Chapter Two


Cade shifted his motorcycle into gear. Riding was almost as nice as running free on all fours through an open plain. He loved the feel of the wind in his long hair, the freedom of the cool night as he rode through the countryside. Only tonight, he wasn’t headed to the countryside. He was going into town.

For some reason, he was drawn to find some female companionship. Shifting his hips, he suppressed a growl. His cock was so hard that he could barely straddle the big bike without feeling the discomfort of it vibrating throughout his entire frame. He knew damned well who the reason was, even if he hated to admit it.

Fiona. Her name was Fiona. He hadn’t known until he heard Eve say it. The woman didn’t wear a nametag like the rest of the staff at the preserve. It didn’t stop him from staring at her shirt though, especially her round breasts.

Cade liked aggravating the woman, because she aggravated him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just his temper that she provoked, but his libido. Every time he was near her, he’d smell her sweet perfume and it was all he could do not to shift and throw her up against the chain-link fence just to fuck her delicate little body until neither of them could walk straight. She was so tiny, with wide green eyes and beautiful auburn hair. Oh, and her breasts. Man, they would fill his hands to overflowing. She had dark, round nipples too. He knew because he’d splashed her one hot day when she’d taken off her work shirt. The damp white undershirt had molded very nicely to her upper body.

He growled, loud and long into the wind as he sped up, hunching forward on the bike. His stomach was tight with pent up need. Already he could smell her in his head. He was going to find her tonight and he was going to purge the aggravating woman from his system so he could think straight.

Damn those green eyes of hers!

Mm, and her mouth. Cade forced the motorcycle to go faster until he soared over the dark pavement. That woman had the kind of full lips a man paid big bucks to have wrapped around his cock. Damn, but he wanted to fuck her sweet little mouth. Already he could picture it in his head—had been picturing it since first seeing her at the preserve.

Hell, while he was at it, he might as well fuck her firm little ass, too. No reason to leave any part of the woman untried. The carnal instinct inside him was strong and bursting to get out. He’d suppressed his animalistic human nature for too long and it was suddenly letting loose with a vengeance.

“Fiona,” he whispered, knowing that tonight was about so much more than sex. This was his future. Their future. He was a cat, used to trusting instinct. And every instinct told him he’d found the one. His mate. The aggravatingly annoying beautiful Fiona.

He didn’t want to admit it, but there it was. Fiona was his mate.

When desire was this hot, there was only one way to cool it. He needed to feed the flames until they were spent. Only then would the fire burn itself out. Only then would she belong completely to him. Cade took a deep breath. He only hoped she felt the same way.

* * * *

Fiona sat alone in the corner booth, eating her grilled chicken on a bed of salad. Sighing, she thought, I really need to get out of this depression…

Almost regretfully she thought about work. Her father had really picked a doozey of a job for her this time and she’d have to do it until he told her where to go next. He was punishing her for disobeying his will to begin with. Fredrick LaSalle had wanted her to marry the right man, get the right house, have the right babies. When she didn’t do it, forsaking his desires to live her own life, he’d been livid. Crawling back to him hadn’t been easy, but she had no choice. It was either she lived up to her responsibilities and paid for her mistakes by honoring her ‘debt’ to creditors, or she declared bankruptcy and took the easy way out.

Fiona was not the kind of girl to take the easy way out. Besides, doing things this way was also a form of self-punishment. She’d been such a fool for trusting James!

Taking a sip of water, Fiona forgot the salad and slumped down in her seat, losing her appetite. What she needed was a diversion. She needed a man—some drifter coming through town who wouldn’t be averse to having a one-night stand. She hadn’t been lying when she told King that she needed to get laid. Her pussy ached with need, even more so now that she didn’t have an eligible partner with whom to slake her desire.

Apparently the lion didn’t think it was such a good idea. Good thing she didn’t need his approval to go through with her plan. She’d always been a sexually charged person, but since starting at the preserve, her lust had gotten worse. It was probably just a coincidence, but it didn’t make her life any more tolerable. Unfortunately, she needed a willing candidate and she had no clue where to get one.

