My seduction of Jay had gone perfectly, I thought and told Lucian so after Jay had, like a gentleman, gone to the guest room, giving us time to clean up and shower and talk a little.
“Did you plan all of that?” asked Lucian.
“Well, not all of that. I didn’t expect you to fuck me right after I fucked Jay.”
“Yeah, well, I got caught up in the moment.”
“I didn’t mind. It was fun.”
“I never expected to do all of this.”
I nodded. “Do you think that we could maybe move Debra or Cindy into one of the twins’ rooms?”
That question caught my husband by surprise. “Why? Does one of them need a place to stay?”
“No, but I want to have easy access to their tits…and their milk.”
He gave me a serious dose of side eye. “You’re becoming a milk slut.”
“I’ve always been a milk slut,” I said without shame. “I just didn’t know it until recently.”
“I don’t think offering Debra or Cindy a place to stay is a great idea.”
“Why not? I’ll let you fuck them anytime you want. And you can have their milk. Well, you can share it with me. We could create a little lactation paradise right here in our home.”
“That’s…you’re living in a dream world.”
“I wish! When am I…when are we going to get an opportunity like this ever again?”
My loving husband, ever practical, just shook his head at me. “Do you really want to run a boarding house? Turn this place into a dormitory with college-level hijinks? Just so you can live out a sex fantasy?”
I shrugged. “Kind of.”
“That’s completely impractical.”
“Well, not completely. I’m just trying to make a place that isn’t exactly a hotel and isn’t a dorm but is definitely geared toward having sex.” I paused for a second. “Kinky sex.”
“So basically you want a bordello but for breast milk.”
“Sure, you can put it that way.”
“I highly doubt you’re going to be able to convince anyone to move in here and live out that little fantasy for you. In fact, the people you could convince to move in and do just that aren’t the sort of people you’d want in our house. Creepy single men who are the living embodiment of neckbeards.”
“Okay, sure, that’s a reasonable argument, but you can’t take my fantasy from me.”
“I know, dear. I know.”
We got in bed together. We had to change the sheets after showering because of all the sex sweat and milk and various other fluids. I liked getting into bed with my husband in fresh sheets, both of us naked. It wasn’t better than having a group of women to nurse from and to nurse on, plus maybe a couple of cocks at my beck and call, but it was nice.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep Lucian said, “But if you can pull it off, I’m happy to let you. You can even fuck Jay as much as you want.”
That was all the encouragement I needed.
“How are your tits today?” I asked Debra conversationally as we sat down to lunch. She barely glanced around the room; she was no longer concerned with what others thought of her private life.
“Fine. Full. Yours? I’d like to come over tonight if you don’t mind.” She gave me a wink.
“Yeah, about that…want to do something a little more permanent?”
“More permanent than your schedule?”
“Yes. And it involves fucking Jay if that’s an incentive.”
Debra actually had the good manners to blush. “I had a good conversation with Mason last night.”
“You did? Good for you!”
“Yeah…we had sex too.”
I blinked. “Wow. I was not expecting that.”
“Me either.”
“So tell me the details.”
She did. It was a typical boyfriend-girlfriend getting back together story. Nothing surprising.
Until she got to the part where they had makeup sex.
While she didn’t get into details, she did drop a few critical bits of information. The sex was incredible. Makeup sex usually is. She said that the intensity of his fucking her practically made her pass out.
“And then I came.”
“That was the problem.”
“Cumming was a problem?”
She glanced down at her chest and flushed briefly. “When I came, my milk sort of shot out of me.”
“Hot. I love it when that happens.”
“It freaked out Mason.”
“Oh…that’s not good.”
“Yeah…that led to a whole bunch of questions.”
“He wasn’t into it?”
“He was…confused and upset.”
“Okay, so not everyone is into breast milk. That’s too bad…”
“He had a bunch of questions,” Debra repeated.
“What did he ask?”
“He wanted to know how I just started lactating.”
“And…and what did you tell him?”
“I told him I was taking hormones and pumping my breasts and…”
“And what?”
“And…and I had someone who was nursing from me.” Her face turned bright red.
I felt a little throb in my pussy, entirely focused on my clit, and my milk wanted to burst free. I was turned on more than I should have been.
“Did you tell him who?” I asked eagerly.
“No, I kept it vague.”
“And he didn’t get jealous?”
“He did, but I implied it was a woman who was nursing from me…”
“It is a woman,” I reminded her. “Well, two women.” I smiled and licked my lips.
“And a man,” she said. “Your husband. Lou.”
“Oh. Right. Him.”
“This is getting out of control,” she whined. “I can’t just have sex with the three of you.”
I did a quick calculation. “And Jay. And maybe Mason. That’ll take your total to four regular partners.” I reconsidered. “Maybe semi-regular for a couple.”
“See? I don’t need this much complication in my life.”
“Well the offer stands. Anytime you want to spend a few days in my house, you're invited. Just bring your tits and your milk.”
“I hate to say it but I’m tempted.”
That night I came home to find something unusual. Sadly it wasn’t Jay naked and waiting with his rock-hard erection in my bed.
It was Cindy and Lou.
I was jealous and I wanted to join in but I hesitated at the bedroom door.
I knew she was in the house. Her car was parked in the driveway. I wanted to watch her and see what they’d do together.
It was fucked up that I was turned on seeing my husband with another woman, but it was who I was and denying it wouldn’t help me. As I watched I pushed one hand down into my pants, cupping my pussy, slipping a single finger up into my tunnel while I rasped my palm against my clit. With the other hand I squeezed my breast through my shirt and bra. That made my milk come out. I didn’t care.
