For some reason neither Cindy nor Debra wanted to move into my house, living in one of the twins’ rooms, even with the extra enticement of easy access to sex with Jay.
“I’m an adult,” was Debra’s reply.
“I think opening a house of ill-repute in the middle of suburbia isn’t your best idea,” said Cindy.
“More of Jay’s cock for me,” I told the both of them.
Cindy was only mildly interested in that. Debra seemed miffed. I knew they had more history than what she had told me. I sort of wanted to know and not know at the same time.
“What I really need is for a woman to move in with Lou and me so there’s a more steady supply of milk in the house.”
I was sitting in the kitchen with Cindy and Debra. They were both giving me seriously doubtful looks.
“You got lucky twice,” said Debra. “With me and with Cindy. What are the chances that there’s another woman out there who wants to engage in kinky lactation? Not just with whoever her primary partner is but also with you…and me…and Cindy…and Lou…and Jay?”
“Sounds ideal to me,” I said dreamily.
“You’re not being realistic,” Cindy countered. “Debra’s right. I mean, you can put out a personal ad on AFF or some kink site, but how many women out there want to drop everything in their lives just to produce a little breast milk to satiate your milk fetish.”
I frowned. “Not enough, obviously.”
Debra agreed. “Yeah. I mean, this is fun, but I don’t think I ever would have done it on my own if you hadn’t seduced me into it.”
“Hey!” I protested.
She held up a calming hand. “I take full responsibility for letting you seduce me. But I’m into kinky things and I wanted to try this out. It’s fun, but I don’t imagine I’ll be doing it for the rest of my life. And you want a milk slave to live in your basement.”
“Well, I wouldn’t go that far…”
“But you wouldn’t turn it down either, would you?”
“No. Of course not.”
“I think you need to focus on being happy with the kinky life that you’ve created,” said Cindy.
I shrugged. “Yeah. I didn’t know I was bi and I didn’t realize that Lucian would be so happy to let me have sex with the two of you and with another man.”
“You’re truly living the life few get to experience. Enjoy it,” said Debra.
With a sigh I nodded my head. “Yeah, okay.”
“Wanna take off our shirts, suck on tits, drink milk, and have sex in your bed until your husband gets home?” suggested Cindy.
“Or Jay,” Debra quickly added.
“You are still sweet on him,” I observed.
“Well you got to fuck him yesterday,” she cried.
“And this morning,” I added with a blush.
“Shit! It’s been years since I fucked him. I want that again!”
“He’s more than willing,” I said suggestively. “He loved sucking my tits. And he loved my milk. And his cock was…” I trailed off dreamily.
“Was what?” Cindy prompted me.
“Was like getting heaven shoved up my pussy,” I finished inartfully.
“I want to try that,” said Cindy.
“Feel free,” I offered, like I had any say in the matter.
“Hey!” Debra protested. “You just can’t give him away like that.”
I snickered at her. “You’re just upset that Cindy’s going to get to fuck him before you.”
“Not a chance.”
“How about we make a little contest out of it?” I suggested. “Girl who can produce the most milk right now gets to fuck Jay next.”
“How are we going to measure that?” Cindy said skeptically.
“I have a breast pump that works…”
What followed was a bit of a scramble. I went into the basement and managed to find my old breast pump. I had no idea why I had saved it for so long; it was probably because my mother was too much of an influence on me; she never threw anything out.
When I got back upstairs I caught Debra coming back in from outside. I gave her a quizzical look and then noticed she was carrying a familiar object in her hands.
“Why do you have a breast pump?” I asked.
“Why do you think?” she asked me back. “I’m serious about getting my milk flowing.”
I shook my head. “Drugs and sex and breast pumps,” I said. “How fucked up are our lives?”
We cleaned the pumps and got to work. I used my pump to start draining my boobs. Debra got hers going as well while Cindy had to wait her turn.
“Why did you have your breast pump in your car?” I asked Debra.
“I’ve been pumping at work,” she said.
I goggled at her. “When?”
“I don’t spend the whole day with you,” she pointed out. “I get breaks.”
I shrugged. I wasn’t particularly worried about her making more milk than me, but I was impressed with how aggressively she was pursuing this goal.
But when I looked at how much milk she was producing from her tits, I started to worry. They were much smaller than mine, but her milk was flowing as freely as mine. I started to think that the competition I had created wasn’t a great idea.
Cindy’s eyes were darting back and forth between us.
“This isn’t exactly a pulse-pounding sort of competition,” she observed.
“Yeah, I get that,” I replied. “Normally it takes me about twenty minutes to completely empty. What about you?” I asked Debra.
“Shit,” she cursed.
“About ten.”
Our pace was about the same, but I had the endurance. I grinned.