Just then, like a sign from above, a single headlight shone into the restaurant’s front window as a motorcycle came to a stop. Her heart nearly exploded in her chest as the rider cut the engine. The light shut off and, in the soft glow of the streetlamps, she saw a man like no other. He had incredibly chiseled features, a broad muscular body, and long blond hair that flowed to his waist.

Her eyes traveled down over his body as he lifted a leg over the bike. He was trim, fit, lean. Tight denim hugged his thick thighs and outlined his perfect hips. Now this was what she needed. A man that looked this good would definitely know how to treat a woman in bed. Heck, at this point Fiona would gladly let him take her anywhere, just so long as he took her.

Feeling slightly reckless and knowing she had little to lose at this point in her life, she met the man’s eyes boldly as he stepped into the restaurant. His wide frame seemed to fill up the tiny dining area and his vivid green gaze found her instantly. When he looked directly at her, it was as if the whole world faded away. Lightning pierced her soul at his attention, making her shake all the way down to her toes. He didn’t move for a long time, appearing just as stunned as she was.

Carnal, primitive fire had never consumed her like it did when she looked at him. A silent understanding seemed to pass between them. Fiona reached blindly for her purse to find her wallet. The man stepped toward her, his chin lowering some as he neared. There was something very predatory in his gaze, the primal fire of a hunter on the prowl. Her heart sped in her chest, thundering in her ears. This was insanity, but she didn’t care. She’d prayed for a gift like this.

He stopped at her table and glanced over her. Men like this just didn’t exist, did they? Everything about him radiated potent male. His eyes flickered to her hand still stuck in her purse. A slow grin curled the side of his face as he reached behind his back and pulled out his wallet. Without looking, he grabbed a bill and tossed it down on the table. Then, he offered her his hand.

Fiona gripped her purse, shaking slightly as she slipped her fingers into his warm ones. He turned, leading her from the restaurant. Her eyes drifted down to the tight fit of his jeans. The denim hugged his perfect ass. Everything but the man was a blur and inside her body every nerve seemed to whisper, This is meant to be. Go with him. Be with him.

He led her out the door to his motorcycle and let go of her hand to climb on. Fiona watched, wondering what she should do. His large thighs straddled the seat and she swallowed to see the obvious bulge of his cock pressing against his jeans. Unless he stuffed his crotch with a sock or something, the man was incredibly well-hung.

“Where are we going?” she asked, trying to come to her senses, trying to ignore the pull he had on her. The strange, animal magnetism was too potent to disregard. It was like part of her soul knew this man, knew that she’d be okay with him. Strange thoughts whispered in her head.

Go with him.

Be with him.

He’s yours. Claim him.

“For a ride,” he answered, his tone husky. His silky voice was almost as gorgeous as he was. A brow arched on his chiseled face. “Why? You got somewhere else to be?”

“No,” she answered, before she could think to stop herself. Why did she say that? Why was she even out here? This was crazy!

Claim him.

“Worried, then?” There was challenge in his words, but also a light teasing. When he looked at her in such a way, he became so familiar. A nagging thought pulled at the back of her mind, but she couldn’t quite place where she would’ve seen him before.

Yeah, in your dreams, silly. Now go and claim him!

Fiona smiled as she looked deep into his green eyes. He had kind eyes, soft and affectionate. She trusted those eyes. Regrettably, she wasn’t so sure she had the best judgment. She had trusted James, after all.

This is a mistake. Don’t trust your instinct. He’s a stranger. This is crazy.

Fiona opened her mouth to politely thank him for the offer and decline, but the breeze pushed his masculine scent over her and she got a deep whiff of it instead. It was like he emitted a pheromone she couldn’t resist. Instantly, her body numbed and all she could think about was having sex with the delicious man in front of her. Nothing else mattered but the need building in her stomach. Her nipples budded against her shirt, begging to be freed.

A soft moan passed her lips. Slowly, she climbed on the back of the bike and put her purse between them to keep her sex from rubbing up against his firm butt. Just the idea of it made cream gather between her thighs, dampening her panties even more.

