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A Better LA, 173, 200–201, 216


power of, 25, 201

self-talk, 111–14

vision for self, creating, 184–88

Albaugh, Glen, 19, 23, 54

Ali, Muhammad, 26

Allmond, Marcell, 173

Always Compete

competitive player, example of, 86–88

elements of, 84–89

as foundation of Win Forever, 82, 84–85

paying price for, 88–89

Win Forever pyramid, 79

“Always Compete” (Carroll), 212–14, 225

Always Protect the Team

elements of, 189–90

example of, 110–11

Win Forever pyramid, 79, 81

Attentiveness. See Focus

Bark, Andy, 201–2

Barry, Rick, 13, 208–10

Bartner, Art, 153

Basheer, Aquil, 200

Baxter, Dillon, 211–12

“Beaver of the Week” award, 42–44

Biletnikoff Award, 65

Bledsoe, Drew, 34, 60–64, 67

Booty, John David, 135, 194–95

Brown, Troy, 60

Bruce, Earle, 26

Brunell, Mark, 68

Bruschi, Tedy, 60

Bush, Reggie, 155, 157–58, 162–63, 170, 179

Byrd, Dominique, 155

Caddas, Chester, 14, 17–18, 21–22, 25

Carroll, Brennan, 73, 122–23, 163

Carroll, Glena, 4, 25, 52, 88

Carroll, Jaime, 201

Carroll, Jim, 11

Carroll, Nate, 113, 195–96

Carroll, Pete

“Always Compete” by, 212–14, 225

“Beaver of the Week” award, 42–44

coaching career, development of, 18–29

coach mentors of, 12, 14, 17–18, 25–29, 53–56

early awards, 14

firings, 1, 47–49, 71–72, 99

with 49ers, 51–57

methods, negative reactions to, 41–42, 47

with Minnesota Vikings, 39, 42–43, 125–26, 130–31

with New England Patriots, 56–72

with New York Jets, 39–49

NFL, departure from, 72–73

NFL, tenure with, 30–73

NFL to college transition, 99–100

as NFL Youth Football spokesperson, 72

philosophy of. See Win Forever

with Seattle Seahawks, 3–4, 217–18

sports heroes of, 13

sports participation, development of, 9–18

sports psychology, early exposure to, 19–25

with University of Southern California, 2, 96–115

Win Forever program. See Win Forever

Carter, Brian, 180

Chicago Bears, 224

Clay, Willie, 67

Coaches and coaching, 116–26

availability for players, 134–35

coach as teacher, 127–37

disagreeing, example of, 135–37

expectation for players, setting, 178

and great practice sessions, 90–92

having fun, examples of, 167–76

hiring coaches, 118–19

individual differences among, 117–18, 122

interviewing for position, preparing for, 97

leadership development, 119–20, 127

leaving team, 122–26

mentors for Carroll, 12, 14, 17–18, 25–29, 53–56

negative communication, avoiding, 132–33

observing/learning about players, 128–32

peer critiques of, 121

“players’ coach,” Carroll as, 134–35

preparing for practice, 120–22

recruiting players, 161–66

Win Forever applied to, 116–26

College of Marin, 14


negative communication, avoiding, 132–33

strong language, use of, 133


always compete concept. See Always Compete

defined, 85

as foundation of action, 84