“I like my odds.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said glumly.
We continued to pump. Cindy got us all glasses of wine.
After about ten minutes, as promised, Debra’s steady streams that had been filling the collection bottles in time with the pumping, suddenly gave out. She kept on for another minute but the few drops she was getting was a waste of time.
Finally giving up, Debra handed her bottles over to Cindy who combined them for a showing of sixty milliliters. I was still going strong.
Setting aside Debra’s bottles, Cindy started using Debra’s pump. It was interesting to see her put her nipples into the collection cones and then the pump drew her soft flesh forward, distending the nipple. It only took a few pulls before milk started to issue forth. The truly fascinating part was seeing how easily she was milked with her nipple rings in.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” I asked her. “The rings and all.”
“It did a little at first when I started pumping, but now I’m used to it. I sort of like it.”
“You should get yours pierced,” Debra said to me.
I shook my head. “Not a chance. I’m not losing my milk now.”
Though Cindy’s tits were bigger I judged that she was producing a lot less milk and either Debra or me. We drank our wine and watched the pumps work and chatted about nothing.
When my tits finally gave out we measured what I had produced. I had just under a hundred and fifty milliliters.
“Don’t even bother comparing,” said Cindy. “I’ve got maybe fifty here.”
“Well, now we know who the real woman is.”
“Yeah, great,” said Debra glumly. “You’re the big boobed udder champion of the world. But mine are smaller than Cindy’s and I made more than her!”
I wanted to be smug and superior, but making this a competition didn’t have the desired outcome I had wanted.
Looking at the bottles of milk, I frowned. “Well, that was a waste of good milk. We can’t even enjoy it now.”
“We can save it for later,” suggested Cindy. “Just put it in the fridge.”
I tried not to roll my eyes. “Geez, it’ll be like just after I had the twins and I was pumping all the time.”
Still, it seemed like a waste to just dump our milk down the drain. We lined up our bottles in the refrigerator left to right, highest to lowest amounts. We had all been walking around topless because sometimes bras are just a pain in the tits.
“When’s Lou going to get home?” Cindy asked.
“Why?” I replied, giving her some side-eye.
“Because pumping turns me on and I want to have sex now.”
“With my husband?”
“With him. With you. With Jay if he ever shows up,” said Cindy. “Hell, I’ll even fuck Debra here,” she teased.
“Very fucking funny,” complained Debra. “See if I suck on your tits ever again.”
“I think that Lou would love to find the three of us together in bed,” I suggested.
“What about Jay?”
“I have no idea when he’ll be back.” I turned to Debra. “Do you?”
“No. But let’s put a note on his door and tell him to come upstairs to fuck us when he gets home.”
“You don’t think Lou will be jealous?”
“I’m okay with him being jealous.”
Maybe it was a combination of the wine, using the pumps, and being half-naked with my friends and lovers, but all of this sounded delightful to me. And to them as well.
We all went to the bedroom. They started stripping off their clothes when a thought occurred to me. I was the dominant one in our little trio. I needed something to show that. Shadowpaw had quickly exited the bedroom when the three of us walked in. He liked to sleep on my bed when it was empty, but refused to share with even one person. Three would be well beyond his limits.
“Wait a second, girls,” I said, heading to the closet as they got on the bed. They hadn’t stripped naked, but both were down to just their panties, but we knew where this was going.
“Getting some sex toys out?” Cindy asked.
“Not exactly,” I said, heading way into the back, looking for the plastic tote where I stored away unused items. Unlike my mother I didn’t just horde everything; I knew where I kept it all.
Debra and Cindy were nonplussed when I returned from the closet.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” said Debra.
“I don’t think so,” said Cindy.
“My house, my milk, my rules,” I said. “Besides, I think Lou will find it incredibly hot if you two wear these.”
Debra was interested. “I’m not into bondage or S&M.”
“This is more like costuming,” I said.
“Those are collars and leashes,” Cindy pointed out. “That’s not exactly costuming.”
Debra put out her hand. “I’ll wear one. Do you really think that Lou will find it hot?”
“He liked it when I wore these for him.”
Cindy’s eyes bulged. “You wore these?”
“Yeah. A few years back. We were looking to keep things fun in the bedroom but collars and leashes weren’t really for us.”
“But you kept them.”
“I save everything.”
“I’m not a dog,” said Cindy flatly as Debra took one collar from my hand and looped it around her neck. She had to pull her hair out of the way but then had trouble buckling it because she couldn’t see what she was doing.
I tossed the leashes and the other collar on the bed so I could help Debra. It was a fairly simple collar nothing fancy because Lucian and I weren’t sure how much we wanted to invest in sex gear without knowing if we actually liked it.