Fiona didn’t care. She couldn’t resist, didn’t even think to try. Every fiber inside her body told her that this was right. This was the man she was meant to be with.

“No, I’m not worried, but you should be,” she said, answering his question, her tone husky as she slipped her arms around his firm waist. The man chuckled softly. His heat soaked into her as did his delicious smell. Wantonly, she pushed her chest along his back. Her breasts instantly swelled at the contact, sending fire through her blood. His long, gorgeous hair was crushed between them, lifting to tickle her bare arms. The man glanced over his shoulder and grinned, his expression saying he knew exactly what her reaction to him was.

“Do you believe in fate?” she asked, not knowing where the question came from. She never would’ve said that out loud to a man. It sounded so girly.

“I believe in destiny,” he answered, moving to turn the key. The bike roared to life, vibrating between her thighs. It took all her willpower not to wiggle against the tight leather seat until she orgasmed.

“Then let’s go.” Fiona held him tighter. Maybe she had met him before in a dream. Or maybe she was just a fool.

He nodded once, not turning back around as he revved the engine. Resting her head on his back, Fiona hugged him tightly and took a deep breath. Again the smell of him invaded her with its heady lust.

Oh, yeah. This is definitely the only place I have to be.

* * * *

Cade couldn’t believe that Fiona had followed him from the restaurant without question. Part of him was angry that she’d merely walk off with a stranger without so much as asking his name. Another part of him was elated that he didn’t have to waste time trying to convince her to go with him. His cock hurt too badly for him to be charming and smooth at the moment. If he had to seduce her later, fine, but right now he needed release.

Feeling her arms tighten around his waist as he purposefully sped up the motorcycle, he decided to be mad at her later. Besides, it was quite possible she felt and understood their destiny just as he had. She did ask about fate, after all. Was that her way of saying she knew and she accepted him as her mate? Cade gave a small smile. He’d have thought mating would be a lot more difficult than a couple of sentences.

This whole thing might turn out easier than he first pictured. The way her thighs curved around the back of his made his cock lurch to be free of his jeans. Maybe her aggravated behavior at the preserve was because she’d been waiting for him to shift and make a move. It wasn’t completely unheard of for humans to know of his kind and accept it. Maybe Fiona knew he was a shifter. Though, he wasn’t about to shift and find out until she said something first. Her small body felt too good pressed along his back and it had been way too long since he’d been with a woman. He didn’t want to scare her away.

I’ll show you who’s lazy, he thought, remembering her words to him at the preserve. The idea held no malice, just pure intention. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk and hopefully neither will I.

There was just something about her that made him forget every thought in his head. He looked at her and all he understood was desire. She wasn’t his normal type—sure, pretty was his type and she was way beyond pretty—but she knew nothing about animals, or at least about big cats. By the way she walked and acted at the preserve, she was a little on the prissy side. Cade was an outdoorsy type of guy, which wasn’t too surprising being that he was a shifter. He liked camping, hunting and hiking. He’d bet his right testicle that the preserve was the closest Fiona had ever been to the wilderness.

Despite these superficial differences, he’d wanted her from the first moment. The little look of fascination she sometimes got when she watched them was adorable and he could tell by her gentle movements that she was kind hearted under her wounded exterior. Cade would’ve loved to have met James, just so he could kick the man’s ass for hurting her.

The pull between them was strong. It invaded him to the point that he actually waited for her to walk by his cage. His eyes took in every movement of her body when she was near and he thought about her when she was gone. The restaurant was the first time he’d looked at her with his human eyes, but the attraction between them could’ve set the room on fire. She’d felt it too. He could smell that she did. Her longing was a fragrant scent in his head—calling to him, urging him to ride faster. He did, slipping her away into the night.

Knowing he couldn’t hold his desires back much longer, Cade finally slowed the bike and turned onto a narrow dirt road. Fiona purred like a kitten, rubbing her face along his back. He knew she was too far gone to even worry about where he was taking her. The pheromones he was giving off probably had her nearing the throes of passion. Good thing the pheromones only affected his destined mate or the whole restaurant would’ve rushed him.

