevey and Yeck), 25, 72, 92, 116
Out of Orbit (Jones), 102, 138
Outstanding Books for the College Bound and Lifelong Learners (YALSA and ACRL), vii, viii, 35, 36, 40
The Painted Bird (Kosinski), 46, 131
Parable of the Sower (Butler), 44, 127
Partridge, Elizabeth
This Land Was Made for You and Me, 31, 116
The Passion of Artemisia (Vreeland), 73, 118
Paulos, John Allen, Innumeracy, 55, 139
Penn, W. S., The Telling of the World, 55, 116
The Perfect Storm (Junger), 54, 123
Perry, John, Encyclopedia of Acting Techniques, 72, 117
Petroski, Henry, Invention by Design, 56, 139
Photography (Sandler), 25, 72, 92, 117
Picoult, Jodi, Nineteen Minutes, 22, 105, 146
Picture Bride (Uchida), 48, 135
Pierced by a Ray of Sun (Gordon), 66, 129
The Pillars of the Earth (Follett), 27, 90, 112
Pipher, Mary
The Middle of Everywhere, 85, 105–106, 146
The Plot against America (Roth), 99, 134
The Poet Slave of Cuba (Engle), 90, 112
Poetry Out Loud (Rubin), 67, 134
Poets of World War II, 75, 123
Pollan, Michael, The Botany of Desire, 24, 102–103, 139
Polly, Matthew, American Shaolin, 26, 92, 117
Pope, Loren, Colleges That Change Lives, 106, 146
Postcards from No Man’s Land (Chambers), 77, 127
Potok, Chaim, The Chosen, 47, 133
Power, Susan, The Grass Dancer, 47, 133
The Power of Myth (Campbell and Moyers), 90, 111
The Power of Photographs (Goldberg), 52, 113
Preston, Richard
The Demon in the Freezer, 82, 140
The Wild Trees, 20, 25, 31, 103, 140
Primal Teen (Strauch), 82, 140
Promised to the Moon (Nolen), 81, 139
Pullman, Phillip, The Golden Compass, 78–79, 133
Pyongyang (Delisle), 24, 94, 120
The Race Beat (Roberts and Klibanoff), 24, 95, 124
The Race to Save the Lord God Bird (Hoose), 24, 101–102, 138
The Radioactive Boy Scout (Silverstein), 26, 103, 140
A Raisin in the Sun (Hansberry), 63, 113–114
The Rape of Nanking (Chang), 24, 50, 93–94, 119
A Rare Breed of Love (Kohl), 26, 105, 145
The Rattle Bag (Heaney and Hughes), 66, 129
Red Scarf Girl (Jiang), 59, 122
The Red Tent (Diamant), 27, 90, 112
Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning et al.), 66, 128
Regis, Ed, Virus Ground Zero, 56, 140
Relin, David Oliver, Three Cups of Tea (Mortenson), 24, 105, 146
Reviving Ophelia (Pipher), 56, 146
Reynolds, Sheri, A Gracious Plenty, 79, 133
Riding the Bus with My Sister (Simon), 86, 147
Rigden, John S., Hydrogen, 82, 140
Roach, Mary, Stiff, 26, 31, 82, 103, 140
The Road (McCarthy), 27, 99, 132
Roberts, Gene, The Race Beat (Klibanoff), 24, 95, 124
Robertson, James, Stonewall Jackson, 59, 124
Rodriguez, Luis, Always Running, 61, 146
Rodriguez, Richard, Hunger of Memory, 61, 146
Rogasky, Barbara, Smoke and Ashes, 75, 124
Rogers, Elizabeth, The Green Book (Kostigen), 24, 106, 146
A Rose That Grew From Concrete (Shakur), 79, 134
Rosenberg, Liz, Earth-Shattering Poems, 67, 134
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Stoppard), 26, 64, 99, 118, 134
Roth, Phillip, The Plot against America, 99, 134
Rotten English (Ahmad), 24, 93, 118
Rubin, Robert Alden, Poetry Out Loud, 67, 134
Rybczynski, Witold, The Most Beautiful House in the World, 56, 117
Saenz, Benjamin Alire, Sammy and Julianna in Hollywood, 95–96, 124
Sagas of Icelanders: A Selection, 75, 124
Salzman, Mark, True Notebooks, 85, 146
Sammy and Julianna in Hollywood (Saenz), 95–96, 124
A Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 102, 138
The Sand-Reckoner (Bradshaw), 79, 136
Sandler, Martin, Photography, 25, 72, 92, 117
Sartre, Jean Paul, No Exit, 64, 117
Satrapi, Marjane, The Complete Persepolis, 27, 79, 96, 124, 134
Savage Inequalities (Kozol), 54–55, 145
Schindler’s List (Keneally), 46, 130
Schlosser, Eric, Fast Food Nation, 86, 147
Schroeder, Gerald, The Hidden Face of God, 103, 140