and moving on, 124–26

during practice sessions, 141–44, 146–47, 151

talking down opponent fallacy, 85–86

Competition Tuesday, 146–47, 168


and great teams, 177–78

and practice, 82–83

and Win Forever, 4–5, 82–83

Contingency planning, 55–56, 158

Cope, Bob, 25, 97

Cosby, Quan, 180

Coslet, Bruce, 40

Crawford, Vernon, 36–37

Danelo, Mario, 193–95

Diamond B, 12

Disciplining players, talking versus, 66–67


negative impact of, 31

overcoming. See Focus

Dorrance, Anson, 142

Doubt, in Inner Game concept, 30–31

Elway, John, 51

Emotions, player’s control of, 174–75

Esalen Institute, 23

Family Night, 148

Fear, performing in absence of, 82–83, 177–82

expectation for players, setting, 178

performance, impact of fear on, 177

power of, 177–78

Ferrell, Will, 172–73

Fletcher, Sandy, 143


as altered state of consciousness, 32

competitive, 87–88

elements of, 82–83

in Inner Game concept, 31–33

Win Forever pyramid, 79

49ers, Carroll as coach, 50–57

Franklin, Jethro, 146, 168

Gallwey, Tim, Inner Game concept, 21, 30–38

Garcia, Jerry, 183

Garrett, Mike, 13, 96, 98–99

Glenn, Terry, 33, 63, 65–66

Grant, Bud, 26–27, 39, 129–31, 137

Gross, Daryl, 98–99, 113

Hasselbeck, Matt, 220, 222

Heisman Trophy, 3, 96, 112, 135, 150, 157, 162–63

Hess, Leon, 41–42, 47–48

Hierarchy of needs theory, 19–21

self-actualization, 19–21

See also Peak performance

Hitchcock, Jimmy, 64–65

Holtz, Lou, 25–26, 37, 88

Ingram, Mark, 46

Inner Game, The (Gallwey), 21

Inner Game concept, 30–38

doubt, physical manifestations of, 30–31

focus versus distraction in, 31–33

football as illustration of, 32–38

overtightening, 30–31

preparing for game, methods used, 34–36

quieted mind in, 21, 38

Jackson, Mark, 191

Jackson, Phil, 65

Jarrett, Dwayne, 156, 179

Jefferson, Shawn, 62–63

Johnson, Keyshawn, 159

Johnson, Stafon, 190, 195

Johnson, Ted, 60

Kalil, Ryan, 158

Kelly, Jim, 44

Kiffin, Lane, 117–18, 157, 163

Kiffin, Monte, 26–29, 73, 88, 118, 125, 169–70

“Knowing” You’re Going to Win, Win Forever pyramid, 79, 83

Kotite, Rich, 48

Kraft, Robert, 58, 68, 71

Leadership, and coaches, 119–20, 127

“Lean on Me,” 170–72, 191

Leinart, Matt, 113, 135–37, 154–58, 173, 179

Leiweke, Tod, 3–4, 217

Levy, Marv, 44–45, 78

Locker-room, mock, 154

Long Body, 186–87

Losing, and Win Forever approach, 178–82, 207

Lott, Ronnie, 86

Lynch, Marshawn, 223

McGinest, Willie, 33, 60

McKay, John, 202

McPherson, Bill, 54

Marino, Dan, 46

Martin, Curtis, 33, 60

Maslow, Abraham, 19–21, 30, 84, 186

Mattis, James, 203

Mays, Willie, 13

Millard, Keith, 169–70

Milloy, Lawyer, 34, 60

Minnesota Vikings, Carroll as defensive coach, 39, 42–43, 125–26, 130–31

Monday Night Football, 134, 146

Morton, John, 131

Murphy, Michael, 23

Namath, Joe, 26

National Football League (NFL)