They were both naked but they weren’t really having sex. I could see Lucian’s cock, hard and pointing upward. Cindy was on top of him, her pussy pressed against his stomach, hanging her pierced tits in his face. Lou was moving his mouth back and forth between her breasts, drawing forth her milk, savoring it, swallowing it down, and turning her on.
I loved the little moans she made.
I knew that I could join in, but I wanted to watch. I wanted to see what they would do together.
They had to know I was supposed to arrive home. Lucian wasn’t hiding this from me. He wanted me to join in, or at least catch them in the act. Did they want me to join or did they want to make me jealous?
I couldn’t blame Lucian. I would have happily fucked Jay the exact same way given half the opportunity.
“Make me cum,” Cindy begged him. I saw her hand snake down between her legs. She was obviously going for her pussy, probably rubbing her little clit. If she was a sexier, more erotic woman she would have been able to cum from nipple sucking alone.
Or was I just being bitchy?
My panties were restricting the motions of my hand and at the same time my amrita was flowing out of my tunnel, soaking my fingers and by extension, my panties.
While she played with herself and I played with myself, Lucian grabbed her hips, holding her in place above him and started thrusting upward into her, bouncing his ass off the bed. It was semi-ridiculous and incredibly hot.
It was Cindy who gave out first. I couldn’t see her face because she was facing away from me, but I saw her body go rigid and she made little sounds that gave her orgasm away. That was all Lucian needed to join her. He grunted and slammed up into her one last time, staying buried deep in her until she slumped forward onto him.
It was sexy and beautiful and all too much for me. The orgasm washed over me and I crumpled to the floor, sliding down along the doorjamb until I was a puddle.
My orgasm wasn’t quiet. Or maybe Lou and Cindy heard me slide down the door jamb or saw the motion. They both looked over at me.
“Where have you been?” Lucian asked accusingly.
“Watching you two,” I moaned.
“You’re home late from work,” he pointed out.
“You’re early,” I replied.
“Cindy and I wanted some…uh…”
It was one thing to have sex with another woman in front of me, but it was another entirely to sort of half sneak around behind my back and have sex with Cindy. But then again I had also told my husband I wanted to fuck Jay, and then I went ahead and fucked Jay but even after that I would have happily jumped in bed with him whether or not Lou was there to chaperone. Or participate.
“You wanted to fuck Cindy behind my back,” I teasingly accused.
They both looked shamed at my accusation, so obviously it was correct. It was the sneaking around that they liked.
I could understand that.
Cindy was the first to recover. “He also wanted to taste my milk.”
“Did you want all of her milk?” I demanded of Lucian.
I loved the guilty look on his face. “Well, yeah, I mean, I wasn’t going to stop.”
Forcing myself to my feet, I slowly approached the bed while I shed my clothes. It wasn’t the smooth undressing of a stripper or sex artist, but I got down to my bra and panties right quick.
“Do you have any milk left, Cindy?”
At first she looked at me in confusion. It took her a second, but then she knew what I wanted. Her hands went to her tits and felt them.
“I mean…probably…a little.”
I pushed in between her and Lucian. He let me. He wanted to watch this. He had just cum and he wanted to watch me nurse from Cindy. I wasn’t sure if that made me love him more or if I was just admiring his horniness.
My mouth found Cindy’s nipple right away. A few weeks ago this would have been crazy to consider, but now it seemed perfectly normal and it was something I wanted. I needed Cindy and Debra’s milk as much as I wanted to share mine with them. And Lucian.
And Jay!
Fuck but I wanted Jay in my bed every night so he could nurse on me all the time.
I indulged in a short fantasy of living the rest of my life in bed with Jay and him taking care of my every need, from nursing my tits to fucking me grandly.
But that wasn’t reality.
“How’d I get so lucky to have you as a wife?” Lucian asked, kissing me on the cheek as my jaws and mouth worked on Cindy’s breast. I let my hand wander down to her pussy. She opened her legs for me.
Her pussy was soaking. She lubricated easily—always the sign of a good woman in my opinion—and Lou’s cum was just starting to leak out of her. I liked that. She didn’t mind when I penetrated her with a pair of fingers. I think she liked it. She moaned a little as my fingers—not nearly as big as Lucian’s cock—filled her up.
“You don’t have to,” she said softly to me.
“I want to,” I mumbled around her soft flesh.
Behind me I felt and then heard Lucian jerking off. I didn’t blame him. What man wouldn’t want to see two beautiful women having sex, especially if one of them was his wife and the other was his lover who he had just fucked?
I half expected Lucian to move around the bed and take up Cindy’s other breast so we could both nurse on her together; truly a beautiful moment of couple bonding.
He didn’t.
Instead he pressed in against me. At first I appreciated the cuddling. Then I felt his hard cock pressing against the back of my legs. Initially I was impressed that he had gotten reasonably hard after fucking Cindy just minutes before, but he was really turned on by the idea of two women sharing breast milk and getting to watch them.
Then I realized he wasn’t just giving me a gentle embrace while watching his favorite show up close and personal. He wanted to fuck me.
“Open up your legs,” he whispered in my ear, “so I can fuck you.”
I used to get other whispers of affection from Lucian. Now I got whispers telling me what to do during sex.
I sort of liked that change in our relationship.
I opened up my legs and arched my back while continuing to nurse from Cindy.
She saw what was happening and smiled down at me.
“Do you like this?” she asked me.
I looked up into her eyes and nodded.
“Me too,” she said softly and stroked my hair as she continued to let me suck the essence out of her tits.
Her milk gave out quickly in her first breast and I switched to the second. Right as I was losing the sweetness, my lust had risen enough that Lucian was able to make me cum a second time.
Even after I came and Cindy didn’t have any more milk to give I kept sucking on her nipples. She liked it. Maybe even loved it. But I was doing it for Lou, because I loved him and he loved watching me play with other women.
I loved it when he came in my pussy.