Schultz, Ted, Insect Lives (Hoyt), 81, 138
The Search for King Arthur (Day), 50, 120
Sebold, Alice, Lucky, 79, 99, 134
The Secret Family (Bodanis), 49, 136
The Secret Life of Bees (Kidd), 28, 98, 130
Seldon, Philip, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Classical Music (Sherman), 56, 117
Senna, Danzy, Caucasia, 86, 147
The Seven Daughters of Eve (Sykes), 83, 141
Shaara, Michael, The Killer Angels, 47–48, 134
Shakespeare, William, King Lear, 64, 117
Shakur, Tupac, A Rose That Grew From Concrete, 79, 134
Shaw, George Bernard, Pygmalion, 64, 117
Sheedy, Chris, Who the Hell is Pansy O’Hara? (Bond), 24, 97, 127
Sheehan, Neil, A Bright Shining Lie, 56, 124
Sheff, David, Beautiful Boy, 26, 106, 147
Sheff, Nic, Tweak, 26, 106, 147
Sherman, Robert, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Classical Music (Seldon), 56, 117
She’s Got Next (King), 91, 115
Shihab, Naomi, Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning et al.), 66, 128
Shizuko’s Daughter (Mori), 47, 132
Shoemaker, Robert G., Falling in Love with Wisdom (Karnos), 54, 114
Shooting under Fire (Howe), 24, 71, 91, 114
A Short History of Nearly Everything (Bryson), 24, 31, 80, 100–101, 136
Siddhartha (Hesse), 45–46, 130
Silent Spring (Carson), 50, 136
Silverstein, Ken, The Radioactive Boy Scout, 26, 103, 140
Simon, David, The Corner (Burns), 56, 147
Simon, Rachel, Riding the Bus with My Sister, 86, 147
Singh, Simon, Fermat’s Enigma, 56, 140
Singing America (Neil), 66, 132
Small Victories (Freedman), 52, 143
Smith, Anna Deveare, Fires in the Mirror, 79, 134
Smith, Gina, The Genomics Age, 24, 103, 140
Smith, Huston, Illustrated World Religions, 72–73, 117
Smith, Jodi R. R., From Clueless to Class Act, 26, 106, 147
Smith, Phillip, 100 Best-Loved Poems, 67, 134
Smith, Zadie, White Teeth, 86, 147
Smoke and Ashes (Rogasky), 75, 124
Sobel, Dava, Longitude, 57, 82, 140
Sold (McCormick), 26, 105, 145
Someday This Pain Will be Useful to You (Cameron), 26, 97, 127
Sondheim, Stephen, West Side Story (Bernstein and Laurents), 63, 110
Soul to Soul (Khanga and Jacoby), 60, 144
The Souls of Black Folk (Du Bois), 51, 142
Sound-Shadows of the New World (Mehta), 61, 145
Speak Truth to Power (Cuomo), 83–84, 142
Spiegelman, Art, The Complete Maus, 23, 27, 57, 96, 124
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down (Fadiman), 94–95, 121
Stallworthy, Jon, A Book of Love Poetry, 67, 134
Stark, Peter, Last Breath, 82, 140
Starkey, David, Six Wives, 75, 124
Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of Wrath, 48, 134
Steinberg, Jacques, The Gatekeepers, 86, 147
Stern, Jessica, Terror in the Name of God, 106, 147
Stiff (Roach), 26, 31, 82, 103, 140
And Still We Rise (Corwin), 83, 142
Stomping the Blues (Murray), 55, 116
Stonewall Jackson (Robertson), 59, 124
Stoppard, Tom, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, 26, 64, 99, 118, 134
The Story of Art (Gombrich), 52, 113
The Story of My Life (Keller), 60, 144
Story of Phi (Barr), 29
Strauch, Barbara, Primal Teen, 82, 140
Strickland, Carol, The Annotated Mona Lisa, 25, 57, 93, 118
Stringer, Christopher, African Exodus (McKie), 57, 141
Sugar’s Life in the Hood (Turner and Ehlers), 86–87, 147
Sunrise Over Fallujah (Myers), 26, 99, 132
Super Crunchers (Ayres), 29, 100, 135
Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feyman (Feynman), 59, 137
Sykes, Bryan, The Seven Daughters of Eve, 83, 141
T. Rex and the Crater of Doom (Alvarez), 48, 135
The Taste of Sweet (Chen), 26, 101, 136
The Telling of the World (Penn), 55, 116
Teresi, Dick, Lost Discoveries, 24, 103, 141
Terror in the Name of God (Stern), 106, 147
Terror of the Spanish Main (Marrin), 74–75, 123
The Things They Carried (O’Brien), 47, 133
This Boy’s Life (Wolff), 62, 135
