Introduction: How I Got Into Fighting the Religious Right
Chapter 1: Schools Are Still a Battlefield, But We Are Winning
Stealth Evangelism—Troubling Encounters with “Unequal Access”
Religious Right Activists: Ever Insatiable, Ever Innovative
Chapter 2: The Evolving Debate…on Evolution
Chapter 3: If We Can't Change Public School Curricula, Let's Just Destroy Public Schools
Chapter 4: The Religious Right: The More Things Change, the More the Weirdness Continues
Acts of God—Reaction: Give Us Your Money
Takin’ It to the Supreme Court
Chapter 7: Does the Religious Right Hate Everybody? Answer: Yes
Religious Refusals: “We don't have to obey the civil law because…”
Chapter 9: Religion in Politics
We Know that Religion Is Getting More Political…
But Are Politicians Getting More “Religious”?
Chapter 10: Why Does Anybody Spend Their Adult Life Doing This?
Strange Persons of a “Religious Right” Bent
Alternative Universes: Cinematic Achievement and a Bizarre Capitol Hill Hearing