* * * *

Fiona took a deep breath of air as the man pulled the motorcycle to a stop in front of a lake. The dirt road stretched along the banks and the night sky reflected off the glassy water. She climbed off the back of his bike as he cut the engine.

Now that they were stopped, she began to shake. It was peaceful around the water and only the hum of insects filled the air. They really were isolated out here in the country. He got off the bike and turned to her. His body was large, easily towering over her slighter form. She felt small, delicate, weak next to him.

What am I doing here? I must have been insane to get on this man’s bike.

The green in his eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight as he stared at her—confident in himself. Fiona shivered. There was nothing sexier than a confident man and the hint of danger only added to her arousal.

“I’m Fiona,” she said, realizing she didn’t know what to call him. He stepped forward, his hand brushing along her cheek.


As the soft word passed his lips, he leaned in, opening his mouth to hers in an instantly deep kiss. She’d never felt so much passion in another person as she did when Cade thrust his tongue into her mouth. He explored her depths, groaning into her as if he couldn’t get enough. His hands slid down her arms, only to pull her shirt up.

Fiona couldn’t reason beyond the feel of him. A carnal instinct welled inside her, forcing her to succumb to an animalistic side she didn’t know she had. Cade’s smell overwhelmed her, driving her passions to the boiling point. Part of her felt as if she really knew him in her soul—on a very base level. Before she realized what was happening, he broke the kiss just long enough to yank her shirt over her head. He then tore her bra free with a mighty rip.

Cade stood, staring at her breasts as they both gasped for breath. Then, his movements purposeful, he reached forward, watching her reaction as he touched her chest. He weighed the globe in his palm before flicking a thumb over the nipple. A shockwave hit her stomach and she leaned into him, wanting more.

She gasped as his long hair tickled her flesh, surrounding her as the breeze pushed over them. Cupping her breasts with his warm palms, he again kissed her. His tongue teased her mouth, until she was so crazy for him that she aggressively sucked it between her teeth.

“Ah, kitten, you taste so good,” he moaned into her mouth.

Cade tore his lips from hers only to lean over and smother his face in her chest, groaning and breathing deeply as he pinched her nipples. She couldn’t pull away—not that she wanted to. Fiona gasped, forced to take a step back at his forceful persistence.

A low growl sounded in the back of his throat. It was seductive, yet raw and possessive. His hands slid to her hips, stopping her from backing away as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Cade was so strong, holding her captive as he did wickedly delightful things to her breasts. Primitive grunts sounded in the back of his throat as if he would devour her whole.

Yes. Oh, yes...

Fiona ran her hands through his beautiful locks, letting him work his magic on her skin. She was so caught up in the pleasure of his mouth that she was surprised when she felt the cool night air caressing her naked butt. He’d quickly worked the pants and underwear from her hips. The warmth of his palms made her shiver in delight as he grabbed her ass and kneaded the cheeks hard. The movement parted the folds of her sex, but the breeze could do nothing to cool the wet heat that built there.

Cade moved his hand to her sex and slipped a finger up into her tight folds. He watched her carefully, his voice dipping as he said, “Ah, no wonder I can’t keep my hands off you. You’re in heat.”

In heat?

She tried not to giggle and failed. That was an interesting way of saying her pussy was wet for him. At the sound of her laugh, he thrust his finger up deeper. Instantly, the sound became a weak moan.

“I can’t wait to feel your tight body wrapped around my cock.”

Fiona barely heard him through the blood rushing in her head. When he spoke she got the barest trace of an accent, but she couldn’t make out what kind.

Southern, perhaps? Definitely not deep south, but...

His calloused thumb flicked over her clit and she forgot all about placing his accent. When he touched her like that, she could barely stay standing. Fiona grabbed his arms, disappointed to realize that he was still wearing all his clothes. She’d been so busy just letting him have his way with her that she hadn’t even tried to undress him.

“Cade,” she moaned, pulling at his T-shirt. “Please, baby. I want to feel you—ahh.”

He wiggled his finger inside her with expert precision, hitting the sweet spot buried within. Her hands gripped his shirt, unable to find the strength to pull it off. A tiny orgasm exploded inside her.