Debra stood still while I buckled it in place. When it was on, I stepped back and admired her.
“You’re pretty.”
She touched the collar and blushed. “You think so?”
Grabbing one of the leashes off the bed I snapped it on the D-ring at the front of the collar. I saw her jump at the sound, but then smiled wildly. “I feel naughty.”
“Good. That’s how it’s supposed to make you feel.”
“You look ridiculous,” said Cindy, sourly.
“You look hot,” I contradicted her. “I should make you two wear collars and leashes while milking you. Get a pump set up so I can watch and Lou can fuck you.”
Unable to control herself, Debra gave me a kiss and pulled me to the bed. “I want you to fuck me right here and right now.”
I still had my pants on, but Debra made short work of them, leaving them in a crumpled pile on the floor. I scooted back on the bed, spreading my legs wide for her to go after my pussy. I held the leash, pulling her in so she could eat me out.
Cindy was watching us. “You look ridiculous.”
“So does everyone during sex,” I said and then moaned deeply when Debra sucked my clit into her mouth.
I let Debra go at me for a minute. All I could do was hold her leash and focus on the lovely things she was doing to my pussy.
I didn’t want to cum, but I couldn’t help it. I might have purposely rubbed my pussy in her face. Call it marking my territory or literally rubbing her face in it.
Debra didn’t seem to mind. She laughed a little when I came down from my orgasmic bliss.
“Geez you two, get a room,” Cindy said sarcastically.
“Don’t you want to join us?” asked Debra, having no shame. She licked her lips and then wiped her face with the back of her hand. “I don’t mind going down on you too.”
Cindy hesitated, and then started toward the bed, but I quickly dropped Debra’s leash and picked up the other collar I had left on the bed. “You need to wear the collar if you want to get on the bed and have sex with us.”
That stopped Cindy cold in her tracks. “Why?”
I shrugged. “My house. My bed. My rules.” I lifted up my tits to show them off to her. “And we’ve proven that I have the most milk so you have to do what I say.”
“That’s ridiculous and stupid,” she complained. I could see she was torn. She wanted to do it, but something was holding her back from wearing the collar. It was sort of charming.
“My rules,” I repeated.
“Come on,” Debra pleaded with her and fingered her own collar. “It’s kinda fun. Don’t tell me that you have to be the dominant one. Being submissive is more fun anyway.”
“I’m not into collars and bondage and all that,” she said, trying to avoid my rules.
“It’s just dress up,” Debra pointed out.
“Wear it and I’ll make you cum so hard,” I promised her.
“We’ll both make you cum hard,” Debra chimed in.
I relented just a little. She was still going to wear the collar, but I was going to give her a little leeway. “You can just wear the collar, you don’t have to have the leash.”
“But I’m going to wear both,” interjected Debra a little too quickly.
“Is there something else?” I asked Cindy, trying a bit of kindness.
She frowned and grimaced, but she refused to look away from the collar in my hand.
“A while back I dated a guy…he choked me during sex.”
The temperature in the room dropped to freezing. It became deathly silent.
“I hope you kicked his ass out of bed when he did that,” said Debra softly.
“You don’t have to wear it,” I said, pulling back my hand.
“He did it a bunch of times, even after I told him to stop.”
“You didn’t get rid of his ass right away?” Debra exclaimed.
“I was young and stupid. I ended it. Eventually.”
Much to my surprise she reached forward and snatched the collar out of my hand.
Without saying a word Cindy struggled to get the collar around her neck and buckle it into place.
“What are you doing?” I blurted out.
“Asshole Gene isn’t going to get to tell me what I can and can’t do in bed ten years after I got rid of him.”
We watched her struggle for a moment with the collar and then Debra took action, going to her friend and helping her put the collar on.
I watched the two of them. I knew the significance of wearing a collar for sex, but they weren’t my slaves. They were my friends and lovers.
But they did look fucking hot wearing the matching collars.
Cindy looked nervous and worried when Debra finally got it settled in place, not too tight, but wearing it as decoration.
I went up to her and gave her a kiss which she happily returned.
Hooking my forefinger through the D-ring I said, “Why don’t you come to my bed and I’ll make you forget all about what’s his name.” Cindy didn’t resist at all when I pulled her to the bed.
“Can I help?” asked an eager Debra.
“I’ve already forgotten his name,” said Cindy as we kissed again. My hands went to her tits. They were smaller and softer than I remembered, probably because they were empty of milk.
The three of us were just starting to get busy—I was sucking on Cindy’s tits and Debra was between her legs, eating her pussy—when we were interrupted.
“This is exactly the scene a man wants to see when he gets home from work.”
I let Cindy’s nipple slip out of my mouth. “Hello, Lou. You’re a little late to be joining the fun.”