Carroll returns to, 4–5, 219

Carroll’s departure, 72–73

Carroll’s early years, 30–38

Carroll’s tenure with, 30–73

NFL Youth Football, 72

National Signing Day, 165

New England Patriots, Carroll fired, 1, 71–72

New Orleans Saints, 221–23

New York Jets

Carroll as coach, 39–49

Carroll fired, 47–49

NFC West division, 221, 224

No Repeat Thursday, 148–49

Norton, Ken, Jr., 146

Notre Dame, USC game (2005), 154–58

Observation, learning your learners, 128–32

Olson, Jake, 191–93

Open-practice sessions

positive impact of, 152–54, 158–60

secrecy, maintaining, 159–60

Orange Bowl, 3

Organization, Be Early rule, 114–15

Orgeron, Ed, 163

Overtightening, in Inner Game concept, 30–31

Pacific 10 Conference Champions, 3

Pacific Institute, 25, 200

Palmer, Carson, 3, 104–5, 111–12, 135–37, 143

Parcells, Bill, 67

Peak performance

and being in “the zone,” 35

group as single consciousness, 186–88

preparing for game, methods used, 34–36

theory of, 20

Pep rallies, 150

Polamalu, Troy, 104, 143–44

Porter, Tracy, 223

Practice Is Everything

competition during sessions, 141–44, 146–47, 151

connecting with players, 140

daily routine, creating, 144–50

elements of, 82–83

execution, reviewing, 148–49

on-field techniques, 141–43

great practice, example of, 90–92

level of intensity, 140–43

mock locker-room, 154

open-practices, 152–54, 158–60

pep rallies, 150

perfecting performance, 149

spring practice meeting, 107–9

team meetings, 139–40, 145–46, 149–50

turnovers, 147–48

USC/Notre Dame (2005) example, 154–58

Win Forever pyramid, 79–83

Pyramid, Win Forever, 79–83

Quieted mind

defined, 21

requirements for, 38

Quinn, Brady, 155

Qwest Field, 221, 222, 223

Recruitment, 161–66

family of player in, 165

National Signing Day, 165

player as contributor, communication of, 162–63

Reaser, Reynaldo, 200

Reed, Andre, 44

Review Friday, 149–50

Rhodes, Ray, 51, 52

Rice, Jerry, 67, 86–88

Richard, Kris, 107

Robinson, Gary, 200

Robinson, Greg, 43

Roll, W. G., 186–87

Rooftop prank, 169–71

Ruel, Pat, 146, 168

Rules, 109–15

Be Early, 114–15

positive self-talk, example of, 111–14

protecting team, example of, 110–11

Win Forever pyramid, 79, 81

Ruth, Babe, 69

Sacred Hoops (Jackson), 65

Saint Louis Rams, 221

San Francisco 49ers, 50–57, 221

Sarkisian, Steve, 157

Sayers, Gale, 13

Scales, Robert, 205

Schneider, John, 217, 224

Seattle Seahawks, Carroll as coach, 3–4, 217–18, 219–25

fans. See the 12th Man

Seifert, George, 51–59

Self-actualization, theory of, 19–21

Self-fulfilling prophesy, 64–65

Self-talk, 111–14

negative, impact of, 112–13

power of, 111

USC, application to, 111–14

Seto, Rocky, 117

17 Power play, 223

Shanahan, Mike, 50, 52

Shanle, Scott, 223

Small Unit Excellence Conference, 202–3

Smith, Alex, 163

Smith, Bruce, 44

Smith, Homer, 14

Smith, Steve, 157

Socratic method, in preparing for game, 34–35

Song Girls, 150

Steinberg, Dick, 40, 46–47

Student Sports, 201–2

Style elements, Win Forever pyramid, 79, 81

Tatupu, Lofa, 220

Taylor, Bo, 200

Teachers, coaches as, 127–37

Team meetings

activities during, 139–40, 145–46, 149–50

Socratic method, use of, 34–35

Tell the Truth Monday, 145

Tice, Lou, 25, 200, 208

Toward a Psychology of Being (Maslow), 19

Tragedy, inspiration in, 190–95

Tribal-Mind-Body, 186–88

Troppmann, Bob, 12

Tug of war exercise, 104–5

Turnover Wednesday, 147–48

12th Man, the, 219, 222, 223, 224

Uberstine, Gary, 95

University of Southern California

awards/titles, winning, 3, 96

Carroll after tenure with, 215–18

Carroll as coach, 2, 96–115

Carroll’s interview for, 97–99

fun and pranks, 170–76

“lean on me” motto, 170–71

losing, response to, 179–82

Notre Dame game (2005), 154–58

practice is everything, 107–9, 139–51

press conference, Carroll’s first, 100

recruiting players, 161–66

Rules, 109–15

team building, 104–6

Win Forever and success, 3, 109–15

University of the Pacific, 14–17, 23–26, 54

Valvano, Coach, 96–98

Vermeil, Dick, 202

Vision for self

creating, 184–88

group as single consciousness, 186–88

staying in touch with, 208–10

Walsh, Bill, 53–57, 59, 158

Ward, Cornell, 200

Weis, Charlie, 154

White, LenDale, 170, 179–80

Whitehurst, Charlie, 221

Wiggin, Paul, 42–43

Williams, Mike, 220

Williamson, Carlton, 87

Win Forever, 78–83, 219–25

Always Compete, 79–82, 84–89

beyond the game, examples of, 199–206

Carroll’s development of, 1–2, 77–83

coaches, application to, 116–26

and confidence, 4–5, 82–83

contingency planning, 55–56

discovery process, 1–2

fear, performing in absence of, 82–83, 177–82

foundation/belief system, 2, 79, 81

Inner Game concept, 30–38

inspiration from tragedy, 190–95

interview for coach, application to, 97–99

“Knowing” You’re Going to Win, 79, 83

and losing, 178–82, 207

Practice Is Everything, 79, 82–83, 90–92, 138–51

psychological theories influencing, 19–25

Pyramid, 79–83

Rules, 79, 81, 109–15

self-talk, positive, 111–14

style elements, 79, 81

as USC formula for success, 3, 109–15

vision for self, creating, 184–88, 208–10

Wooden, influence of, 1–3, 77–78

Withers, Bill, 171–72

Wooden, John, 102, 111

influence on Carroll, 1–3, 77–78

philosophy of, 78

Young, Steve, 67, 86

Young, Vince, 179–81

Zolak, Scott, 62, 67

The zone

in athletics, 23

and peak experiences, 34

preparing for game, methods used, 34–36