“Ah, yeah, that’s it. You’re so hot, aren’t you, kitten?” His voice soothed as he continued to work his hand along her pussy. Her muscles clamped around him and he only groaned louder. “Your smell has been driving me crazy. I want to claim you so badly.”

Fiona merely whimpered as he pushed the sweet spot harder, fingering it in a steady rhythm.

“You’re primed for me, aren’t you? Your body knows me, doesn’t it?”

It was true, every word. The lure of his body had pulled her to him since she first saw the bike stop in front of the restaurant. Strange as it sounded, their coming together felt like fate. She could no longer avoid this moment than she could live without breathing.

He thumbed her clit and growled, “Doesn’t it?”

“Yes!” she gasped, grasping his strong arms for support. His forceful nature excited her.

“Mm, that’s a good little kitten,” he coaxed, sounding very much the dominant male. He pulled his hand from her sex and she thought she would die if he didn’t put it back.

“Oh, please, don’t stop,” Fiona begged. Instantly, she reached for his cock, curious to see if the giant bulge was really all him or just stuffing. Feeling the unmistakably hot outline of his shaft through the denim, she trembled. It was all him.

She rubbed his arousal as he worked around her to free it from his jeans. He didn’t wear underwear and as soon as he pulled the zipper down, his shaft sprang forward into her hand. She gasped. His cock grew in her palm now that it was free from the confines. Instantly, she let go.

“It’s, ah...” She tried to step back. The man was ridiculously huge. Too huge. Monstrous!

“Your sweet pussy’s going to feel so good and tight on me, kitten,” he said, his eyes continuing to glow in the moonlight as he stroked himself. The orbs mesmerized her and she stopped her retreat. “But first I want to feel those lips of yours sucking me until I cum in your mouth. When I do, I want to watch you drink me down. I’m going to lay claim to every inch of you.”

Fiona found herself nodding weakly in agreement.

Whatever you want, Cade.

She watched his fist swallow up the thick head of his shaft only to pump over the length. Even as she feared his great size, she couldn’t completely fight the euphoric pull of his pheromones as they wrapped around her. Fiona told her legs to run, so she could get away from him and think. They didn’t listen.

“What’s happening?” she whispered. “Who are you?”

“I’m the man you’ve been waiting for.”

“How...?” Fiona shook her head, trying to clear the fog. Here she was standing naked by a lake in the middle of nowhere.


Fiona’s lids fell heavily over her eyes and she moaned as passion continued to well within her.

“Get on your knees for me,” he said, his tone commanding and imploring at the same time. He was cocky and confident. She found it an incredibly sexy combination. Everything about this man was pure Alpha male and she found herself willingly obeying.

She eyed the thick shaft as she pulled the jeans lower on his hips. He threw the shirt from his head, breathing hard in anticipation. Muscles dominated every inch of his chest and waist. Fiona smiled and peeked up at him from her place on the ground, feeling very catlike as she licked her bottom lip. He groaned, his body tensing visibly at the gesture. Fiona’s smile widened and she had the insane urge to dominate the Alpha.

Oh, yeah, you go ahead and think you’re in control. We’ll see who claims who.

Purring, she licked the tip of his shaft. The smell of him only seemed to grow stronger at the brief touch. The purr turned into a moan. She licked him again, slowly sucking the tip between her lips. Suctioning her mouth, she pulled lightly. Salty pre-cum moistened her lips as she slid off.

So good...

Grabbing his cock, she stroked its long length and sucked the tip deeper. Cade thrust, surprising her as he hit the back of her throat with his thick length, nearly gagging her with his great size. She fisted her hands, squeezing him tighter as she mindlessly began kissing and nibbling the hard length. Fiona took him as deep as she could as she practically devoured his hard shaft. She’d never tasted anything like it.

“Ah, damn, kitten,” he panted for breath. “I’m going to... ahh!

The words never made it out. His cock twitched a second before releasing a hot stream of cum down her throat. It was delicious and she drank down every tasty drop. When he pulled her off him, she expected him to be tamed. She was wrong. His large shaft stayed completely erect and the fire in his eyes burned hotter. He fell to his knees before her and grabbed her hips. With surprising strength, he spun her around and had her on her hands and knees before she could think to protest.