This Land Was Made for You and Me (Partridge), 31, 116
Thomas, Lewis, The Lives of a Cell, 57, 141
Thompson, Craig, Blankets, 100, 135
Three Cups of Tea (Mortenson and Relin), 24, 27, 105, 146
Three Tall Women (Albee), 63, 110
The Tipping Point (Gladwell), 27, 104, 143
Tobin, James, Great Projects, 83, 141
The Tree Is Older Than You Are (Nye), 67, 133
Triangle (Von Drehle), 75–76, 125
A Tribe Apart (Hersch), 53, 144
True Notebooks (Salzman), 85, 146
Tuchman, Barbara, A Distant Mirror, 75, 125
Tuesdays with Morrie (Albom), 27, 83, 104, 141
Turner, Sugar, Sugar’s Life in the Hood (Ehlers), 86–87, 147
Uchida, Yoshiko, Picture Bride, 48, 135
Uhry, Alfred, Driving Miss Daisy, 64, 118
Undaunted Courage (Ambrose), 60, 119
Understanding Comics (McCloud), 55, 116
Understanding September 11 (Frank), 73–74, 121
Ung, Loung, First They Killed My Father, 75, 96, 125
The United States of Poetry (Blum), 65, 127
The Universe in a Nutshell (Hawking), 80, 137
Unsettling America (Gillan and Gillan), 66, 129
Urrea, Luis Alberto, The Devil’s Highway, 107, 148
The Vibe History of Hip Hop (Light), 72, 115
Virus Ground Zero (Regis), 56, 140
Vogel, Paula, How I Learned to Drive, 65, 118
The Voice of AIDS (Ford), 51–52, 143
The Voice That Challenged a Nation (Freedman), 24, 90–91, 113
Voices from the Streets (Atkin), 49, 141
Von Drehle, David, Triangle, 75–76, 125
A Voyage Long and Strange (Horwitz), 24, 95, 122
Vreeland, Susan, The Passion of Artemisia, 73, 118
Waiting for Godot (Beckett), 63, 110
Wallis, David, Killed Cartoons, 26, 107, 148
Walls, Jeannette, The Glass Castle, 27, 107, 148
War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning (Hedges), 71, 114
The War Poets (Giddings), 66, 129
Water, Ice, and Stone (Green), 52–53, 137
Water for Elephants (Gruen), 18, 27, 91, 113
Watson, James D., The Double Helix, 57, 141
Watson, Larry, Montana 1948, 48, 135
Watson, Peter, The Modern Mind, 76, 125
The Way We Work (Macaulay), 139
The Weather Makers (Flannery), 25, 101, 137
Weatherford, Jack, Indian Givers, 76, 125
Weiner, Tim, Legacy of Ashes, 96, 125
Weller, Sheila, Girls Like Us, 93, 118
West Side Story (Bernstein, Laurents, and Sondheim), 63, 110
Whale Talk (Crutcher), 71, 112
What Color is Your Parachute? (Bolles), 104, 141
What Do You Care What Other People Think? (Feynman), 80, 137
What Does It Mean to Be Human? (Franck), 71, 113
What Is the What (Eggers), 27, 94, 121
What to Listen For in Music (Copland), 50, 112
Wheelan, Charles, Naked Economics, 25, 87, 107, 148
Wheelchair Warrior (Juette and Berger), 27, 104, 144
Where She Danced (Kendall), 54, 115
Where Wizards Stay Up Late (Hafner and Lyon), 53, 137
Who the Hell is Pansy O’Hara? (Bond and Sheedy), 24, 97, 127
Why Terrorism Works (Dershowitz), 84, 142
The Wild Trees (Preston), 20, 25, 31, 103, 140
Wilde, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest, 65, 118
Wilder, Thornton, Our Town, 65, 118
Williams, David, Bitterly Divided, 23, 96, 125
Williams, Juan, Eyes on the Prize, 57, 148
Williams, Miller, How Does a Poem Mean? (Ciardi), 65, 127
Williams, Tennessee, The Glass Menagerie, 65, 118
Wilson, August, Fences, 65, 118
Winchester, Simon, Krakatoa, 76, 125
Wolf, Allan, New Found Land, 24, 96, 125
Wolff, Tobias, This Boy’s Life, 62, 135
World Religions (Bowker), 24, 90, 111
Worldly, Demetrice, Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle (Dunning et al.), 66, 128
The Worst Hard Time (Egan), 23, 24, 94, 121
Wright, Richard
The Year of Living Biblically (Jacobs), 27, 91, 114
Yeck, Joanne, Our Movie Heritage (McGreevey), 25, 72, 92, 116
Yolen, Jane
Favorite Folktales from Around the World, 57, 135
Young Adult Library Services Association, Outstanding Books, vii
Your Own Sylvia (Hemphill), 24, 91, 114