So many people to thank—seems like the list grows with each book!
The Irish are so helpful and so easy to talk to. I’d like to thank former Detective Sergeant David Sheedy and Detective Sergeant Brian Howard for their excellent counsel; Hazel Gaynor for introducing me to the Quays Pub; my first Irish friend, Teresa Donnellan; fantastic hosts Ireen and Kris of Slieve Elva B&B; Eilish Neylon, A.D. of Nursing; Enda Elynn and Michael Healey, Lahinch historians; Mary Lucas, who helped solve a mystery; Lou of Ginger Lou’s for being hilarious and letting me hang out writing for hours; and last but definitely not least, Willie Daly, matchmaker and all-around raconteur.
All mistakes are mine, that’s for sure, especially when I decide to use creative license for the sake of the story—this is especially true for the liberties I took with all things psychiatric and medical, and for naming an obstacle at Lahinch Golf Course “Devil’s Pit.”
And how could I not thank my writer pals who provide feedback, sympathetic ears, endless support, and bright ideas? I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone: Cindy Brown, Debbie Dodds, Warren Easley, Holly Frank, Alison Jakel, Kassandra Kelly, Janice Maxson, LeeAnn McLennan, Angela Sanders, and Kate Scott. Plus a special crew of “eight mystery writers you should be reading now”: Michael Guillebeau, Kathleen Cosgrove, Chris Knopf, Jessie Bishop Powell, Larissa Reinhart, Jaden Terrell, and Lisa Wysocky.
Special shout-outs to Jennifer Goodrick for her crème brûlée French toast; Crystal Elverud of Oak & Olive Ristorante for her good cheer and endless glasses of red wine while I wrote like a fiend; and Nancy Boutin for her medical expertise.
And thanks to the people who make good books happen in the real world, not just inside my computer: Terri Bischoff, Sharon Eldridge, Jill Marsal, Katie Mickschl, and Nicole Nugent.