Cade positioned his body behind hers and reached a hand between her legs, sliding his fingers along her wet sex from behind. Water lapped the shore from the lake and the breeze did nothing to cool her ardor. The taste of him in her mouth only strengthened her need for him. She was crazed, mindless, and she needed him to release her.

She dug her fingers into the moist dirt road, not caring that they were technically out in the open where anyone coming by would see them. It only added to the forbidden danger of what she was doing. Fiona never took herself for such a wild, primitive lover, but with him she couldn’t seem to help herself. The carnal need overrode anything else.

She looked down just as Cade flipped over on his back. He positioned his head between her thighs and pulled her hips down so she was smothering his face. Fiona tried to let him breathe, but he only growled, pulling tighter. His tongue delved into her pussy, lapping up her cream as if she were a delicacy. He nibbled her clit, sucked it, licked it. Soon she was wiggling against his mouth, needing to find climax. Her pussy worked along his chin.

Cade groaned and didn’t let her pull away as he rubbed her body’s moisture all over his lower face. When the tension inside her body was to the snapping point, he released her hips and was poised behind her with lightening speed. She wiggled, disappointed that he’d stopped before she reached her climax against his wonderful lips.

But, as teeth grazed her ass, she knew he only had more pleasure in store for her. Hands spread her thighs wider and she felt a tongue licking along her slit. A finger trailed from her pussy, dragging her cream to the tight rosette buried in her soft cheeks. She tensed as he probed her. When he’d said he was going to claim her, she never imagined he’d go there—to a place no man had ever touched her. There was no time for second thoughts or embarrassment. It felt too good.

Cade’s moans of approval only grew as he pushed his finger inside her anus. He wiggled his finger in small circles, hitting nerve endings she never realized she had. His touch stayed light and gentle on her ass as he rubbed his cock along her wet slit. Fiona’s body jerked, her pussy still sensitive from his intimate kisses.

Ah, yeah, fuck me like an animal. Just like this. Claim me.

Fiona pushed back, curious to feel his enormous length prying her open. She needed this, needed to be fucked so badly it hurt. She wanted to feel his big cock pumping its release inside her.

“Ah, Cade!”

* * * *

Cade couldn’t believe his luck in finding the passionate woman before him. Her taste was on his mouth, driving him wild. He wanted to roar, to shift, to let the cat in him out to play. But, he knew it was too soon. Humans didn’t know his kind existed and they really didn’t mate for life on the first ‘technical’ date—if that’s what this could be called.

Cade had dated a lot in his time, but he’d never had a woman as hot as she was. Fiona was a wildcat, secure in her passions. Her body pressed back in offering, her length stretching before him. It was a gift he wouldn’t refuse. Pushing forward, he pried her tight pussy open with his cock. He held his breath. Her pussy fisted his shaft to the point he nearly exploded.

He wasn’t sure her tiny body would take all of him, but when she didn’t protest, he kept going. It was too much. With a growl, he slammed into her, fitting himself to the hilt. She gasped, her sex tightening on him as her muscles adjusted to his size. Cade didn’t have to move. Just feeling her muscles contract to fit him was pleasure enough.

However, Fiona had different ideas. She pulled forward, only to thrust herself back onto him. He gasped when she did it again and again, urging him to take her. The animal in him wanted to play and he couldn’t stop himself as he grabbed her hips. With a wild jerk he roughly rode her willing body, sliding her over his cock.

She bucked as he pumped his hips and watched her firm little ass. Cade wished he could hold back, could fight the orgasm building inside him, but it was no use. His body needed another release and it was going to take it whether he was ready or not. This time he couldn’t hold anything back. The second her body clamped in release, he let loose, filling her with a hot jet of his cum.

“Cade,” she cried, his name heaven on her lips. She moaned, shaking in her intense pleasure.

Cade didn’t move, as he stayed buried deep. He felt the beginning connection stirring between them. Fiona was marked as his woman.