- The theme verse for this book reminds us that nothing is impossible for God. What seemingly impossible things has God done in your life, or the life of someone you know?
- The Blanchard family kept secrets from each other for generations, leading to a fractured family relationship for everyone. Do you think it’s ever all right to keep these kinds of secrets within a family? Why or why not?
- How did the family handle Ronald’s arrest? What would you have done in their place?
- Did the Blanchard family end up the way you thought they would? What would you change if you were writing their story?
- Miranda spent most of her life letting anxiety rule over her. If you had a friend like Miranda, what would you tell her?
- How did Howard Blanchard’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease affect his family? Do you think they made the right choices in caring for him?
- When Miranda needed help outside her family, she had a support group to turn to. Who is your support group, and what do they help you with the most?
- What support could Winnie give Miranda as a relative? In what way can relatives sometimes find it difficult to help loved ones? Why do you think that is? What can we do to change that?
- What might have been different for the Blanchard family if their views on mental or emotional illness had been less rigid?
- What surprised you the most about the person responsible for the murders? Do you think it’s possible to conceal a character as flawed as this person’s?